Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1570 the current soldier Gein emperor (third more)

You can only read the monarch when you gallop a thousand miles, and you can ride on the wasteland and snow. The man's passionate desolation song, the princess's heart Ning warm rhyme. The strong grass blasted the wind and the cold, and the snow-capped mountains and the still water shadowed the whole body. Suddenly there was a report of Tang Bingjin, and the formation was shining in the distance.

"Li Lang, I have tasted the scallion, where is the scallion?" Princess Yongmu looked for the scallion at the dish.

She thought that Li Yi would fry the green onions, but Li Yi always fry a lot of things first and then don't.

"It's not fried, it tastes delicious like this. Eat the green onions directly, the taste is not good, it is said that it is not crispy, or tough, it is best to stir it without it.

I recently developed a new method of fried onion meat. First, fry the onion, then use the basic oil to make the fried meat with onion.

Especially the fried lamb with green onions, some of them are mutton, and the green onions are delicious. But there are no green onions, only the green onions. "

Li Yixin thinks that the meat is usually cooked with green onions, and the scallions are used to suppress the smell of the meat and improve the freshness at the same time.

Of course, the use of chopped green onion to make scallion fried meat is nonsense.

Scallions are used as a vegetable, either as a dipping sauce or shredded burritos with scallions.

Pancake rolls with green onions are not, do not cut, roll directly, spread with sauce or dipping sauce, if the green onions are not well selected, it will choke your nose.

The green onions for hot dishes must be scallions, including the fresh spicy fish from the northeast. Anything with chopped green onions and scallion slices is not authentic.

The spicy fish is made from cod. If it is not made into spicy fish, it is called mintay if it is dried.

Only when Li Yi was in the Bangzi Peninsula and the Northeast, the spicy fish that was eaten was real cod, which was cheap and produced more by the sea.

There is no cod in other places. Instead, fake oily fish is used. It is saturated fat. After eating, it can’t control the oil flowing out from below.

Now he is thinking about the cod in the Bohai Sea and the place where the Khitan is located.

I want to get some back to make spicy fish, the spicy sauce has been adjusted, and it is currently used to make Korean pickles.

Princess Yongmu actually doesn't care what she eats, as long as Li Yi personally prepares it and delivers it, she feels it is delicious in the world.

Once she had thought about the days after marrying in the future countless times, compared with other princesses, which one would she like.

Usually the husband has to serve in the court and then intrigue with others. Should you help yourself?

In the end, she found a husband who is different from other princesses. Where is there a husband outside to socialize? If it doesn't exist, Li Lang will guard Zhuangzi.

And it's intrigue or something, just kidding, who does Li Lang need to play with? A large group of prime ministers and his family stayed in Zhuangzi.

Why is it so fun?

After thinking about it, Princess Yongmu smiled, and then looked sad again: "Li Lang, Princess Jincheng must be unhappy in Tubo, right?"

Li Yi, who was eating the willow-leaf fried bean sauce noodles, stopped his chopsticks and swallowed the food in his mouth: "I wrote a letter to Princess Jincheng, you write, I said. With your mark, you pretend to be Princess Yongmu. No?"

"Yes! Xiaolan!" Princess Yongmu agreed.

"Here, all, Four Treasures of the Study." Xiao Lan picked up her bag from the side.

There are pens, inks, papers, inkstones, and the seal and inkpad of Princess Yongmu.

The paper is also special, representing an identity, and ordinary officials are not allowed to use this unique, obscure paper.

Don't eat anymore and change a table.

Xiaolan studies ink, Princess Yongmu waits to dip in ink, and see Li Yi: "What do you write?"

"Uh... write:

The gardenia blooms, and the homeland is in prosperity. Always Lai Jincheng as a sacrifice, always remembering sadness.

The world wants to rise to peace, and the world is prosperous. Millions of men ordered to Qing to return to the holy pilgrimage recklessly. "

Li Yi groaned slightly, and returned to a divination.

Xiao Lan shook her fist vigorously beside her: "Li Lang, Princess Jincheng wants to come back to see your Majesty in the future, anytime?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't go back. Bring that Zamp back together to raise him, he is still young."

