Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1674 Everything is never said (second more)

In the hot spring behind Zuixianju, Princess Yongmu and the ladies were also eating.

The middle pond is not accessible for people and is used to fetch water.

The food was placed on a tray and floated on the water. The lady ate like this for the first time, and it felt very fresh.

They have soaked in the bathtub of hot spring water, and they can't get the water from the hot spring water elsewhere.

Around Jingzhao Mansion, whenever a hot spring is found, it will be occupied by the royal family.

It was too far away from Jingzhao Mansion, and they couldn't run over to take a bath.

There are many bubbles in the water in the place of origin, and there is a layer of fine bubbles on the body, which floats to the top with a stroke of the hand.

Princess Yongmu is not rare in this bubble hot spring. She has hot spring water from Huaqing Pool connected by bamboo tubes, and it is heated again.

Everyone eats their own food, not speaking much, not around Princess Yongmu.

Part of Princess Yongmu's female guards was soaked, and the other part wandered on the shore with weapons.

Surrounded by the hands of Princess Yongmu, playing and singing.

Xiaolan just left, and then ran back, got into the water and swam to Princess Yongmu: "Princess, the four Zaifu and Your Majesty are here."

Princess Yongmu raised her brows: "If you don't see Li Lang for a day, it won't work?"

"It's not for Li Lang. Your Majesty came here after seeing Zaifu come out. Zaifu are..."

Xiaolan wow wow wow she told all the information she got, and finally laughed thiefly.

"Li Lang has another apprentice with a good memory? It's a happy event.

Newspapers are the first work. If the people don't have the chance to read, then the child may be doing nothing for a lifetime in Beitianfang.

Even if I study again when I grow up, I don't think I will be spiritual anymore. I am busy with three meals all day and accept my fate. "

While Princess Yongmu was happy, she thought of education for all.

People like Jingzhaofu, since they can read newspapers, their spirits and spirits are different from normal times.

For example, yelling about the notice posted by the yamen, don’t want to deceive or do anything.

"Princess, if the imperial court were not rich, and Beitianfang had little funding, the child might have died early."

Xiaolan talked about looking at the noble lady elsewhere, just like looking at the money.

"After a month, I will organize another event. In the future, when the train is open, people from Henan Province can also go to Chang'an!"

Princess Yongmu understood what Xiaolan meant. The lady had money, and she made the money and used it on the people of Datang.

They pursue the feeling of being aloof, and they want to see that the people of Datang have a better life, without conflict, and each taking what they need.

"Princess, there is still a mountain in our house west of Luoyang, so we can take the people here."

Xiao Lan knows how many sites her house has.

In that mountain, pigs and chickens are still raised, and there are many mulberry trees, all of which are dwarf mulberry trees.

Use cuttings to grow roots and transplant them. One kind of large area will not allow it to grow taller. It is easy to raise silkworms and take mulberries.

The farmers in the Zhuangzi took turns in the past to take charge of the duties. What new planting and breeding technologies are available to teach the people who learned in the past in time.

The local officials take good care of the mountains and forests. No official has ever looked for things in the past. Good officials.

"I don't know what's going on there. I haven't received a letter for several days. I should raise more pigeons and send it there."

Princess Yongmu was very concerned about the place next to Luoyang, which was the base where Li Yi used to help deal with the locust plague.

He left when others were taking the imperial examination, and the forty-two students were all ranked first, but he was not there.

Um! I didn't even know him at the time.


"Quick, quick, quicker, the rain stopped, and then it was washed away by the water."

In Luoyang, Henan province, a group of people are riding horses on a road.

More than thirty miles south of Lijiazhuangzi Mountain, a village called Xiaoluonan Village was washed away by flash floods that flowed down from the mountain.

Upon receiving the news, the three dealers in charge of this place hurriedly organized manpower to rescue them.

The informant said that there was a big rock blocking it. It rained heavily yesterday and it rained all day.

The sky was clear, and the water on the higher mountain flowed down, and the big rock finally couldn't bear it, the bones came down, and the water followed.

Fortunately, in the morning, the people didn't sleep. When they heard the movement, the people in the village hurriedly ran away.

When people ran away, houses, pigs, and poultry were all left behind.

Horses, mules, cows, donkeys, obedient, were led and run.

Running out of the range to a high place, the people in the village rode on horses to report the news. The village was heading to Luoyang City, and someone else was looking for the mountain where Lijiazhuang was located.

The third group of people went to the county government office in Feishan County and told them that they didn't expect any help from the county government.

The people of Lijiazhuangzi knew the situation. As soon as the warehouse opened, the ready-made packages were taken out and hung on the horse to organize hired workers to go.

For more than 30 miles, if the road conditions are good, it will take less than 20 minutes to drive.

It is a pity that this road is not good enough. Even if the road is widened and paved with stones, potholes are still left when it rains, including the mountain road up and down.

When it’s in the sky, carrying a load requires a bright day to set off, and it’s not until noon to go outside Luoyang and go back to dark.

On this road, off-road vehicles can't drive it.

Everyone who was hired had serious expressions. They pressed water, built roads, dug ponds, and planted trees.

Receive military training every few days, line up, walk in unison, walk straight, take weapons, and ride horses.

Others also receive military training, but they are not as frequent as they need to be disciplined.

They earn a lot of money and have a stronger sense of honor, thinking that they are members of the Li Family Zhuangzi.

From getting the news to starting, it takes five minutes, including picking up things and setting up horses.

Almost at the same time, the village led people to pounce outside Henan Mansion, but Luoyang Ling didn't go there.

For major issues, find Henan Fu Yin.

Reports went up one after another, and Zhang Shuo, who was correcting the official document, heard about the situation and met with the village Zheng.

"I'm Majin, the village leader in Xiaonanluo Village. The village was washed away, and the water from the mountain was washed away. It's all over. The house, pigs, chickens, ducks and geese, and the ground is soaked."

The village is yelling to Zhang Shuo, without tears.

They have money, and they run with the voucher, and the money from the voucher can buy two more houses, pigs, and poultry.

The village was not sure what to do. Everyone couldn't go back. The water was still rushing. Seeing the pigs were washed away, and the ducks and geese could not swim up the shore, they asked Shuige to take them away.

"Come on, call for a discussion." Zhang said and shouted.

"Let's discuss it. Have you something to eat? Let's pad our stomachs first." The village was angry and quickly sent someone.

When you first came here, you posted a notice. In the event of a disaster, the house was broken and the yamen built it.

What about our village tonight? Sleeping outside? There are many mosquitoes.

Here in Luoyang is a complete system of officials. If Li Longji is lucky enough to bring people to Luoyang, he will be in position directly.

A large group of people arrived in a hurry, and a village was washed away by floods?

This matter has to be dealt with quickly, it can't be suppressed, there are people from Lijiazhuangzi over there, don't you dare to kill the people from Lijiazhuangzi?

The burritos and soup are here, and there are burritos outside.

The village is taking a lot of people to eat and drink, first eat enough, and then think of a solution.

"Organize the manpower and go over immediately. The doctors from the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry will lead the team to observe the situation and record the losses."

Zhang said that he gave the order, but he did not hesitate to ask people to discuss it.

"There are brown bread and pickles. The fire can't be opened in the village, and the pot is gone." The village was shouting from the side to add.

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