The Rouyan brought them, and the four of them sat at a square table, scooping and blowing with spoons.

It takes less than three minutes from Li Yi said to make the meat yan to eat.

Eating cold noodles, sliced ​​noodles, stretched noodles, and wontons in the cafeteria is all at the same speed.

Things are always being prepared, the soup is always blooming, and things are cooked in two minutes.

Each person has a fried chicken rack, eats a meat yan, grabs a piece of chicken rack and gnaws.

The chicken racks are marinated in advance, add the sauce to the pan when frying, turn it over twice and heat it up.

Li Yi also eats meat yan, cold sauce, little soup, and he has to practice his hands later.

What about the death row prisoner lying on the operating table when he suddenly wants to urinate in the middle of the water intake?

Wontons eat stuffing, and meat yan eats skin.

In fact, both of them eat soup, including wonton and chaoshou. They look the same, but they have different subdivisions.

"Lord Li, is our family really okay?" The greasy sergeant asked Li Yi embarrassedly.

It feels that they have not sacrificed their dedication, for the sake of Datang, it shouldn't matter if the whole family died.

Facing Li Yi, he really cares if he speaks his heart.

Li Yi stopped his movements and solemnly said, "Relax, and be sure that nothing will happen. The stronger the military strength of the Tang Dynasty, the less the Tubo people dare to move.

Princess Jincheng will not allow anyone to understand her. She is very smart and has been educated to fight in the palace since she was a child.

That child is her dependence. Although it is wrong to favor sons over daughters, of course, the heirs of the country are heavy and heavy. "

Li Yi admits that Tubo is a country and faces the other side. He can defeat the country and annex it in the future.

He believed that Princess Jincheng was not an idiot, and understood the current situation. Datang's hundreds of thousands of heavy soldiers were watching.

Logistics supplies can send her to the beach, as well as oxygen cylinders, newspapers, kerosene, diesel, alcohol and so on.

Last summer, I gave her fruit quickly.

In winter, she uses the glass greenhouses that are transported to her palace. The glass is fragile, but it is made into modules, which she can stitch together.

The mirrors, thermos, bicycles, cement, cans, cotton-padded quilts are all hers, but Zamp does not.

Zamp wants to enjoy, get her place, enjoy things, and enjoy each other.

She was happy that she would give Zamp other women something, but no one dared to snatch it.

It's not how powerful she is, but how strong Datang's soldiers are.

This year, it is obvious that Su Lu led Tuqi Shi, and Baiyi Dashi and Tubo joined forces to fight the Tang Dynasty.

As a result, the white-clothed food directly knelt, and Tuqi Shi was beaten to the detriment of his soldiers.

Tubo used the land of Jiuqu, the dowry given to her by Datang, to attack. The land of Jiuqu was lost, and the soldiers of the Datang pushed all the way to the sky monkeys, explosive bags, hot air balloons, muskets...

The entire sister lake at the source of the Yellow River was given away, and the Datang army built a city along the Yellow River, attracting a large number of tribes.

If she doesn't take advantage of this situation, she pretends to grow up in the palace.

I don't know why, listening to Li Yiyi said that the four people immediately relax physically and mentally, and there is no problem.

The others returned to normal. Li Shouli took the letter written by his daughter and laughed.

He can only figure it out for a while, it doesn't belong to him.


"It's so rude, I'm so angry!" Uncle Xi carried his own two catties of chili sauce, scoldingly looking for a place to eat in Qiaotou.

He and Isimba are just one thing. They wanted to make a difference, but they were taken first by others.

"Lijiazhuang's chili sauce is not the same as the sauce made with the chili powder we bought. Let's save two catties and send the other two catties back."

Isimba is more acquainted with current affairs, and he has received important information that Princess Jincheng can send someone out alone.

Normally, it was a sneak run, proving that there were loopholes in the Tubo court.

"Two bowls of sliced ​​noodles, a larger amount, add braised eggs, darker in color, put more green onion, coriander, and more meat sauce."

Bo Zhen sat at the slicing noodle stall and talked to the stallholder.

Turning around, he said, "I immediately write back and tell Dalun that Princess Jincheng has a channel to secretly pass on the news."

"Okay! Add a dollar of noodles, a dollar of marinated eggs, a dollar of green onion and coriander, and a dollar of meat sauce." The person who set up the stall yelled to operate.

The guy next to me wondered, green onion and coriander for a dollar? Eating green onion and coriander can be full.

"My boss, don't even pay for the marinated egg, green onion, coriander and meat sauce?" The man reminded.

"Hurry up and report. These two are Tubo envoys. If you want to send news back to Tubo, it is not good for our Jincheng princess. Let's go."

The man who set up the stall said in a low voice and eagerly, his face full of anxiety.

"Oh, got it, I'm going!" The dude ran away shufflely.

When the guy came to the bridge, when he talked about the situation, the guards guarding the bridge and the people from Lijiazhuang knew the guy. They didn't dare to neglect, and led them inside.

The man took off his clothes as he walked, his shoes kicked off, only boxers were left, worry, don't waste time searching, I can take off even this.

"Why do I hear the price is wrong?"

Just now, I was thinking about the Tubo affairs in my heart. When I waited for the above, I remembered a little and found that something went wrong.

Isimba reacted: "How many scallions and coriander can you buy for one price?"

"It depends on the season. In winter, a handful of coriander costs one dollar, while scallions are more expensive."

When Bohe mentioned greenhouse vegetables, coriander and shallots are expensive, but green onions are not expensive.

"Where is the braised egg?" Isimba asked the price of the egg.

"In the beginning, the Lijiazhuangzi sold it as a hundred boiled eggs, pit, but later it was worthless. Everyone raised chickens, and the prescriptions were given."

Bo Zhen was in Datang at the very beginning, and after Isinba, he felt that he knew very well the various methods of Lijiazhuangzi.

"Where is the meat sauce?" Isimba continued.

"General meat sauce, Li Jiazhuangzi wrote in the newspaper, people do not keep it secret, that is, Li Jiazhuangzi sells meat sauce than others... hey? Li Yi kept it?"

Bo Zhen said that he realized it, but that's not right. The spread, sliced ​​noodles, and hand-rolled noodles of Lijiazhuang in the south of the city have better sauces.

"How much does it cost to eat a bowl of sliced ​​noodles normally?" Isimba looked at the stall owner who was slowly cutting the noodles.

"One money, don't you add something!" The stall owner turned his head to speak, without delaying the movement of noodles.

"How much do you cost?" Isimba asked with a stare.

"Others have said, let me sell sliced ​​noodles, sell 100 catties of noodles, and pay me a hundred dollars?

The stall owner just went over there, how much do you care about my cost? If I bear the cost, I will ask you for more money. Don't eat if you have the ability.

"No, check it out! Suddenly something happened to us, so let's give you the money first, let's go."

Isimba took out the ten-dollar exchange voucher and put it on the table, dragging him to leave.

He felt something was wrong, sixth sense.

This stall owner is hostile. Isn't it scary?

"Go? I've lost my account. These two have lost my account. The big guy commented. They said they wanted 20 bowls of noodles and packed them, but they wanted to leave after paying ten dollars. There was also some sauce, big guys. look."

How could the stall owner let go of the "enemy"? He directly made up the reasons to keep people.

"What's the matter?" Bo Zhen is not stupid, knowing that the situation is not good.

"You talk a lot. I was heard by others. Where did you see the helper? Li Yi, Li Yi, why don't you be the emperor like this?"

Isinba understood it all, he was not afraid, he just felt sad.

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