Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1680 is both virtuous and talented (third more)

"The son said: for politics and virtue, such as Beichen, live in its place and the stars share it. The son said: poetry, three hundred, in a word..."

"You are opposite to show, silence is to noisy, Liu An is to Taoyuan. Yingpeng is to Yanyou, and early evening is greeting. Yu jumps over marsh, Crane Chengxuan, drunk to Yinhun..."

"Trained by Fu outside, enters the mother's ceremony. Uncles and uncles, you Zibier. Brother Konghuai, we are in the same spirit. Make friends and vote, and cut the rules..."

When the chanting of children with different learning progress in the village sounded, the people smiled and worked hard.

Zhang said he had nothing to do with tea, and he represented everything here.

"This is the voice enlightenment, written by Xiao Yi, oh, copied.

When I went to Lijiazhuangzi, what I heard first was that the sky is to the earth, the rain is to the wind, the mainland is to the sky, and it is called Li Weng to rhyme.

That year, Li Jia Zhuangzi didn't have the current scale, and Xiao Yi couldn't end his life and career. "

Zhang said that he was comfortable all over, and the child's reading sound was good, he began to recall, and said to Li Guiheng and Ma Jin by the way.

"I hadn't entered Lijiazhuang at that time, but I heard people say, alas!" Li Guiheng regretted that he was late.

"Send someone to talk to Dongzhu Li about this matter?"

Ma Jin couldn't participate in the topic, he wanted to ask if things in the village were told to Li Yi.

"Send the pigeons out early in the morning, the distance is close, and it won't take long to get to Zhuangzi. If the proprietor has arrangements, he will return the pigeons raised here."

Li Guiheng did not send anyone, so he would release pigeons when he was hit, two at a time.

The pigeons raised here must be taken back before release, otherwise it is easy to take the Chang'an pigeons with them.

"Tell me about it?" Zhang asked when he heard that a pigeon was flying.

"Naturally mentioned, thanks to the help of Fu Yin Xingye, who was in the disaster area." Li Guiheng responded.

"Just don't worry, it's not a big deal. Seeing the people of Xiaoluonan Village are there, everything is worth it."

Zhang said he was happy, and what he said belonged to the official language.

He doesn't care that he is slower than Lijiazhuang's team. Isn't it normal to be slow?

I went back to clean up the officials in Feishan County. I haven't come yet, and my tea after dinner is cold.

Zhang said that he actually took two sips of tea. He mainly eats fruit. Half an hour after the meal, he eats a platter of cantaloupe and watermelon, and eats with a toothpick.

Workers deal with a few bites of fruit after eating, and don't have time to taste them slowly.

The children will eat fruit when they eat between meals. The children eat breakfast without saving their stomachs. They eat hard, and they will be hungry after more than two hours when they are full and go to class.

You can still eat at noon after eating a meal.

With only two meals a day, the growth of a child is not as good as a child with adequate nutrition, especially in terms of height.

The rain on the mountain gradually decreased, and more ground was exposed.

The people dig things carefully, not daring to go over immediately, for fear of being trapped.

Looking up, we are in a mess. If we change place and time, the people should cry and their homes will be destroyed.

The people in the village are talking, laughing, and stuffing their heads. How tired to work, chatting!


Jia Zhangqiu was also chatting. He asked for leave and brought his wife, son and daughter over in the morning.

The niece became pregnant with her mother and niece, but she fell ill halfway through and gave birth to the baby on the cruiser.

The niece wrote before she came, and the letter written by Little Sister himself called to take care of one or two.

"His uncle, this is a candied date, the family's date tree, which was shot down last year and made with honey." The mother-in-law brought out ‘good things’.

"Okay, I just like this one. My nephew's grandson is so good-looking, and sleeps make people want to kiss him."

Jia Zhangqiu has learned that the child will be named by Li Yi.

His niece is Shi Miao, her husband's surname is Xia, her husband is Xia Hao, and her mother's niece has only one surname, Guan, whose name is Xia Guan.

It's a pity that Little Sister didn't come, so I had to hold it up. Don't let my husband look down on my own niece.

When the baby is sleeping, he is only three days old. He eats, sleeps, pulls, cries, and nothing else.

"His uncle, Dongzhu Li said..."

The mother-in-law hurriedly talked about business, and looked at Jia Zhangqiu, as if we were working hard for you.

Jia Zhangqiu was taken aback now: "Where can I enter the Ministry of Household Tax? Ping Tiao? Good!"

In the Chang'an public office, he knows that the taxation department is powerful.

Welfare is very high, high enough to dare not accept bribes and corruption.

The selection is strict and character is required. When working in other places, you can't enter if there is a little problem.

Anyone who is selected is unwilling to call him corrupt. This department represents glory.

"Originally I wanted to ask how much money I needed to get in, but Dongzhu Li said no," the nephew and son-in-law whispered.

"Thank you for speaking in front of Li Dongzhu, otherwise you really find ways to give money, haha!" Jia Zhangqiu was grateful.

He knew that there were no less than 300 people walking the door, spending money, and then not only couldn't get in, but they were also degraded.

"Uncle, will you go during lunch?" The child's mother is afraid of his mother's face.

"Go, I have to think about it first, how do I answer when they ask me, Xiao Miao, this is not a matter of money, there are no people in Mingjingke."

Jia Zhangqiu was so excited that he had the opportunity to enter the taxation department of the Ministry of Households.

"All Jinshi?" Jia Zhangqiu's son asked aloud.

"Clear calculations, clear laws, the first class has been evaluated, yes! The same is true for the Jinshi. However, the evaluation, the Jinshi first class is missed."

Jia Zhangqiu said tears came out, he is forty-six years old, and since he became a small official, he has always worked hard.

I was finally recognized, come out!

"Father!" Jia Zhangqiu's children shouted together.

"Nothing, there will be a lot of things at home in the future, such as meat, fruits, seafood, silk, houses..."

Jia Zhangqiu said welfare, for those who want to take tricks, welfare is a guillotine, like him, welfare is safe.

He used to be honest and honest when he was a small official, and he didn't dare to make mistakes when he took on heavy responsibilities.

"His mother-in-law, look at the child, and others will pay attention to you? What if they don't speak?" Worried about being a mother-in-law.

Jia Zhangqiu smiled and shook his head: "It's just an excuse. People who believe in Lijiazhuangzi are investigating my past. As long as they pass, it's settled."


"Lao Bi, what did you eat in the morning? Lao Bi, don't do this, the child will give it to you, can you teach me? I will check your teeth?"

Li Yi finds Bi Gou, and Bi Gou is angry and his apprentice is snatched away, so sad and sad.

The apprentice was only nine years old, so many people of nineteen or twenty-nine were incomparable.

Li Yi talked to him, and he turned his head to look away, looking like a child.

When he heard Li Yi talking about his teeth, Bi Gou turned his head back: "The old man will drink porridge later, so I don't want to have teeth anymore."

"Drinking porridge is actually not a problem. The point is that I don't know how to talk about it properly. It's more than ten million yuan. It's not business income, it's pure tax, and I can't find anyone to discuss it."

Seeing that Li Yi couldn't do it, he hurriedly changed one.

"Xiao Yi, the old man has always known that you are good at dental care. I'll show it later. It's not good to drink porridge. What's the meaning of... 10 million yuan?"

Bi Gou instantly forgot his troubles, and did not feel angry at all. Anyway, he couldn't get any apprentices or apprentices, so hurry up and get practical benefits.

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