Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1656 Site selection due to time, sea, land and ring (second more)

When Wang Wei changed the subject, Li Yi fell into deep thought.

Where is the appropriate bridge for the Yellow River? At that time, there were many bridges over the Yellow River, including Luoyang and Zhengzhou, east of Luoyang.

"Luoyang goes to Heqing County on the other side, so it is convenient for the people of Khitan to take the land to Luoyang on the other side, and it is also convenient for the goods of Henan Prefecture to cross the river, and Hebei Road should be developed."

After thinking for a moment, Li Yi gave a place.

His fundamental purpose is to place in Hebei, where there are many Hebei Plains, and the corresponding location to the Hebei Plain should be Kaifeng.

"Since it is for the transportation of materials, Zhengzhou is not possible? The Bianzhou plain in the southwest of Zhengzhou is vast. It is said that the indica rice planted by Henan Prefecture is the first in Bianzhou."

Long Sun Xin put forward the idea of ​​owning, and it is always necessary to fix it and find a good place.

"Today Luoyang is the eastern capital, with a large population and a well-established official structure. Where roads and bridges are built, people should be the top priority, and the frontiers should be sinister."

Li Yi gave his own consideration, Bianzhou is indeed good, and Tokyo in the Song Dynasty is close to the Grand Canal. The disadvantage is that there is no danger to defend.

Wang Wei also helped Meng Yifu pick the snails: "Rigid and soft is the danger of worrying that Zhengzhou is not in Luoyang?"

"No, I don't need to take risks when I am in the Tang Dynasty. After the last two years, I will push the Turks out first, and use the Turks to contain the Bohai country.

The Tubo expelled them and beat them to Tianzhu. We went to most areas of Tubo and were going north to clean up the white clothes. The Silk Road must be connected.

To the west of Longyou Road and even the Wakhan Corridor, that road is passable in all seasons, and the trouble is here. "

Li Yi thought about it and said, Changsun Xin and the four showed a dazed look, and Meng Yifu continued to happily eat snails dipped in honey, ignoring the affairs of the adults.

Li Yi looked up and stretched out his hand: "I will draw a map for you all."

Qingsong pulled the box, and Ziyu brought the things next to him. What box would you like?

Li Yi began to paint: "Here, right now in our Datang territory, under the jurisdiction of Anxi Prefecture, most of them are local people Life, who were canonized by the Tang Dynasty, but actually broken, we only guard Dashicheng, this is Sulu's. Tuqi Shi..."

Li Yi told several people that Xuanzang took this path to obtain sutras.

His Pakistan at that time was part of ancient India, and continued northward to reach the Indian Ocean.

There is Iran next to it, and it's no way to go along the Persian Gulf to the end.

Winding down, there is the Suez Canal. It is not clear whether it is blocked or open. It can be cleared anyway.

The Suez Canal has existed for a long time. It is neither deep nor wide. You can pass a boat, and want to take an aircraft carrier?

"From the land to the past, if you choose the sea, the current foreign trader..."

Li Yi also drew the routes and places on the sea, going south from Haizhou.

To Vietnam, to the south of Vietnam is Singapore, crossing the Strait of Malacca, without going to the Bay of Bengal, straight to Sri Lanka, into the Arabian Sea, and to Pakistan, where the two points converge.

"Look, the relationship between sea and land."

Li Yi puts down the pen, is it far? The land route is not easy to walk, the transportation volume is small, and the large ships on the sea can carry a lot at a time.

The four of Sun Xin: "..."

"Oh~~" After more than ten breaths, Wang Wei sighed, feeling inferior.

"Gong and soft, where did you... where did you learn it?" Meng Haoran was equally sad.

Li Yi draws and compares the data to give the current names of Datang to various places, such as Annan, Poli, Champa, Jiaozhi, Senggao, Wuling, Kaja, Gumi, Goluo, Kuluomi, Funan, Ji Mi , He Ling...

In all this, I occasionally talk about the local situation, what clothes to wear, what food to grow, and so on.

