Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1628 Tubo's desire to maintain stability and greed (third more)

"Hey~Hey~" The captured sheep yelled uncomfortably. If the beaten sheep hadn't died completely, or had lost its leg, Yulin Feiqi would be happy.

The seven hit sheep were placed on the ground, and everyone looked closer, and there was nothing to say.

Some people, including Kili Xu, who previously forced the Jincheng princess to make friends, are now fortunate and grateful to Qin Li, Zhang Xiaosong, Hao Lingquan and others.

It was they who came out of the Yellow River ahead of time, and they will be out.

So both parties assess their strengths, reach an agreement, and hand over to their own party.

If Princess Jincheng handed people over and was tortured and killed, then now she shot the sheep...

I hit my legs, but my legs are missing, I hit my head, my head is missing a large piece, I hit my stomach, and there is a big hole.

Just hang it up? Where is it?

"The longer the child, the better." Kili Xu looked at the sleeping baby in the stroller, and smoothly rolled down a bunch of thick patinas from his wrists and put them on the stroller.

Suddenly, other people looked for the valuables they were carrying, and gave them away on the occasion of looking after and boasting about their children.

Everything that can be carried close to the body is commemorative or precious.

They gave it out only as an expression of goodwill.

Princess Jincheng took them one by one, and ordered the court lady eunuch next to them to write down which thing belonged to whom.

She doesn't want it, and she will return it with other gifts later.

You can't sell it for much money if you get Datang, unless you sell it in Tubo, it's obviously not good to sell things sent by others.

Keeping other people's beloved things in your own hands, you always have to think about it. Are you missing something like this?

What I got far exceeded what I thought, and it was nothing compared to the promise of being able to return to her natal home at any time.

My biggest injury was that I was homeless, and my soul could hardly fall into the homeland.

The people in the princess palace prepare new food for everyone to wait, and it is impossible to let the food of Yulin Feiqi to others.

Yulin Feiqi never had the thought of being modest. It is our task to eat. Only when we are full can we have the strength to scare you.

"Fan Fan, are you going back to sleep?" Qin Li returned to the heavy machine gun position.

"Are you still a person?" Fan Fan watched Qin Li pick up the leg of lamb and put his hand on his waist, where there was a pistol.

"Don't, don't be like this, we are real buddies, come, eat lamb shank, I just gave you a taste of cold or not." Qin Li has a strong desire to survive.

Turning to amazement: "You still brought a pistol?"

"Twenty pistols, one fifty rounds of ammunition, and ten assault rifles, each with three hundred rounds of ammunition, used to break through at critical moments.

The proprietor said, you can’t let the Jincheng princess suffer the slightest grievance.

The proprietor said that this is called machismo. If a Datang man is not dead, a Datang woman cannot be bullied by outsiders. "

Fan Fan took out the pistol and handed it to Qin Li, took Qin Li's leg of lamb, took out the hip flask from his arms, unscrewed it and took a sip.

"Are you drinking while on duty?" Qin Li stroked the gun.

"I'm fucking sleeping, I was shouted and shot with a heavy machine gun. Do you know how nervous you are? Excited, I have to drink some wine, ginseng wolfberry wine, don't you have a sip?"

Fan Fan took a bite of the meat and passed the jug.

"I'm on a mission. I don't want to go back and be taken by the proprietor."

Qin Li couldn't answer, resolutely refused, what's the joke?

"When I have a good rest, I will take over for you, is this okay?" Fan Fan took it back again. There is no way, people are not fooled.

"Princess Jincheng was forced to make a friend when we came. Do you know whom to make, right? Later...they make a man, huh!" Qin Liyang chin.

"If you drink it, it will be fine, and the result will be worthless. The proprietor said, there will be no trouble with you." Fan Fan handed over the wine again.

"Why do you have to pay twice? Liquor is not good, so take it farther." Qin Li was steady so that he would not be deceived.

The people in the palace are processing the dead sheep, washing them with water, and stewing them in a pressure cooker. The other cold dishes are served first, as well as white wine.

Hot it slightly, and drink it in a small wine cup of two and a half dollars, sixty degrees.

The Tubo people are not in a hurry, they are already very good to eat. The cold dishes include pork head meat, pig ears, and sliced ​​smoked sausage.

Their favorites are dried tofu rolls and coriander with chili sauce.

To make dried tofu requires soy milk, so soy milk must be boiled in a pressure cooker, and the froth will appear when it is boiled. This is a technology job.

It's not easy to eat tofu in Tubo, and when there is still a pressure cooker, you can't even think about it without a pressure cooker.

The reason why they like to eat ghee is because ghee boils at a higher temperature than water under the same atmospheric pressure.

At this time, what really restricted the progress of the Tubo diet was the lack of iron.

At the beginning, Jincheng Princess, like Princess Wencheng, brought a lot of books and craftsmen to Tubo to help with development.

After Li Yi appeared and instigated a series of actions, Princess Jincheng stopped helping Tubo.

Nowadays, if you want to ask for something from the palace of Princess Jincheng, you have to pay a price.

‘Dididi, dididi...’ The stroller rang.

Princess Jincheng glanced at the prompt above, and the stroller walked away to feed the baby. The baby was hungry.

"Dalun, I want to go back to Datang with Nunu." The ruler took out the letter Li Yi wrote to Princess Jincheng and handed it over.

He is not in power now. Before, his mother was in power and helped him calm the Quartet. After his mother died, Kilisu was regent.

Kilixu accepted the letter, and there was a poem on it. Fortunately, he knew very well about the culture of the Tang Dynasty. After reading the poem, he looked at the bloody fingerprints with enthusiasm.

"Li Yizhen's blood mark? When did Princess Jincheng say to return?" Kilixu's expression was solemn.

The ruler belt Zhu Dan shook his head: "No."

"What I should face is to face after all." Kili Xu seemed to be much older for a moment.


"Xiao Yi, can't you think of it, someone is not stupid than you, someone is starting to sell peaches, guess how they sell it?"

In the afternoon, Bi Gou, who had handled all official duties, found Li Yi, who had just practiced today's second hand with death row prisoners, and said with a mysterious expression on his face.

"There are no off-season peaches in the greenhouse. It is difficult to control and too difficult. Now peaches, there should be peaches in the southernmost part, but they cannot be shipped.

Peaches selling peaches...pre-sale? Has anyone come and say that after the latest peaches come out, they can be the first to try them and collect the money? "

Li Yi's muttering voice grew louder and he looked at Bi Gou with a ugly expression.

"Ah? You know this too?" Bi Gou was shocked: "I have a villager who told me about this method and wanted to advertise in the newspaper. I asked you to help write an ad for the benefit of the people, you ...Not happy?"

"If it weren't for my heart to Datang, I would have used these methods a long time ago, and I have countless ways, and it is better than this, it is cheating."

Li Yi is really angry, how about playing? I don’t know if you play with you. It’s okay. You actually let me advertise for you?

What do you want to drop? Fudge me like a fool?

"Old Bi, when I put out my advertisement, the people suffer. Do you want my credibility any more?"

Li Yi took a deep breath, not to blame Bi Gou, Bi Gou promised to be cheated.

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