Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 157: Workshop seating skills first (fourth more)

After eating a few more oysters, Li Yi asked the court lady to help her sister-in-law to rest.

Looking at the time when the two people come, it must be to stay tonight.

Before dinner, Li Longji ‘inspected’ the workshop.

The glass workshop is blowing glass, blowing bulbs, and blowing big bubbles.

After blowing the big bubble, place it on a hot iron plate and cut it open, and then gently press it with a roller, and a sheet of flat glass appears.

And blow it against the mold, blow it in, and become a glass bottle, take it out, rotate the position of the bottle mouth into another mold, and then come out, there will be more texture.

Li Chengqi avoided the craftsman, stood by, and said, "Who would have thought that the priceless glass outside could be made so easily."

Li Yi doesn't want to talk to this person who doesn't value technology. What is easy?

Li Longji watched as people flicked the blowing glass in the large trough on the ground in front of him.

When the glass is blown and thrown, the bubble gradually elongates. When the temperature drops slightly, the blower holds the long hollow pole and puts the glass bubble into the furnace with the inlet slanted to the outside to heat it.

Then the iron plate is put on, someone cuts it with a knife, first cut it, pave it, and then cut it into small squares.

"This is a mirror." Li Longji recognized it.

A small piece is a mirror, and only the queen in the palace can give it to whoever wants to. It is as precious as it is.

"The third brother is right. If you don't cut it now, wait until the big piece is cold before cutting it. There will be too much damage." Li Yi looked at the glass and clenched his fist.

These are all ammunition for economic warfare, first use soap and toilet water to attack, and then change into soap and perfume.

After the mirror, go up and step by step. The pursuit of luxury by the human race is the beginning of class differentiation.

The contradiction intensifies when using survival materials in exchange for luxuries.

That's why it is necessary to levy a tax on the rich and subsidize the poor. Taxation is to protect the rich.

"Can a telescope do it?" Li Longji looked at the glass and suddenly asked a key thing, the telescope.

At the beginning, Yi Di said that there were only ten replacements with lifespan, Yi brother kept two, and one by himself, and the other seven for the frontier army.

If you change your lifespan, you can't need it anymore, but if you don't need a lifespan...

"Yes, it's just that I can't do the fine details that I took out." Li Yi admitted.

"Brother Yi, do it quickly, and send you to the palace for your brother, to your majesty."

Li Longji is now becoming more and more skilled in role-playing.

His Majesty one by one, shouting does not feel inconsistent at all, it is so natural.

"In a few days, there will be no major wars at the border this year. I will make some myopia and dazzling glasses of various degrees. The lens grinding technology requires a high level."

Li Yi didn't talk about the specific technology, I believe Dage and the third brother would not be willing to listen.

Li Longji let go of a lot of heart, as long as there is no major war.

Leaving from the glass workshop, transfer to the manpower stamping workshop.

The person pulled Calabash there, and a large iron block was pulled up. Underneath was a large iron plate with a slot on it.

One by one the iron pieces were put on, and the upper part was loosened, and the big iron pieces fell with a bang, and the iron pieces became the iron box, the lower part of the lighter.

The iron piece was pulled up again, the iron box was taken out, and the iron piece was put in again.

These tin boxes are sent to the next place to be assembled with the above boxes and other parts.

Slip in the inner core and paint.

The last process is to pour in a little alcohol, take the far away, and try to light it.

"Fire sickle?" Li Chengqi was surprised.

Gao Lishi and the others left, and then he and Li Longji came, and the lighter had not been given to them.

Therefore, Li Longji became curious, has it become so easy to make a fire?

With a slip of your finger, the flames kept coming out.

"Lighter, use alcohol. Dage and the third brother will bring some when they leave. The alcohol in it is gone. Come to me to add it." Li Yi said.

"How much does someone add once?" Li Chengqi thought of the glycerin. The glass bottle of glycerin was given away for free, and the glycerin could not be stopped.

"It's enough for ordinary people to have a scythe." Li Yi said another thing.

"Sure enough, the price is high. Can ordinary spirits be ignited?" Li Chengqi worried that alcohol would not sell well.

"Absolutely can't light it. The 50-degree wine we drink will not work, unless it is ordered with another lighter." Li Yi said with a smile.

"Good thing, I will give it to you for my brother." Li Chengqi promised, patted his chest.

In the past, he would feel distressed when Li Yi gave away something.

Now I can’t do it, give it away, the more I give it, the more Yi brother earns.

Li Longji thought of other things: "Brother Yi, do you use millet to make wine?"

"The third brother is saying that there is no court..." Li Yi asked about the permit.

"No, you can make it if you want. Brother just wants to know how much food you're going to consume." Li Longji said.

"I use the grains that I feed livestock, add wheat stalks or something, and then distill it. The final distiller's grains can be fed to the livestock. As long as the fermentation process can keep up, everything else can be brewed."

Li Yi introduced the situation. Nowadays, people still eat distiller's grains in some remote places. It is better to eat a little bit than to be hungry.

When making other rice, add lees to it, knead the noodles, grab two handfuls of lees and throw it into pancakes, and steam the Steamed bun.

Others are also used to feed animals. As for throwing them into the field as fertilizer, it is impossible.

"Can the method be passed on?" Li Longji was concerned about wine making.

"It's not good to spread it out. This wine is not good for people to drink. It can only be used to fill a lighter. I dare not use it when seeing a doctor. It needs to be purified and purified, and then checked for other problems, before it can be blended into 75 Spend."

Li Yi refused. He dared to guarantee that if the method was passed on, someone would make wine and sell it to others.

The wine was not distilled, and then filtered with a cloth, many things could not be filtered out.

"That's it." Li Longji didn't force it.

He thought that to use other things to make wine, he would limit the use of good grains to make wine and save food.

Leaving from here, enter the toilet water workshop, all kinds of distillation equipment are placed.

Even if it is cold, open doors one by one for ventilation, and prohibit any fire from entering.

I was worried about the high concentration of alcohol in the air, and then it was booming.

Here, the taste is not good, a little dizzy, after a few glances, a few people stopped turning, and rushed to the cafeteria. It was time for dinner.

Queen Wang was waiting after washing her hands. There are many fish in the cafeteria today.

Taken from Bashui, some are made into dried fish, and some are directly turned into delicacies.

Some fish balls are made by removing all bone thorns and breadcrumbs.

As for steamed and braised, they don't have technology content.

"Just go to Uncle's room to eat and feel comfortable." The three of Queen Wang came back and said to Li Yi with a smile.

She said more comfortable than rest assured.

"My sister-in-law is right, the people regard food as the heaven, and the food is the first." Li Yi followed.

"Today I ordered the biggest dish, fish head stewed tofu." Queen Wang took the lead and chose the main course. The table was on the table, she wanted to eat.

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