"Some Sui books have records, some were from our former courtiers in the Tang Dynasty, and some...Um...Uh...It works well anyway, I always thank it.

It... the last name is Li, the single name is a Tang character, and the Chinese character system is used. Yes, there is nothing wrong with the Li Tang Li system. "

It's too easy for Li Yi to check the information. He just listed out what he wanted to check.

System: "⊙ω⊙"

"It's so, I only know some of the situations on the way to learn from the scriptures, and I haven't contacted the others."

Wang Wei likes Buddhism and Tao, and he needs to know when studying Buddhism.

"Gangrou, when you have a book, give me a copy." Meng Haoran wanted to learn directly from the book.

"No, it can't be circulated right now, and it will provide information for others. No, yes! I will write back, including the map and the customs of each place."

Li Yi refused first, and then thought that the Datang Caravan would go out and would not give them anything, so they forced themselves into it, which was too much effort.

Li Yi picked up a snail and dropped a drop of juice when it moved.

‘Huh~! Ge Yan, who was always staring at him, drew a stack of paper away before the juice fell on the paper, and the juice fell on...Bi He's outstretched palm.

Huang Bo helped Ge Yan roll the paper, roll the one with the picture, and Jin Ju handed Bihe a wet handkerchief.

"Yes, yes, the picture should not be polluted. It must be presented to...that...Fangqu County Duke?" Wang Wei couldn't remember Li Longji's other identity.

"The third brother has it there, and it's clearer and bigger than what I have drawn right now."

Li Yi gave Li Longji a set of world maps and a globe made by him.

Where there is no Datang name above, all numbers are used, and when you contact them, you will have a name.

"Give it to me!" Chang Sun Xin asked, he wanted to show his wife.

He looked at Li Yi, and once again realized why Zaifu always consulted Li Yi to discuss things, and who would always have a lot of things in his head?

Zhuangzi said nonsense that there is no limit to everything in my life, and there is no limit to knowing. With the boundless, the boundless, it's almost done!

Zhuangzi, come out and tell me what is in front of me?

"If you don't dislike such inferior work... don't hold your hands, give it." Li Yi said as he found Huang Bai holding the picture on his chest.

"Proprietor, we copy one." Ge Yan stood in front of Huang Bo.

"Thank you!" Chang Sun Xin was helpless, just follow the painting, it's almost enough.

"Thank you!" "Thank you!" Wang Wei and Meng Haoran followed, and we want too.

Han Xiangke smiled. She also knew the value of this picture and searched all over the world, nowhere else.

I don’t understand how the map is drawn. It looks like the one I just saw. I sell it for 10,000 yuan. Someone will rush to pay for it.

When I go back, I will look for Sui Shu, as well as the records from overseas before this dynasty, teaching and yifu.

With the time of speaking, the rain outside gradually diminished.

Meng Yifu stopped eating and said to Wang Wei, "Thank you Wang Uncle."

"You didn't eat much." Wang Wei took a look. There were about 30 snail meat.

"There is a dinner in the evening, Li Uncle said, eating too much in between makes the dinner difficult to eat, which is not good for your health. Mother said that self-discipline should be done by self-cultivation."

Meng Yifu endured the desire to continue to eat, and answered obediently.

"Go look for Wan'er and see if he has eaten?" Li Yi knew that Meng Yifu didn't want to stay.

Sure enough, Meng Yifu took a look at his parents who hadn't eaten, and waited for the two to nod their heads, and took the snail meat to find the little guy to play with.

Han Xiangke is most satisfied. It is a good thing for his son to have more contact with the future prince.

"Look at the situation, can the rain stop before dark, and go to Drunk Xianju?" Wang Wei planned to find Li Yi for a drink at night.

"On the boat at night, your people come up, as long as you don't walk around at will. I will send someone to pick Xun'er Qian'er, and I will go to Zuixianju tomorrow."

Li Yi didn't want to go down. After the rain, the air was humid and a bit cold. Zui Xianju was more comfortable than a yacht.

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