Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1688 Robbery on the road (third more)

Zhang Ruibo didn't know this before, he still listened to others when he was in Pingchengjing Trade.

It is said that there are Nantian family and good things from Datang. The daughter of Nantian family is married to Datang.

The businessman he told him had a look of envy, as if it was a great honor to be able to catch the line of Tang Dynasty.

He wanted to come over and take a look, who ran over to smuggle? Did you pay taxes?

Just two hours ago, I was shocked. Nantian family has flags, Datang flags and Lijiazhuangzi flags, and the name is called Datang Royal Overseas Enze Regiment.

My own person, my hometown, the feeling of home.

I'm chatting, someone from the boat has reported that the boat is coming, a lot.

When he went out to see, the ship was turning around, and suddenly a ship approached quickly, and it was clear that it was going to go, so he had to raise the flag given by the proprietor Li.

Speaking of everyone going home, the Nantian family rushed out to help unload the goods. They could get caught in the rain and the food was not good.

Zhang Ruibo approached Lanbao and whispered: "Your Yue Zhang wants to take two trade lines, and asks if I can come often."

"It doesn't matter, any caravan from Datang can only be sold at a high price, not a low price, and vice versa."

Sapphire doesn't blame his father-in-law, and they worry about being monopolized.

However, this father-in-law thinks that his brain is not very useful. Of all the Datang teams, who would dare to compete with Li Dongzhu?

"Father-in-law, I brought you new good tea, from Chang'an Lijiazhuang." Sapphire first gave a gift when he entered the house.

It is impossible for him to be arrogant or look down on Lao Zhangren just because he is a member of Datang, and now that his status is high.

"Just now I also talked to Zhang Ruibo about one more business route. Some of the things sold in Datang can be sold at a high price. We can make a lot of money at a time. He doesn't agree."

Nantian Dao Kang whispered to Sapphire.

"He didn't dare to agree. The entire Datang business can only be done by Dongzhu Li. The price offered by Dongzhu Li is high, and the goods can be delivered. They can be sold by themselves. They can't sell them at a higher price, and it will take time."

Sapphire does the job of the old man, don't think about it.

"How are the clansmen in the past?" Nantian Dao Kang asked sideways.

"Okay, confiscated the grievances. When he came back, Dongzhu Li took a group of children to see off in person. That scene...Oh!"

Sapphire sighed and ordered people to continue moving things over.

"These are delicious mushrooms, as well as toad oil. Toad oil can live a long life. This is called royal jelly.

Speaking of royal jelly, I brought back fifty boxes of bees. It was more difficult to manage on the road than to raise pigs. When the temperature was high, I had to spray water and bring more honey to feed.

We are like bees, and we eat them ourselves, and Datang also collects them at a high price. In addition..."

Sapphire introduced the extra things he brought back, carrots, green onions, bean worms, koji, grape seedlings, watermelon seeds, test papers...

Nantian Daokang grinned as he listened, and his family will have a better life in the future!

The people who went to the Nantian family in Datang to direct the tribesmen to work, and at the same time told the tribesmen what they saw and heard.

"A horse-drawn cart is walking on the track. What is the track? It's a wide area on one side of the wheel. It's fast, costly, and cheap."

"Just drink hot soup, no money, a small piece of copper can be exchanged for such a big bread, bread is something baked out of wheat flour."

"There are lights on the side of the road at night, not torches, but lights. I brought them back, and there is diesel fuel. I will point them to let you see when it's dark."

"There are many people at night, there is no curfew, robbery? Who dares to rob? The patrol team will pass by in a moment."

"You can eat meat. You have never eaten braised pork. You have brought back canned food. Today, I will send it to the tribe, oh, incense!"

"Walking shoes are broken. Look at the eaves of other people's houses. Some have straw sandals hanging on them and put them on. How do you change them? Don't change them, let's go, others just gave them."

"There is everything to eat, I can't say it, there are too many, all the children go to school, and the clothes are beautiful and clean."

"They can't drink their wine, they feel dizzy after drinking too much."

"Don't be afraid if you have no money. Go to the place to eat, and serve a bowl of soup that you don't need money to exchange for. If you drink, someone will give you something to eat."

"We live in a building at night, and there is no place to live on the road. There is a house on the roadside, and we go to sleep. There are a lot of people living in one house. No money is needed."

"They drink hot water. When it is hot, let the hot water cool down and drink it so that they don't get sick."

"We bought things ourselves, and the money Hezi gave back was a lot of money. We will use this money in the future. No copper coins, Shen!"

"The best place? Of course it's Lijiazhuangzi. Lijiazhuangzi is flying in the sky. A big ball flies up into the sky, hangs a basket below and flies in the basket."

"I saw Dongzhu Li. When we left, he took the children to us and sang and danced."

"Move quickly, don't be distracted by the curtains, this is flour, cover it."

Those who went told other people that those who didn't went showed a look of yearning.

Nothing. Going to a place to eat and drink for nothing? how can that be possible?

With such a good thing, who still works?

"Everyone doesn't do anything, just eat." Some people didn't believe it.

"Free soup, brown bread, no clothes for you, what's the point of being alive? Eat meat, you have to buy meat."

Those who go to despise, you will be like this in your life.

"Yue Zhang, try this canned chestnut chicken. If we have chestnuts, we will raise more chickens."

Sapphire took out canned chestnut chicken and a threaded enamel jar full of it.

Open the seal and it will be gone, mainly the enamel tank, which is used as a precious vessel.

A jar of canned food is poured out into a large plate, full of chicken thighs.

The chestnuts from last year are preserved to the temporary canned food, which is precious.

"Sapphire, I want to eat too." Zhang Ruibo was greedy, the taste of Datang.

"Give you a pair of chopsticks, and bamboo canned food, all of you can eat it."

Sapphire understands that when he came over, he was very uncomfortable and homesick.

"Twenty will do. We will taste one bite each."

Zhang Ruibo was embarrassed to ask for more, he was going back soon.

This time I went back to Chang'an directly, sold things, and then bought things to go home.

Chang'an has everything, and I can see Dongzhu Li.

Nantian Daokang used chopsticks to pick up chicken and chestnuts and tasted it separately: "It's delicious, things in Datang are really different."

After taking two bites, he put down his chopsticks: "Sapphire, someone is robbed."

"Catch it?" Sapphire asked naturally, robbing here? How many people will grab it? Do you want to die?

"Snatching on the road, people who robbed them to sell things, and murdered people, some people ran over by chance, our people passed by, no one can be found."

Nantian Daokang shook his head, looking depressed.

Others come to exchange things and risk their lives. Who will come again in the future?

Sapphire frowned, he is not afraid of someone coming here to do something, how to deal with it on the road? The newspaper officer is useless.

Zhang Ruibo swallowed a chestnut beside him: "Someone is here to discuss the business? Other families?"

"Yes, Jishou's family has been here, and his family wants to go to Datang with us to buy and sell things, and I can't agree to it."

Nantian Inaoyao named a family, Jishou.

"It's his house. Send someone to sneak into his house and stare." Zhang Ruibo said firmly.

Sapphire nodded, yes, yes, Ji Shou's hand moved.

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