Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1622 Sending the Lord a Long Water (third more)

The water is clear and the breeze is rising, and the tears don't mean wartime. When he returned, he was sentimental and emotional, and now he is leaving Wanboqin.

The front music highlights the strings. Like a dream, a childish child echoes the harmony. Fortunately, the sadness is so much.

The children were dressed beautifully, arranged in order of size, dressed in gorgeous clothes and wreaths on their heads.

The people at the pier stopped their work one after another, staring at the blurred water curtain, listening to the childlike voice of nature.

Sapphire was holding Nantian Kazuko's hand tightly by Nantian Kazuko, the kind that worked hard.

She led her tribe to enjoy many privileges, but was unable to enter the Zhuangzi.

It gives people the feeling that Li Yi doesn't care about Nantian's family in particular, and he doesn't show a single face.

Li Yi showed up when he was about to leave, with such a huge lineup.

There was only one performance by Lijiazhuang children, and it was under the Imperial City on Vermillion Bird Street during the Spring Festival.

That performance has been talked about so far, stiffening the Queen and Queen, and laying the groundwork for the subsequent locust plague.

Since then, there has never been a moment when Lijiazhuangzi’s children performed for whom.

Does anyone dare to say that Li Yi doesn't value own? Does anyone dare to mention that Li Yi doesn't care about Nantian's family?

"The end of the sky, the corner of the earth, knowing friends are half-scattered, and a drink of turbid wine will make you happy, don't dream of cold tonight... the end of the sky, the corner of the earth..."

Wow~ The water curtain ended, and Li Yi appeared from behind the water curtain with the child.

"Dongzhu Li!" Abe Nakamaro of the Japanese mission could not help but hit the ground.

"Dongzhu Li!" The other members of the mission followed Abe Nakamaro's study, with a mighty voice.

A four or five-year-old guy in front of the team was walking. He seemed to be startled by the sound.

The child behind him grabbed him, and the two children staggered at the same time, and then the child behind continued to grasp, this time he was steady.

The child in front stood up, adjusted his steps, turned his head and looked, as if saying: I'm fine, thank you!

Then he stumbled again and shouldn't look back.

"Hahahaha~~" The people who were touched just now couldn't help laughing.

"Bao Lang, isn't that little doze? He is always easy to fall when he plays, so why didn't he escape today?"

Kazuko Nantian quickly rubbed his eyes with his sleeve and recognized the child.

"The proprietor said that his body can't keep up with his thoughts. He is still young now. It will not be easy to exercise more and supplement his nutrition in the future."

Sapphire's eye circles were also red, and the proprietor gave the station.

As for the little doze, others will laugh at it, while the proprietor analyzes the cause, looks for the problem, and finally draws a conclusion.

When Li Yi's team reached the bank of the river, the children began to quickly reposition themselves.

Standing according to the voice and instrument department, Li Yi turned around and took out an inch-long baton from his sleeve. With a flick, the baton became longer.

The children looked at him, and as his hand moved, "Western" and national musical instruments sounded at the same time.

"The person who loves spring is a pure-hearted person~~...The person who loves summer is a strong-willed person..."

The Song of Four Seasons after the Japanese Kingdom appeared, which was taught to the children by Li Yi.

He did not choose the Spring of the Northern Kingdom, and Hokkaido in the Wa country is not under the administration of Heicheng Jing.

Also, the sake of Waguni is not very good, and sake is not yet born.

At present, most of the wine in the country is fruit wine, and the steamed rice is chewed with the mouth. After chewing a part, it is fermented with the others.

Using the enzymes in saliva to carry out the saccharification reaction, the wine that comes out is turbid wine.

Li Yi always thinks that the novel is about sorghum, peeing in the big wine jar, and the final wine tastes good, because the person who peeed has diabetes.

The Song of Four Seasons belongs to a minor tune, in which a lot of inclination and change of palace are used, but it sounds very pleasant to the ear.

This four-season song should belong to the e-yu mode, a minor key, and no sound at the same time.

The people on the shore and on the boat were utterly intoxicated, and the children sang so ethereal.

At the end of the song, the children shouted at the same time: "Wish the Waguo Nantian family fleet a ~ the road~ the wind~ the wind~!"

The person next to him hurriedly opened the pigeon cage, and the pigeon jumped out, flapping its wings and circling up, spinning in circles in the air.

Without a big torch, you can't eat roasted pigeons.

The pigeons fly every day. This is home. They should fly in the morning when they get up. They are locked in a cage. Who did it?

The people of Nantian's tears fell away, the lineup was too luxurious, and he was so valued.

Li Yi waved the baton again, and the grand prelude sounded.

Follow the children and sing: "Please bring my song back to your home~ Please keep your smile~ Next, please save my song... Tomorrow and tomorrow this song will fly all over the sea, the end of the world, all over the sea. Heaven~End~~Ah~...will be everywhere in spring~flowers~..."

The four voices sang in a round, and the children swayed gently to the music, dancing with flowers in both hands.

A group of children ran to the front and danced, their postures stretched and their movements light.

The people on the shore were dumbfounded, the tune was cheerful and enthusiastic, and it was sad when they said goodbye. Leaving the smile was just walking away crying?

The people from the Waguo Nantian family don't want to leave, can they stay with a smile?

The boat is still to be boarded.

The people of the Nantian family are truly reluctant, and at the same time they overfare recognize the status of Sapphire and Nantian Kazuko.

One ship went down the current, the wind was blowing eastward, and the sails gradually rose and adjusted.

The Nantian family on the boat couldn't help but tears welled up, and the singing gradually faded away: Holding your face gently~~ Wiping your tears away for you~~ This heart will always belong to you~~ Tell me not to be alone~ Deeply Staring into your eyes...

The more I listened, the more unable to wipe away the tears of the Nantian family.

They found that they were in love with Datang and their lovely children.

"I know that sensationalism, the old man doesn't care at all. When the old man celebrates his birthday, he will spend it in Lijiazhuang, and Xiao Yi has to perform for the old man."

Bi Gou's eye circles are also red, there is a kind of parting, and I feel sad when I see it.

Concubine Doulu rubbed her eyes with a handkerchief: "Good boy Xiaoyi, Saburo, don't always be too harsh."

"Huh?" Li Longji turned his head, stunned!

I'm harsh? I pretended not to see Yi brother when I kissed my daughter.

Who does he want to win in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, do I have a guarantee?

He now says that Bi Gou should be in the group, and I can only let Bi Go in.

Li Dan's face was calm: "Xiao Yi is helping people from Datang to go to the country of Japan. With such a farewell, the people of Nantian will protect our safety.

Otherwise, how could Xiao Yi put up such a lineup? Xiao Yi, who is a Japanese dying person, doesn't care, Saburo... hey! It's all fate! "

Li Dan is jealous of his own son. I was so difficult at the beginning, so why didn't I have a little easy?

When you just became the emperor, Xiao Yi jumped out and watched him turn his hands into clouds and cover his hands into rain for several years.

No matter the family, the court is fighting, and the border is in danger, as long as it shows up, he promises to slap it.

Even in response to a circle of threats, he still cares about the people's livelihood and has nothing to do with writing a medical book or something.

Zhuge Liang in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms written by him, thanks to not learning from him, otherwise he would have died earlier.

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