Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1545: Cao Cao, the small money for road repairs (first more)

Others don't understand that Li Yi starts from the doctor's point of view, but they understand that Li Yi really considers the people, even if he is blind.

They did not feel that they had spent the wrong money to build a recognizable road specially for the blind, but they were proud of it, because this was Chang'an.

Where can I cherish this aspiration after several times in the world?

The Tianshu on the ground in Luoyang fell, but the Tianshu in the hearts of the people of Datang got up.

The true faith never manifests in external objects, only in the heart.

"Xiao Yi, come here to eat, we can't make it." When everyone was thinking about the matter, someone was yelling from the upper floor diagonally opposite.

"It's Bi Zaifu!" Princess Yongmu saw it.

Bi Gou's location is actually the equipment storehouse of Yu Lin Feiqi, where Wen Tian Lan Xiang Pavilion put things, next to the sports center.

"Go, eat with them, they..." Li Yihao helplessly, a group of old men, what can he do?

Everyone moved, brought things, and brought them lunch. They promised that they would not bring their own meals.

A large group of people looked down on the top of the building through the railing, and some people temporarily set up a shed with tables and chairs in place, just waiting for the food.

"I have a meal with Wen Tian at my house, everyone knows that?" Li Yi found a place to sit down.

"You are flying in the sky, and Chang'an City is probably spread all over the place. What about your personal attention?" Bi Go asked for something while looking at the maid.

"The personal note is only for the emperor. You can't call it casually. If you want to fall into death? I don't have personal freedom anymore."

Li Yi motioned to the maid to give Bi Gou the note. Look, he is upright.

Bi Go waved his hand: "It's not the old man's turn to see, can the old man drink?"

He was greedy when he saw Li Yi holding a beer.

"Not working in the afternoon?" Li Yi motioned to Bi Go to stretch his arms, and he wanted to get his pulse.

Bi Gou rolled up his sleeves: "You don't need to work."

The others rolled up their sleeves one after another, and they happened to be together.

"I just thought of something, the court pays money, relax, small money, don't be nervous, the heart rate will rise instantly."

Li Yi shook his head, how did his status change when he mentioned money?

"How much is the small money?" Bi Gou stared at Li Yi closely. When Li Yi talked about money, he also used ten thousand as the unit.

"In the city of Chang'an, plus a circle around it, there is probably a thousand feet!"

Li Yi estimated that it would not cost much to find a craftsman.

"Qian Yu, did you ask the court to come out? You took it casually." Bi Gou exhaled, does Qian Yu count the money?

"The convenience project increases the people's sense of support for the court. I pay and the people support me.

You wine, drink three or two, and eat vegetables while drinking, no need to eat the staple food.

Ask someone to go back to the Zhuangzi greenhouse to dig radishes, dip them in sauce, and cut cucumber strips. You still drink the white bar, fifty degrees, two taels. "

Li Yi lifted up and walked, and the maid next to him handed him a wet towel, and he went to someone else's table.

"Okay, just drink white wine. There is no difference between people supporting you and supporting the court. What is the use of a thousand people from the court?"

Bi Gou looked at the green onions soaked in soy sauce, snapped his lips and approved.

"Blind road, the way for blind people to walk, blind people can find the direction without using the cane point."

Li Yi took out the stethoscope from his arms and listened to Song Jing.

Song Jing was nervous, why did he get her pulse to be diagnosed here, and then use other equipment?

"Song Zaifu drinks beer and adds ice cubes." After listening, Li Yi recommended beer.

"Good!" Song Jing relieved.

When Li Yi showed everyone, the radish and other pickles were brought, but without the onions, the old men were not suitable for eating onions at noon.

"Xiao Yi talk about how to construct the blind road?" Bi Gou picked up a carrot and looked at the people below.

"Existing roads are repaired with cement in strips and dots. The bars represent execution, and the dots represent intersections and turns."

According to his general standards at the time, Li Yi made it into a triangle or diamond shape?

Bi Gou finally understands why there is less money, because it is simple. Cement, labor costs, and wood strips.

First build the shelf with wooden strips, pour in the cement after mixing, smooth it, cover the straw curtain, and water, and then remove the shelf when it's almost time.

The cement bars and dots are just a little bit higher than the surrounding ones, just step on it.

"How to solve the problem when the blind road encounters the carriageway crossing?" Liu Chong asked the question when he saw the carriageway.

"Adjust the dot to tell the blind person that there is a track ahead, and the blind person slowly moves over."

According to the way of the railway, Li Yi can leave blind lanes on the crosswalk on the road.

Railroad tracks can only let blind people walk over and tell them there are railroad tracks ahead.

"If it happens to come..." Su Ting also wanted to find a place where something might go wrong.

"There are bells, and when the blind passes by, there is no one next to them? Wouldn't it be solved by helping?" Li Yi thought it was not a problem at all.

Don't talk about Datang. At that time, the blind had to cross the road, and there were people beside him. Basically, they would come to help, and the blind would not refuse.

‘Dingling, Dingling...’ Just a carriage bus came over.

Su Ting: "..."

Princess Yongmu slowly ate her loving lunch, without speaking, her eyes were on the people below.

There are many people eating at noon. Some people used to have no stove in their homes. They repaired the kang after there was a fire, but instead of cooking, they only boil hot water.

I used to drink cold water, I always got sick in summer, but still sick in winter.

Waiting for others to find someone to talk to each other, Princess Yongmu chatted with Li Yi in a low voice: "You can't see brown bread in the East Market. There are indeed many rich people."

"It should be. Bring your own meals. As the weather is hot, it will be bad to save. Black bread is now profitable."

Li Yi remembered the black bread that subsidized the people to lose money. Each one was as long as one day, enough to eat for one day, but for two days with a small appetite.

"How can you still make money?" Princess Yongmu never specifically read the report.

"Money is valuable, productivity increases and prices drop.

I used to sell ten brown breads for a dollar, and now sell ten brown breads to make a profit.

Yes, Chang Sun Xin would be very happy to sell brown bread in Lantian County. He has to learn everything from Zhuangzi. "

Li Yi thought of the individual, a relative who should have been killed.

Long Sun Xin engaged in official positions to do business, earning money, and was willing to throw it away.

Bridge repairs, roads, military donations, assistance to people who are inconvenient for Life, job placements...

In Lantian County, he has won the hearts of the people, and it's hard to kill him again!

"Li Yi, Li Yi, where are you?" Li Yigang mentioned Chang Sun Xin, and Chang Sun Xin's voice came, familiar.

He shouted at the upper floor of Wen Tianlan Xiangge, and brought four staff members. They all became officials and still helped him.

"Come up, please." Li Yi didn't know what Chang Sun Xin had come to do, specifically looking for himself, is there a new good thing?

The maid went downstairs, and another maid hurriedly walked upstairs to fetch the tableware. There was no need to order this.

If it is foolishly waiting for Li Yi or Princess Yongmu to say: Who of you is going to take the tableware.

It is also impossible for these maids to be in the position at this time, unable to live in the palace.

Long Sun Xin trot up to prove that he is in good health.

He first cupped fist to give a round of salute, and everyone responded to him, not because of his official position, but because he did good deeds in Lantian County.

"Li Yi, you absolutely can't think of it. I have a good way to provide jobs and it's easy to manage."

Long Sun Xin probably couldn't hold it anymore, and yelled first when they met.

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