Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1686 Wentang's design is divided into two ideas (first more)

"There is a non-mountain county in the southwest of Luoyang. There is a local village called Xiaoluonan Village. After the rain, the mountain water gathered and washed away the village.

The people of Lijiazhuangzi passed, Zhang Fuyin was very fast, and the team set off when he heard the news.

Then in the local area, none of the people died or were injured. It was fine. I will make arrangements later and eat. "

After reading it, Li Yi put the letter away, put it in his pocket, and introduced it to everyone.

"Xiao Yi, what's the answer to Wenquan Chuchen?" Bi Gou didn't care whether Si Piao was good or not, he grasped the key words.

"Considering the context, Fu Yin Ling Zun, the official Hui Chen, the mountains are moving, the hot springs are out of dust, what do you mean?

That is Zhang said that Zhang Daoji brought officials to the place with Star. Even the hard-hearted people were touched by this behavior. It was as warm as a cold winter soaking in hot water.

What is this called? This is called loving the people like a child, so it can stay night and night, and the officials in Henan Province are desperate!

Think about it, which place was hit by the disaster before, and the local government had this speed?

You eat first, and I will make arrangements so that the people of Xiaoluonan Village shall not suffer. "

Li Yi said that he got up to leave, his hand hanging beside him naturally, not touching the pocket of the letter.

"Xiao Yi, don't go, take the letter over, let's look at the back, haven't you finished saying this?" Bi Gou always felt that something was wrong.

"My dealer is too wordy. I don't have a good literary talent. I just like to pretend, and there is nothing behind." Li Yi quickened his pace.

"We are going to live for half a month and we won't leave." Su Ting put down his chopsticks.

Li Yi stopped and turned around: "It has nothing to do with you, a hot spring, hot soup, there is a big rock blocking the previous mountain flood, this year it was not blocked, it fell, and there is warm soup underneath.

Isn’t there a warm soup behind Zuixianju? Now Wen Tian takes the customer to soak there, so it’s not easy for us to pass.

Let's go again after they have finished soaking. It's all trivial things, look at the third brother. is not it?

Forget it, here you are, I won't stand up the third brother, just now I said four million yuan in taxes, right? "

Li Yi wanted to send the letter to Li Longji and ask Li Longji to block it.

After thinking about it again, no, Li Longji finished reading, ask the minister to know?

"The mountains and rocks move, and the hot springs produce dust. The soup is imitated, and the mark of the drunk immortal residence. Luoyang is rich and honorable, and the royal family is respected. But there is a flow of heat, and they are all hoarded.

Our side is monopolizing, the money is running away, the villagers in Xiaze, and Zhuang Yu is paid to..."

Bi Gou continued to read, and then smiled; "Xiao Yi, how many years have you studied at the farmer? You really teach well! These four-paralled sentences, yes!"

Li Longji looked at Li Yi and motioned with his eyes: Luoyang found a new hot spring?

"Lao Bi, let's talk about Li Guiheng, I'm from Zhuangzi, I know too well, he! He is more fanciful.

For example, if he sees a little ant, what does he think? He wanted to raise a lot of ants and help transport supplies.

He also thought about attaching ropes to the fish, big fish, and letting the fish run with the boat. Oh, this can actually be achieved.

What did I just say? Yes, fantasy, he saw the little boy peeing, he thought it was a long stream in the hot spring, so..."

"So the old man also wondered whether or not to pay taxes on that hot spring? How much? Luoyang! All the others are occupied by the royal family, just one."

Bi Gou doesn't care about Li Yi's vernacular, the last is the hot spring, let you run the hot spring, how much is it for a year?

"Third brother, you have to talk to your majesty, why do the royal hot springs occupy too much? Look, Old Bi is confused and starts to fantasize."

Li Yi is not clear about the situation of the hot spring, what can the text describe?

"Brother Yi, if you want to come, your Majesty is afraid of Hubu Shangshu, how can you help your brother?"

Seeing Bi Gou's eyes gleaming, Li Longji was so entangled.

"Also!" Li Yi found that Li Longji had been put up again.

"Old Bi, the hot spring water is circulating, and it's not worth billions of dollars as glass." Li Yi had to remind Bi Gou that I paid a lot of taxes.

"Two things, can you kill one after saving one person?" Bi Gou went online.

"Sister, Luoyang has a hot spring, which belongs to our Zhuangzi? They want to grab it?"

Li Fukuan was beside him, and he asked Feng Qingdai in a low voice.

"They are just idle. The Master is amused with them. They scolded each other with the children. After one child scolded the other, he covered his ears and ran away. The other child..."

"Will you be angry and cry? Because you didn't scold you back!"

"If the child is like this, the adults will use the knife. Only when there is life and death, there is no right or wrong, and the onlookers can point out and say who should not be.

When he waits for the same thing, he says no one should be like, and he does what he says he shouldn't. "

"Then they will fight? The four Zaifu fight Master, Sister, you untie my hanging rope."

"Untie why?"

"Zaisuke didn't know that I could make a sudden move. They hit the Master, and I rushed over when I got the chance, put my fingers in my eyes, bit my throat and shook my head vigorously, and tore out a big hole in my throat."

Li Fukuan's arms began to move, don't look small, he knew how to suddenly come suddenly cruel.

"No, no. Don't worry, Junior Brother, I often watch them play like this with your Senior Sister.

Don't fight, don't fight. I approve of you, brother. OK! You are a good disciple of the Master.

The Master didn't use his life in vain to rescue you back, you just have to have this heart. "

The little girl quickly held down the younger brother, don't make trouble.

On the other side, Bi Gou read the letter over and over again, and from time to time he was young, like a fox who stole a chicken.

"It is not clear whether the hot springs can be soaked. Some hot springs are very toxic and will kill people." Li Yi first poured cold water into the basin.

"Uh~~" Bi Gou suddenly stopped smiling, "Can you look at the one in Luoyang?"

"It is estimated to be available. Water samples need to be collected and sent back for testing. If the temperature is low, it is of little significance. The high temperature encircles the core area, such as the back pond."

Li Yi thought about it. There was a problem with the hot springs. There should have been plants around the area that were different from elsewhere.

"I'm looking forward to it, it's just soaking in the winter!" Bi Go was worried.

"When you were in Henan Mansion, you didn't soak in the soup of Wenluofang in Luoyang City?" Li Yi felt that Bi Gou shouldn't be so excited.

Before Bi Gou, when he was Henan Fu Yin, there were hot springs in Luoyang City, which was said to be exclusively owned by the royal family, referring to separate hot springs.

Or the best place, such as the source block.

There is a hot spring river in Luoyang, how can the river monopolize it? Forbid others to go to the river?

Flow down from the source, the lower the temperature, the lower the temperature.

"Nowhere else is worse than your Zhuangzi. The Huaqing Palace on the mountain, no matter which soup it is, is not as comfortable as the one behind Zuixianju."

Bi Gou said and looked at others, everyone nodded, yes, Huaqing Palace is too restrictive.

It is a matter of environmental design, and the royal family pays attention to grandeur and solemnity.

Zuixianju’s hot springs are natural and leisurely.

Soaking in the hot springs at Huaqing Palace is a grace, so your Majesty doesn't use it.

The place here can really relax. Wenluofang’s hot springs are still awkward for the royal family, and it’s not easy to soak with the people and drive them away?

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