Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1568 Benefits are tempted to fight their wisdom (first more)

"Oh, I'm getting old and eating vegetables. I shouldn't have these meat foods for breakfast. However, it is no longer in Chuyang at this moment."

Li Yi picked up the chopsticks in his left hand and put the meat into the dipping plate in front of the two people.

The two are exhausted physically and mentally, and they have nothing to do.

Even if there are only three people here, they don't dare to assassinate them.

They were sitting in chairs, big chairs, but they were sinking, and they couldn't move when sitting down.

Li Yi rode on a stool, a high stool, without a backrest or armrests.

At the same time Li Yi turned his back to the door, which was open.

The table is bigger and heavier, with large slabs that cannot be lifted.

"Dongzhu Li, some people say that you should drink cold water in the morning. Isn't it bad to drink hot soup?" Isimba changed his topic to a lighter one.

"It depends on the specific situation. Regardless of the four seasons, people with a lot of sputum are not suitable for hot drinks.

People with yin deficiency in summer should not drink hot water, and those with yin deficiency in winter should use normal water.

People with deficiency of yang should drink warm water in all seasons. There are other symptoms, which can be adapted to the body and time to use. "

Li Yi guessed that the two of them were in Qiaotou and were instilled by the farmer about what to drink in the morning.

That's because the farmers who guard the bridge have good physique, exercise a lot, and sweat a lot, so they can drink cold water in the morning, even if it is cold and white, they can't drink hot water.

If you encounter a general bowel movement, get up and drink cold water in the morning, it will be smooth, and it will go down.

In general constipation, when other functional organs are okay, tell the other party to drink cold if possible, mainly diarrhea.

It belongs to the symptom treatment, and the root treatment should be adjusted slowly.

In other respects, Li Yi would fool the two Tubo envoys. In terms of physical health, he disdains and tells the truth.

Whether you can eat or drink depends on the actual situation, otherwise no conclusion can be given.

"What about the two of us, Li Dongzhu?" Isimba still understands Li Yi, pointing to a mistake between himself and Bo Xi.

"The people from the Imperial Medical Office didn't show it to you?" Li Yi picked up the mushrooms and put them on the plate.

"The Imperial Medical Office? Those people in your Zhuangzi will call the Imperial Medical Office to see them if they feel unwell?"

Bo Xi said that you pretended to be stupid with us.

"The nurses in Zhuangzi are from the imperial medical department. They take the pulse first, and then use the equipment.

In this way, you two eat now, and tell the other side when you finish eating, and get rid of the bad guys.

Don't eat at noon and at night. I will check on both of you at eight or nine in the evening. You must have an empty stomach. "

As a doctor, Li Yi is still very upright, check it out! It is not easy for them to be deceived.

"Write first, then eat after finishing." Bo Zhen stated.

Isimba echoed: "Yes, you can feel relieved after writing."

Someone brought something, and the two began to write letters, telling them not to touch any of the princesses in Beijing.

One is that Datang is not short of food and grass, and is transporting a large amount of materials forward.

The second one, Li Yi came back with a large amount of blood coral, and he was able to issue exchange coupons as collateral again.


"Xiao Yi said good calculations, where can there be calculations? Give people such a low price."

Bi Go watched the screen and ate slowly, feeling anxious, but you were cheating others.

Princess Yongmu's menstruation is not over yet, she and Xiaolan eat barley, jujube and lotus porridge.

Hearing Bi Gou complained, she was a little unhappy: "Glass is not the same as glass, there are many kinds, depending on what's added."

"What to add?" Bi Gou asked casually.

"Add... confidentiality, craftsmanship also accounts for a large proportion."

Princess Yongmu is brilliant, I won't tell you the secret of making money in her own family.

"What's the craft?" Wei Zhigu thought about it.

"It's still confidential. You make windows with glass in your home, plus screen windows. There is sunshine in the summer and you are not afraid of mosquitoes and flies."

Princess Yongmu still didn't say, she knew that Li Yi didn't keep her secret.

The added things are different, the glass produced is different, like the large floor-to-ceiling glass of her Wentian Lanxiang Pavilion, it is very different from the usual.

There are several more processes, and ordinary procedures need to be annealed.

She thought that the glass Li Lang wanted to sell to others had not been annealed, let alone tempered.

A glass pot has a fire underneath. If this glass pot is not annealed when it is made, it is likely to fry when it burns.

There are also plates and bowls, which are used to serve different hot and cold meals many times.

When others bought it, it was sold by Tubo. Tubo made a lot of money and at the same time opened up the market.

When needed, Lijiazhuang produced good things and told people over there that the goods sold by Tubo were inferior. What's the reason?

Lijiazhuang directly took over those transactions, and Tubo lost its economic channels and even its credibility.

At the same price, Lijiazhuang's products seize the market, and they can still make money when they are sold in Tubo.

As for Tubo making more money, it is impossible. The glass that has not undergone follow-up treatment, even if the packaging is done well, the long-distance bumps will still be broken.

It has nothing to do with Lijiazhuangzi, and Tubo will bear it.

All said yes, Princess Yongmu knew.

Own Li Lang is always so good, and the cheating people can actually make a fresh and refined look.

The officials were unable to force Princess Yongmu, and Li Yi was anxious when he watched the screen chatting and laughing with others.

Li Yi on the screen said again: "In addition to glass products, how about we sell spices together?"

"Seasoning?" Bo Zhen was wary again.

"Is it five-spice powder?" Isimba was cautious.

"Curry powder, sold to Tianzhu, they should like it very much, I have prepared it, and we also eat it in Tang Dynasty. It is very delicious.

Curry powder belongs to the general term, and the specific formula can be different, and the main functions are the same.

It's like popcorn. Do you know what rice I popped? They are called popcorn, even if I pop soybeans. "

Li Yi suddenly remembered that Tian Zhu now really likes to look for spicy food.

In order to survive, they rely on spicy things to stimulate the body and promote blood circulation, just like in places like Shu and Tubo.

It's too wet, and there must be a way to deal with it.

Guangzhou is actually humid. The difference is that the average temperature in Guangzhou is high.

When Shu land was five or six degrees above zero, Guangzhou was over twenty degrees above zero.

It's all damp, and the moisture of Shu penetrates the bone.

Compared to the dry and cold northeast, north, and northwest, coldness is the worst.

After the fire kang in the north, the most feared season is spring.

For example, in the northeast, at minus 30 degrees, you can cut through the ice, jump into the winter swimming, and there are men in boxers and shoes running in the snow.

Wait till spring, look at those winter swimmers, how many dare to go into the water? It's easy to get sick if you go down.

Li Yi was unwilling to import the sauce at such a high price. He wanted to process it, add chili, turn it back to sell, sell curry powder, and earn back several times the import money.

This is called a technological advantage. At that time, Li Yi had many countries exporting iron ore, copper ore, and crude oil.

Then import steel, copper, and refined oil.

There are also those who export cotton and import cotton fabrics; those who export soybeans and import soy products; those who export logs and import toilet paper...

What's more interesting is that he exported North Korean spicy cabbage to Bangzi country at that time, and sold it to many other people in his country who didn't know the situation, called kimchi.

Indicate the place of origin, and it says “Well, Guess where to sell?” Eight times the price.

Sure enough, it was sold too badly, and sold badly, guess what? Northeast! Still guessing?

Why not buy it from the Northeast? How much is the shipping cost?

Spend eight times the price of a round of spicy cabbage, but also to buy foreign exchange, why bother?

Is it regional discrimination against the country, or is it a kneeling lick against the stick country?

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