Princess Yongmu was happy, and finally gave Princess Jincheng an explanation.

Princess Jincheng wrote back and said she was willing to sacrifice her to help Datang stabilize the border.

Li Lang replied that he knew that you sacrificed too much. We all know that our Datang is great now. There are millions of soldiers who can fight through fire and water for you. You will come back whenever you want.

Princess Yongmu finished writing: "Li Lang, did you bring the seal?"

"I didn't bring it, I will press a handprint." Li Yi took the pen and wrote: Li Yi in the place where the money was signed.

Dip the ink pad with your thumb again, press it on the paper, stop again, take the ink pad off, put the pad of your finger on your mouth, bite it with blood, and press it firmly on the name.

"Li Lang, you..." Princess Yong Mu felt distressed.

"It's okay, just the day after tomorrow. I said there are a million male soldiers, and you can pull up a million male soldiers at any time."

Li Yi took the wound note handed by Xiaolan and wrapped it around his finger, and continued to eat noodles.

"Send it quickly, catch up with the team in front, they bring things, and they are relatively slow."

Princess Yongmu made a lacquer seal and greeted the people away, her eyes were bright.


'drive! Driving~~’ A large group of Datang cavalry is speeding along the border of Tubo.

"In the sky of the swan geese, the teams line up~~~" Many people hummed in a low voice.

The entire team has more than 250,000 horses, and the horses are loaded with luggage and people.

Five thousand Yulin Feiqi led the head, left and right were 5,000 soldiers from the original Tubo tribe, followed by 30,000 fine riders led by Zhang Xiaosong, and 20,000 elite soldiers from Hexi Jiedu.

After they rescued the people who reported the letter, they immediately organized the personnel and materials on the spot, rectified a little bit, and ran towards the Tubo base area.

Their purpose is to stand for Princess Jincheng.

Come in, a large number of Datang cavalry have come in, did Tubo dare to encircle and suppress it?

If you get rid of people like me, you will be very good at Tubo.

The Tubo people along the way didn't dare to stop, they hurriedly urged the horse to report the letter.

When the reporter arrived in Chang'an, the team rushed to the building on the mountain.

Songtsen Gambo built the palace for Princess Wencheng, and Zampo of Tubo and others lived here.

There were no wild wolves on the road, hiding far away.

The reporter ran desperately and arrived at the place less than two hours faster than this team.

At noon in Datang, when Princess Yongmu was eating, the sun here in Tubo just jumped out of the horizon.

Jincheng Princess Li Nunu was nursing her baby, and there were maids around her gently playing soft tunes, her voice seemed to be quiet and warm.

The fifteen-year-old ruler Zhudan was awakened by Li Nunu's maid, serving her clothes.

Princess Jincheng got married and brought many maids, men and women, including craftsmen, guards, court ladies, and imperial physicians. Maid is a dowry.

She administered the medicine to the Shidai Zhudan and became pregnant with the child. Before the effect of the medicine was over, she did not allow the Shidai Zhudan to find other women and spend the night beside her maid.

For a long time, I have not taken medicine for the ruler belt Zhudan. What do I still take when I am pregnant?

The ruler belt Zhudan is willing to live here. There are many good things, and they are given by her natal family.

Princess Jincheng nursed the baby herself, not allowing others to feed her.

If the child is sleeping, she will rest if she is sleepy, and look for her when she is hungry, and the maid takes care of other things.

The baby only knows about breastfeeding at this moment, and he doesn't know what it means to be born with his own, let alone how many people move because of him.

"Nunu, have you eaten?" The ruler belt Zhudan has a kind of attachment to Princess Jincheng, definitely not because of taking too much medicine, yes, no!

"I can't eat it, Dalun said they want to arrest the people in my palace?" Princess Jincheng shook her head slightly.

"It's just some useless servants, just hand them over. Actually..."

"Report! Datang Yulin Feiqi and Zhang Xiaosong's fine horses seem to be 100,000 people, less than forty miles away from my imperial court. They will gather forces soon. It's too fast, four or five rides per person."

Someone yelled outside, with anxiety in his voice.

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