The whole floor was filled with the scent of food, and the other women were not very happy eating.

They glanced at the table in the corner of the window from time to time, thinking about whether to go home and ask the own man to cook?

Think about it again, and give up again, it is estimated that you will be beaten.

"Li Lang, don't always cook for me in the future. Men from other families won't do it." Princess Yongmu didn't want to be called a shrew.

"A man cooks, and a man will do it when he owns it, and his wife is not around, and he has no money, so he has to do it himself." Li Yi thought of two people.

A Du Fu, Du Fu ate acorns and yams when he was fleeing, otherwise he was hungry. .

It is said that the cause of his death was that he had eaten an overly full meal and then he did not survive.

The other is Su Shi. When Su Shi was destitute, the party argued that he had the advantage to clean up others and hate him, and when others had the upper hand, he would clean up ruthlessly.

However, he was more tenacious, and he was constantly moved by political opponents, so that he could not adapt to the local climate and quickly died.

In history, Liu Youqiu hung up like this. He arranged this place for a while, and then tossed it to another place.

He was angry, tired from the journey, not used to the environment, and died.

No Su Shi, Su Shi is so awesome, he can make himself sick and write poems for fun.

When I was a broken official in Huangzhou, Hubei, I wrote, ‘Don’t listen to the sound of forest hitting the leaves...A misty rain and Ren Pingsheng...There is no wind, rain or sunshine. ’I have a cold. .

He also wrote Chibi Fu, reciting Nujiao’s ‘Going to the east of the great river to wash away the waves...’

Later, he was given a pole to Hainan Island, which was definitely not a good place in the Song Dynasty. He also wrote poetry there and opened a school.

He made Dongpo meat, gluttonous, there is no beef and mutton to eat, only pork.

Li Yi felt that Li Bai could also cook. Li Bai could not only write poems, but the place where he was born needed force to ensure his own safety.

Li Bai can wander on his own, holding a sword, and killing a rabbit or something.

"What if someone says!" Princess Yongmu didn't know Li Bai Du Fu, let alone the unborn Su Shi. .

"Listen to other people's words to change, and live for others? The concrete floor really needs to be splashed with water. After some time, you will burn your feet."

Li Yi saw some people walking barefoot, not even wearing straw sandals, and felt uncomfortable.

"Have you seen that person? Ask him why he doesn't wear shoes."

Li Yi thinks that where he is, everyone should have a better life.

The maid ran out whizzing, and when she went down the stairs, she held the handrail of the stairs with one hand and jumped directly, her hand sloshing down on the handrail.

Li Yi: "..."

He was full of memories. He used to play in the same way at school once. He slanted down more than ten meters and landed backwards. It was all right.

There is also a butt on it and slips down, anyway, you can do whatever you want.

The man was quickly overtaken and stood there talking to the maid.

The maid ran back, and the man waited in place.

"The proprietor, he said he has only one person. I just came to Chang'an yesterday and didn't find a job. I ate unpaid black bread slices in the shed and lived there at night." The maid gave the reason.

"I'll find him a job, and ask him if he can weave straw sandals? I won't arrange for him to learn it for a day and weave straw sandals.

Speaking of it, I thought of a set of straw sandals weaving tools, which are generally not required to be very beautiful. Straw sandals that can be worn for a few days can weave fifty or sixty pairs a day.

If it is compiled, I can't make a pair a day, so I draw a picture and put it in the newspaper. "

Li Yi heard that people have just arrived and haven't found a job. Let's make arrangements. You have sent someone to ask.

Straw shoes made of straw can be fast, and they will break if worn for a few days.

The maid next to her hurriedly looked for something, while the maid who had been standing by continued to write down the notebook.

Remember what Li Yi and Princess Yongmu said, today I saw a person without shoes, which made people ask and produced tools for weaving straw shoes.

After fetching things, Li Yi shook his finger on the drawing. The speed was fast and no scale was needed. Just mark the data.

"Take a place next to the labor union and ask them to make it. The distance is close. This is not worthy of the masters of Zhuangshang."

A set of tools for weaving straw sandals made by Li Yi has a simple structure and does not use hands to stroke the thread. It has a special small wooden buckle for threading.

Weaving straw into a rope is usually rubbing. The tool Li Yi gives is a direct stroke of a few strands of straw. The middle position is rotated by force, and the rope comes out from the top to the bottom.

Of course, this kind of rope is too strong to be stressed, and it is guaranteed to be broken.

The key is fast, skilled workers, weaving a hundred pairs of straw heels a day for fun.

"Li Lang, what do these guys do?" Princess Yong Mu asked, pointing to the fluted wood chip at one end of the different length.

"Long feet, shouldn't straw shoes fit other people's feet? How many times do you need a length of rope? Each time you should decrease and increase the amount. There is a formula, and the calculation is how many different shakes.

Originally one is enough. I'm afraid their brains won't work well, but they can't count it. Just make a bunch and shake it.

This is a wire harness, this is called a rotary rope knitting device, a wire hooking device, and a threading device that crosses up and down once.

Time is actually wasted on tidying up the grass. If it is really edited, the tools will be changed back and forth and kept at hand. "

Li Yi introduced the purpose of each tool. In order to pursue speed, it is as convenient as it can be.

"If it is assembly line operation, each person is only responsible for one step, is it faster?" Princess Yongmu instantly thought of the convenience of division of labor and cooperation.

"Yes!" Li Yi gave Princess Yongmu an approving look.

Xiaolan followed: "Organize people and work together."

Li Yi also gave Xiaolan an expression of approval, but said, "What do you do with so many straw shoes? I drew the tool drawings to give people a way of thinking.

It can be used to weave straw shoes, and other things can be weaved. We will soon have a large amount of rabbit meat and rabbit skin, and we will use rabbit skin to make shoes.

The sole of the shoe is a supplementary sole made of bamboo and wood chips and fine linen woven on top.

If you are on the way in Jingzhao Mansion, all-leather shoes with soft tops and soft soles are also fine, and you can take other roads.

The bottom of the felt is still good, rabbit hair can be used as felt, pig hair...pig hair is better for making brushes. "

"Weaving straw sandals doesn't make money, what's the use of it?" Xiaolan asked with a pouting mouth.

"I gave him the money, and he finished making up and placed it outside each workshop. Whoever happened to have a broken shoe, took a pair and left.

In many places in Datang, people in the villages will weave straw shoes to hang under the eaves or fences.

Especially in some places with many mountain roads, when walking between villages and preparing shoes, it is impossible for others to bring money with them, and the exchange is inconvenient, so they took them away.

When the people from this village went to other villages, their shoes broke, so they took a pair.

No one will take more, how tired holding it, you can make up yourself when you go home. "

Li Yi explained the customs of the Tang Dynasty to the people of the Tang Dynasty. Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan didn't even know.

Datang doesn't specialize in selling straw sandals at all. It sells other shoe shops. How can straw sandals count as money? Two pairs for one money?

If you sell straw mats, or other hemp shoes or leather shoes, a pair of straw sandals is fine.

Unless the grass used is different, and the weaving is dense and strong, if you want to sell it as a work of art, dream!

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