Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1556 Take turns to ask about political status (first more)

"Doctor Li, the yield of grain in the barbarian land is limited, how can the harvest be long?" Zhang Jiuling asked Li Yi.

"The industrial structure serves the relationship between supply and demand to some extent. For example, Datang has given a long-term guarantee for the purchase of grain, and people elsewhere can open up new land for planting."

Li Yi explained to Zhang Jiuling.

"Can the speed of industrial structure adjustment in Yidi be able to provide Datang with the required commodities in time?" Su Ting followed.

"The adjustment speed of the industrial structure lies in politics, technology, and commodity profits.

The simpler the technology, the faster the adjustment speed, and the politics of foreign businessmen serves capital. As long as the capital's influence is strong enough, politics is not a problem.

Commodity profit includes direct profit and indirect profit. The former refers to the purchase of grain, and the latter refers to factors such as the qualification to purchase other commodities. "

Li Yi continued to answer without any reservations, let alone nonsense.

"If Datang increases the volume of foreign trade, does currency have its own status?" Bi Gou narrowed his eyes.

"Anything acceptable to the other party can be called currency, including digital records.

The status of the exchange voucher does not depend on the status granted by the Yi merchants, the status recognized by the people in the Tang Dynasty and officially.

The currency recognized by Datang in the seller's market is the currency that the buyer must recognize. vice versa. "

Li Yi nodded to Bi Gou, the exchange voucher was strong.

"The so-called rumors mention the access permit, is it true or false?"

When he became prime minister, he was dismissed as prime minister along with Yao Chong, and now he is unwilling to be the source of Jing Zhaofu Yin.

"When false is true, it is true and false. Inaction, there is no place and there is nothing. The so-called access permit should be used for the country. Soldiers are impermanent and water is impermanent."

Li Yi gave an ambiguous answer. In fact, he was very flexible, and he could do whatever he wanted.

"What if the foreign businessmen cooperate with each other because of the access permission?" Liu Youqiu said his own doubts.

"Anyone who joins forces can break it with strength, and all the barbarians cannot join together, and they belong to different groups. Once they join together, it proves that the family is powerful, and the navy will take action."

"From the beginning of the Xinyi Shang to the Tang Dynasty, how about being excluded?" Li Rizhi considered from another aspect.

"Send some information to it."

"Datang will sail with a local caravan in the future..."

Asked by one person, Li Yi answered again and again.

Huang Li is stunned, why can't I understand a lot of things? What industrial structure and currency status?

No wonder I can only be a small official under the 7th grade, the gap is too big.

Why is Dongzhu Lee busy here? Answering a bunch of questions by yourself, just answer casually. If you are asked like this, you will be hit to death.

"Xiao Yi, it's dark, can you eat?"

Everyone asked about it. Bi Gou rubbed his stomach and was hungry. He didn't eat the staple food at noon and was drinking.

"Eat!" Li Yi was also hungry.

"What to eat?" Bi Gou asked.

"Yes, what are you eating? Song De, are there any cows?" Li Yi shouted outside.

"The proprietor has two dead cows. The farmland is not allowed to be ploughed. The four cows look at the other cows and don't squeeze them forward. Looking at them, two of them fall down." Song De's voice came.

"Are there any troubles?" Li Yifu asked.


"Everyone, is it okay to be tempted? Is there anything wrong with your body?" Li Yi looked at everyone.

When everyone looked at him, it meant: Shouldn't you say whether we are suitable or not? You are responsible for falling down after eating.

"Okay, just eat this, don't touch the staple food, and cut some beef in. Add a poached egg to those who didn't eat eggs today."

Li Yi thought about it, gave a positive answer, just eat it all.

"I want to eat egg custard." Liu Chong asked.

"The egg custard contains a lot of water, and it is easy to be awakened by urine after eating it at night." Li Yi refused. What if you wet the bed?

There is a pot for one person, alcohol is burning underneath, and the flame is not big.

Huang Li followed to eat, and the people who came with him were arranged to eat hot pot, mandarin duck pot, not a pot alone.

The rooms they were in were dry and comfortable.

Guangzhou is next to the sea, and the tide is heavy, and Life is there every day, it doesn't mean it feels better.

Like people in Alaska, Life is in a cold place, do they really like it? Why do you like to make a fire to keep warm?

Going north from Guangzhou, the Yangtze River is a waterway, and the boat is still wet.

Enter Zhuangzi, take a shower, change clothes, and dry your hair.

Why do you find it so refreshing in the house? It's neither cold nor hot nor humid.

"Brother Yi, how many months can the grain delivered by the Yi merchants be used for storage?" Li Longji was satisfied with the rice delivered.

Sixty boats, six hundred thousand buckets, as a staple food, enough for the people of the entire Jingzhao Mansion to eat for five days.

In the past, the same population and the same food would be enough to eat for a day and a half.

Because there is no oil and water, I eat too much but I am not full.

Half-year-old children can wake up hungry in the middle of the night after eating two bowls of rice.

Now eat a bowl, the other is vegetables and a bit of meat, every meal is like this, adding an egg, really save.

When I celebrated my birthday, I was struggling to eat bowls of noodles. Is it a problem to eat noodles at Jingzhaofu now?

"Li Lang, Tianshu needs to be repaired, don't forget."

Princess Yongmu was holding half of a pig's knuckles and eating at noon didn't feel the fragrance of Lijiazhuangzi.

She and her father thought of going together, and both blamed the Wu family.

According to the Romance of Conferred Gods written by Li Lang, Wu Zetian was Su Daji who wanted to perish the royal family of Li and Tang.

"Xiu, Datang soldiers and heroes will not become lonely ghosts."

Li Yi knew the thoughts of Princess Yongmu, and he disliked Wu Zetian as well as the Zhou Dynasty.

After the Sui Dynasty, the Great Tang appeared, and the Great Tang continued many Sui Dynasty systems, including the Sui Dynasty's civil servants and generals were recognized.

By the time of Wu Zetian, she was too crazy. In some cases, she was a bit like Holy Maiden Joan.

What she showed was the will, she was consuming the foundation accumulated by the Tang Dynasty while she was saving her national strength.

Fight, fight with one meal, fight with foreign clan and family, and then build internally and reuse female officials.

What she didn't consider was that the productivity of Datang society was actually dominated by men. Even if she strongly promoted Buddhism, how could Confucianism compromise?

She is indeed powerful. A group of men, whether they are soldiers or political leaders, surround her.

She established the Zhou Dynasty, but in the end it has not been given to Li, otherwise, what can she do?

She may be to realize an ideal in life, and she has to do something to prove herself in this life.

The Tianshu erected by the people holding her was overthrown in Luoyang, and the people of Datang did not respond.

Tianshu had a lot of copper, which was melted to make copper coins.

When Tianshu was destroyed, Datang had too much money.

In history, it was impossible to eliminate bad money. The circulation of bad money was banned. Everyone stopped buying and selling.

The imperial court did not do well in releasing money. In the end, there was no way, and the evil money was allowed to be used.

"Xiao Yi, the bad money is not in circulation now, and the people can't spend it in their hands." Bi Gou mentioned bad money while eating.

In many places, let alone bad money, normal silk and copper coins are no longer in circulation.

In Jingzhao Mansion, no one can see people buying things with silk or silk as currency. If there is copper money, they will all be sent to Lijiazhuangzi for exchange vouchers.

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