Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1527 Change the land for salary (second more)

The sergeant was carried away, but the sideburns on both sides were wet before it rained.

"Brother Yi!" Li Longji took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"Third brother, don't worry, I'm publishing a military newspaper specifically for the soldiers at the border.

In addition, teach students who did not pass the exam this year that they have something to do and tell them in advance about the imperial examination questions next year.

It is required to write frontier fortress poems and compose frontier fortress songs, which poem and song they like to sing by the soldiers at the border.

In the imperial examination, one poem would be worthy of one wrong question, and one song would be worthy of two wrong questions.

If someone answers all of the imperial examination questions, extra poems and songs will get extra points. "

Li Yi knew what Li Longji was going to say, so he gave the solution directly, and looked at Guo Ziyi by the way.

Guo Ziyi's martial arts exercises are different. See how high their status is?

Others take liberal arts and martial arts, even if they are first in the first place, they still learn first, and then start from the seventh rank official.

In the history of Guo Ziyi, the sixth rank long history started, and now it is still long history. Guan Yulin flies and rides, the highest is long history.

The officials looked at each other, speechless.

They thought that if your Majesty called Brother Yi, Li Yi would tell the number of things he gave.

As a result, Li Yi didn't mention it at all, but said something else.

It means that Li Yi doesn't need to worry about the quantity, people consider it from the overall situation.

The gap has appeared again, just like that, still beating people with Wanminshu?

"Good!" Li Longji was satisfied.

He actually didn't know what he was going to do, he just wanted to do something, so it is better to ask Yi brother directly.

Wang Damu was excited again, and he took part in a major event again.

After all, he will finish eating the noodles. He drank the last sip of the soup, walked out under the arrangement of others, wrapped his clothes and went home to wash.

When he walked to the door of the tent, he slowly turned his head back, and the Zaifu's expressions suddenly became wary.

"Lord Li, I'm leaving." Wang Damu left a sentence and went out.

"Goodbye!" Li Yi responded.

"Hey~~!" The four Zaifu exhaled at the same time, and finally no longer need to hear the three words of Wanminshu, so happy.

"The soldiers at the border are bitter! No battle can be great, it is difficult to make military merits."

Li Chengqi picked up the teapot to add water to the soup pot, and the tumbling soup instantly subsided.

"Holding is a military merit, only because the merchant can't give the land." Li Yi never thought that killing an enemy was regarded as meritorious.

The responsibilities are different, and the people who defend the city will protect the city without losing it.

The quartermaster delivered the baggage to the place within the stipulated time, and they both made meritorious service.

Song Jing stared at the non-boiling soup: "If you don't give the border land,! When can you open it?"

He habitually wants to criticize Li Yi, and changes his tune in time at critical moments, fearing that he will be turned back again.

"We still use them to guard the soil. They are used to the life of a place, especially the Zhechong Mansion Army of Hexi Jiedushi and Longyou Jiedushi.

If they don't give them land, they will farm land for others, and they are only responsible for serving as soldiers and receiving salaries.

After meritorious service, the medals are given with merits, and the more the medals will increase the salary, and the first-level first-level will increase.

For example, increase the first-level salary by five more per month, pay monthly.

Only in this way can the problem of unrewarded and unqualified soldiers for meritorious service in the Qin Dynasty be eliminated.

What do you say, Lao Bi? "

Li Yi talked about his method and asked Bi Gou.

Bi thought about it; "The court has no money for rewards with land. Since the finances are abundant, the money is real."

Song Jing sat back, hung up, and almost spoke out. Later, when he talks about Li Yi, he has to think twice.

Su Ting's eyes lit up: "According to this, Zhechong Mansion can train more in the future to reclaim their land?"

"For the cows, some of them take turns raising cows, while others patrol and train.

Used as a local security officer, but not subject to local restraint.

Attempt to separate the military from the administration, and first choose the Jiedu in Hexi and Jiedu in Longyou as pilots. "

Li Yi opposed the repossession of the previous land, and wanted to regain the land belongs to the next phase of the policy.

"Raising cattle? Why?" Su Ting didn't want to understand.

"Feed the grass." Li Yi joked.

"You have to drink water, right?" Su Ting squinted at Li Yi.

"If there is no field, they are uneasy. The currency will depreciate. If there is more food, the value will depreciate. You don't need to sell the food. If you eat it yourself, can you hold more food in your stomach?"

Li Yi was unwilling to answer these simple questions. He had food in his hand, so he didn't panic in his heart.

The soldiers in Zhechong Mansion have family members, so they took the land away. What are the family members doing in the back? Have to reschedule.

The soldiers in front must be worried, the salary was not sent to the family on time, and the parents, wives, and children in the family were hungry.

If the enemy makes another rumor, how can there be morale?

Zhang Jiuling got up to the door of the tent and looked at the rain outside: "Gold and soft, what kind of thing does the military report write about?"

"Your Majesty and Zaifu will move to meet the disabled soldiers and give gifts to the families of the sacrificed martyrs.

Propagating the spirit of preserving the family for the country, the people of Datang's gratitude to the soldiers, the military and the people's love of fish and water.

To make soldiers feel that they are Sacred's, it is dedication and sacrifice.

Then send civilian officials to different borders, come back and print them in newspapers, and send newspapers to the front lines, and the soldiers will see them. "

As for how to promote, Li Yi is good at copying!

At that time, there were too many things of this kind. He knew it was necessary for propaganda, but he was still touched when he looked at it, because it was all true.

Song Jing hesitated again and again: "The bonus items for imperial examinations are too simple, right?"

"Allow them to pass the exams, assign them to places, and no one can blame them for bullying again.

If they are assigned to a remote and poor place and are unwilling to go, they will be directly removed from the official position and will never be hired. "

Li Yi's voice was calm, and his words were harsh.

The punishment is the same as for those who joined the army at that time and were unwilling to live the life of the army and had to leave.

No, Datang is stricter than that. Datang chooses a place for Zhechong Mansion. It doesn't ask for personal opinions, saying that you are all soldiers here, you are just, if you want not to do it, cut your head.

This is not the case for officials. The officials have been appointed officials, and they refuse to take office. They can still coordinate. Wait a while and see if changing to another will work.

Others go to be officials and do not do their jobs properly.

For example, in the history of Wang Wei, he had to go to monks and Taoists to play in the imperial examinations.

Song Jing was appointed as Zaifu, and had previously removed two officials from their official positions and became Taoist priests.

Wang Wei left his feelings, the official with real power went, replaced him with a vacant position, and continued to play with the monks and Taoists.

Li Yi didn't allow it. Your officials thought it would be fine if you didn't go? Local people and other officials took office to help improve Life.

You missed a month, maybe it happened to be spring plowing or autumn harvest. Who compensates the people for this critical time?

"This year many students failed the list, but the students who rented buildings on the banks of the river in Zhuangzi were admitted. There are fewer students in the first class, more students in the second class, and more other non-jinshi students."

Song Jing felt that he had not been stunned. Li Yi only talked about the way, and he mentioned the results of the imperial examinations during which Li Yi had left.

"I learned last night that candidates who did not pass the exam still want to enter the building. The Lijiazhuangzi is closed and only rented in the south of the city.

After next year, Chengnan will not be rented out. It will be the same every year, and hesitant students will miss opportunities every year. "

Li Yi laughed like a thief. The students in the first year looked bad, and they were all ranked first.

The second year seemed to be inferior to the first year's treatment, and it was all first-class.

In the third year, a large group of people were admitted, and the treatment was even worse.

fourth year……

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