Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1633 Tubo easy to solve the people's recruitment (second more)

"My proprietor said, these glass pots and curry powder will be given to you first, and you can sell them at Tianzhu. If it is suitable, you can get a lot of goods."

Another day passed, and the third manager of Lijiazhuangzi brought ten sets of glassware and a hundred bags of curry powder, and found Bozhen and others who were eating wontons on Vermillion Bird Street and the Imperial City Gate.

The money is confiscated for this batch of goods, and the credit guarantee of the Tubo envoys is counted. No money will be given at that time, then...

"Troublesome three things." Isinba greeted. I saw him before. When he was in Qiaotou, he said three things, ‘what can be more important than the support of the court by the people of the Tang Dynasty? ’Expressed his attitude.

Isimba was very happy. If he had agreed that day, he would first pay for ten sets of glassware, one set of 1,200 yuan. It seemed that Li Yi was not in a hurry.

There are twenty-five large packages of curry powder, which belong to the first-level agent, and 60 back-points, develop the second-level agent by themselves.

"The proprietor said that earning money can support Tubo's external use of troops. Tubo and Datang are welcome to communicate with each other at any time." Sanguan said blankly.

"How can we make money? Naturally, when we make money, we will fight Tianzhu. Yes, opening the Tianzhu market will definitely make a lot of money." Bo Yan promised.

"That is, if Tubo moves to Tianzhu and other places due to any circumstances, there is no shortage of military resources? The proprietor said, don't use this as an excuse to control Datang's needs."

Third, continue to talk about things and make things clear.

"Yes!" Bozhen and Isimba admitted together.

"First signed the deed, using your envoy's seal, and your two fingerprints. Turning around, ask your Dalun and Zampo to also write an official document, not a letter from the prime minister, and send it back to Datang."

The three stewards took out the deeds that had been prepared early, in triplicate, the Tubo left one, the Lijiazhuangzi, and the other kept in Honghe Temple.

Both copies were printed, signed, and fingerprinted.

"Today's wontons are exceptionally delicious." After Sanguan left, Bo Ru took a mouthful of wonton soup with a spoon and praised the taste.

"It seems to be the same every day. There are mustard froth, green onion, dried shrimp skin, sesame oil, soy sauce and vinegar, and Lijiazhuang's will put seaweed, not here."

Isimba didn't think anything had changed, he also drank soup.

He brings his own pepper, but the wonton sellers don’t provide it. He doesn’t drink up the soup and pays for it!

He wanted the clear soup base without adding a small spoon of meat oil, and he didn't want the bone soup and chicken soup over there, although the prices were all the same.

"Lao Hu, the chicken soup in your house is too hot today." An official next to him was scalded in his mouth, with a painful expression on his face.

"Did you see it? Broken watermelon frost." The stall owner offered cold water. He didn't explain why the chicken soup was already hot.

The chicken broth is topped with chicken fat, and people who are short of oil and water are willing to eat it.

Bone soup belongs to the taste that some people love to eat bones, and there is not as much oil and water as clear soup with an extra spoon.

The scalded official rinsed his mouth, rinsed, turned his head and spit water, suddenly saw the guard guarding the city gate, so he swallowed.

The people can vomit, but he cannot vomit, he is an official.

"It's broken, I promise it's broken, it hurts!" The official gargle several times to confirm.

"Give you a bowl of over-water noodles, you won't be charged."

The stall owner frowned and said, obviously he felt that it was not good to burn others, and it hurts everyone.

"Lao Hu, I'm going to be promoted. I am happy and anxious, no wonder you. This wonton..." The official was happy, but was reluctant to throw it away.

"I'll eat it, and you can treat me to it." A person strolled over.

"It's okay if I ask you to eat, I have to know that you are... King Song!" The official got up.

"I have seen King Song." The others all got up and bent over slightly. This was considered a salute, and it was impossible to kneel.

"Yesterday I was at Yidi Zhuangzi. In the evening, I told Yidi that I wanted to eat wontons. He said that Lao Hu was selling wontons in front of Vermillion Bird, Vermillion Bird Street in the Imperial City.

It used to be forbidden to sell, but now it’s easy to control, and it also gives people in the imperial city a place to have breakfast.

Speaking of carrying burdens and carts, some of the wheels of the cart are no longer good, and they are tired.

Brother Yi designed a car and asked someone to build three cars overnight. I didn't eat wontons in Lijiazhuang. Can you see how old Hu? "

Li Chengqi's tone was calm, and when he said about the situation, three cars were pushed from behind him.

The three-wheeled person is not riding a donkey upside down. The carriage is high and the carriage is in the front. It is easy to hit people without seeing the situation ahead.

The carriage is at the back, it is easy to lose things, and others don't know if they take the opportunity to take it.

Fortunately, no one in the city of Chang'an dared to steal other people's things.

"Song Wang, I can't afford it. Isn't this just an extra wheel on the bike! I still push my bike and yell not to run into people."

Lao Hu liked this kind of car at a glance. The bamboo body and the wheels are bicycles, and subway bearings are guaranteed inside.

There are drawers and shelves on the car, and the surface is painted with tung oil, which is clean and neat.

Other people who set up the stall gathered around, wanting to touch but not daring to touch it.

Li Chengqi stood in front of a car and introduced: "The drawers have buckles, so you don't worry about sliding out when you turn left and right. The same is true for the cabinet doors.

The iron card slot, the pot is placed on the top, and the charcoal is burnt on the bottom, without delay.

The bucket should be covered with a lid, hung up, and fixed with a rope underneath. When the bucket shakes slightly, the shaking of the bucket will offset the force of the swing, and it will not be easy to spill..."

He said in the same way that when others listened to it, they knew that they were bothered when designing.

A circle of people nodded again and again. Okay, things are great, but...we...

"My brother Yi said, first make a thousand cars for everyone to use, and then select it with others, and give it to someone whose food is clean and delicious.

A rag wipes several tables without washing them. It is absolutely impossible. They must be washed with soap, and the dirty water cannot be wrung out before they are considered clean. "

Li Chengqi said the key point is that the car is free and sanitary.

Yesterday, when he chatted with Li Yi, he said that it is summer. This year, Chang'an can improve the level of hygiene, and everyone's life level will be high first.

It is better to lure them with profit instead of ordering them compulsorily.

Moreover, when the railway is repaired and short-distance transportation is completed, such tricycles will increase, one by one.

"Is my house okay?" Old Hu Yiting could use it for free, and let Li Chengqi watch his own stall.

"Okay, I came to you, I told Yi Di..."

Li Chengqi smiled and nodded, just about to say how much he played a role in it.

Over there, the old Hu knelt to the east with a bang, his hands clasped together: "Thank you Li Dongzhu, thank Li Dongzhu, Li Dongzhu, you can rest assured, my old Hu will never let this car out, and promise to clean it up."

Li Chengqi: "..."

I, I started talking about you yesterday, it was me, you just nodded with me, you now... why are your knees so soft?

"Old Hu, don't always kneel to Dongzhu Li, Dongzhu Li is not happy."

"Lao Hu, congratulations, your stall is indeed clean."

"Old Hu, get up, turn around and put more incense on Li Dongzhu's tablet. It's just hot. When the mosquitoes come out, order two mosquito coils."

Everyone helped Old Hu up, envious and congratulated.

Li Chengqi was left hanging aside, he was taken aback, and suddenly smiled.

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