Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1690 Value Estimation Tactical Decision (Fifth)

I don't know why, Nantian Dao Kang felt for a moment that he was not qualified to eat with his daughter.

"Father eats vegetables, and I brought back a lot of saltpeter, which can make ice and make ice cubes that are not too hard.

Usually it is a mixture of ice and water. If you want to cool down, it consumes too much saltpeter, which is not cost-effective.

After making ice with saltpeter and drying it in the sun, it will turn into saltpeter, which is used to freeze meat and slice. "

Nantian Kazuko cooked meat for his father, but the family lacked meat, and the whole of Japan lacked meat.

After finishing the meat for her father, she suddenly remembered something, ran away from the table, and came back with a small amount of time, holding a big glass bottle.

By the way, I brought back a small wine cup with two dollars: "Father, the ginseng and deer antler wine given by Dongzhu Li, drink a small cup a day. It is good for your health and you can't drink too much.

In the future, we will collect antler, or live deer. Li Dongzhu said that we have a lot of deer here. "

Nantian Kazuko talked about the velvet antler when he poured wine to his father.

"Can we raise deer? Catch the wild deer and raise them." Nantian Dao Kang knows that there are many deer, and he also knows what antler Datang wants.

What he didn't know was that it could make wine, he thought it was just other medicinal materials.

He didn't even know that there is still such a high degree of alcohol, take a sip...

He drank a third of the two-dollar cup, his throat was stuffed, and the alcohol came out of his nose, dizzy.

He had drunk a few times, but he didn't have such a great energy.

The method of making wine is to steam the rice, then chew it in your mouth, and then spit it into a vessel. After fermentation, it will be wine and turbid wine.

You don’t need to chew all, just a small portion.

Just like using a foot to make wine, some microorganisms and flora are stepped in to participate in the fermentation.

For grapes grown in the same area, some people's wines are just fine. It is probably because of athlete's foot.

"How is this wine made?" Nantian Dao Kang waited over and asked the wine.

"I don't know, only Lijiazhuang has it, but I will use other methods of wine making.

Jiuqu can't be spread. Our country has little food and shouldn't make wine, but rich people love to drink it.

Large families can waste food, it is better to exchange wine for things with them, or for food. "

Nantian Kazuko then said that no one told her about this. She figured it out by herself. She learned a lot of things and thinking patterns in Lijiazhuangzi.

"I know." Nantian Dao Kang expressed his understanding, and he stared at the big wine bottle again: "Is this going to be taken back?"

"Leave it, the glass bottle is very expensive if you buy it, there are glass plates, bowls, and the burnt porcelain is also beautiful.

The children on Zhuangzi would be surprised if they accidentally broke plates and bowls.

The timid can be scared to cry, especially little girls. "

"Ding Ding" Nantian Kazuko flicked the bottle with his hand.

"It's going to be beaten, alas! You shouldn't let the children take it." Nantian Dao Kang naturally thought of the consequences.

"It's for fear of being scalded or injured fingers, no one hits, Li Jiazhuang did it himself, don't care."

Nantian and Zi shook their heads slightly, and she had seen the scene where the child was said to.

The child served the soup in a glass bowl, it was hot, and when he left, he let it go.

The adults came over and blamed: Don't use glass to hold hot things. If you can't do it, you throw it far away. What if you fall and burn your feet? Look, where is it broken?

The child cried, his hands hurt, and he was shocked. Remember, use the tray later.

"I'm not afraid of spoiling my children so much?" Nantian Dao Kang said that he couldn't understand it.

"It has nothing to do with pets, it's just money." Nantian Kazuko picked up the mung bean sprouts that were on the boat and put them in a pot.


Less than five o'clock in the morning the next day, 200 Yu Lin Fei rode to the toilet, ate egg cakes and pickles, drank wild vegetable soup, brought weapons, and set off with a tactical backpack.

The sky was bright and the dew was heavy.

The guide is from the Nantian family, and his name is Nantian Fan. He is the strongest person in the family to survive in the wild, and he has good physical strength.

The key point is that he can speak Da Tang, can communicate in Da Tang, and is not very fluent.

So now everyone talks in the Japanese dialect, and all the people who Yulin Fei rides over will speak.

"Sometimes the person who is robbed depends on what they bring. With the preliminary smelted copper, they will be robbed directly, with iron ore, and they will be robbed when they return for the item.

Those who carry iron ore are willing to exchange stones for ironware. If you can produce half-iron stones, you can exchange half and half ironware.

It means that one hundred catties of stones are exchanged for half of half of fifty catties. There can be..."

Nan Tianfan felt that the example he gave was not good when he introduced it. How to calculate it? It's too much effort.

"1.5625 catties, one-64th the weight of the ore, and one-32th the weight of the iron content." Feiqi Habayashi, the nearest to Nantianfan, gave the answer directly.

"Right... right? Not one hundred catties, that three hundred and twenty catties... five catties? Almost?"

Nan Tianfan uses the most convenient method of counting in half.

"Yes, it's fair, it doesn't take them much advantage." Another Yulin Feiqi said.

One catty of iron ore containing 50% of the iron can be exchanged for one catty of nine taels of iron.

Iron ore needs many steps to turn into tools. Bringing one hundred catties and fifty grades of iron ore to exchange for a catty ninety-two hoe or kitchen knife is a profit for the ore seller.

If he doesn't change it here, he will probably not be able to change a pound of iron tools if he goes to other places.

Iron is different from iron. He can change the very poor crude iron for three kilograms.

The technology problem, replaced by Lijiazhuangzi, can control the cost to one-fifteenth.

One hundred catties and fifty grade iron ore, more than six catties of finished products, are still very good pig iron.

If it is the kind of exchange, you can give ten catties, which is a difference of five times.

If it is steel, look at what steel.

"How do you count so fast?" Nantian Fan discovered that the proportion of own data was the same as that given by Feiqi Habayashi after five minutes.

Do the calculations yourself, and they will come with open mouth.

"Get used to it. If you play more games, you can count it, but you probably don't want to play that kind of game.

The past is unbearable. Looking back on the moon, the most comfortable day will always be yesterday. Let's go and clean them up.

Dare to snatch things from the proprietor, get bored, let them know what a nightmare is, no, the difficulty of the regional level. "

Jiang Chuan said, don't talk nonsense, hurry up.

After walking for two hours, Nan Tian Fan was tired, and pointed to a place: "Usually they are robbed here, shall we lie in wait?"

"Disperse, search." Jiang Chuan suddenly ordered, and the team spread out in groups of four and got into the woods next to them.

"What about me? Don't leave me." Nan Tianfan didn't want to stay alone in this place that was considered a road.

"Keep up, hurry up! Don't talk!" Jiang Chuan beckoned.

"Okay! Ooo!" Nan Tianfan promised, covering his mouth with his hand.

Yu Lin Feiqi pressed the bullet into the gun, the flash cap was not released, two people held bows and arrows in their hands, one opened the way with a tactical saber, and the other looked through a binoculars.

Nan Tianfan took out his own knife and looked around and followed carefully. He thought he would just lie in ambush, but he didn't expect to take the initiative to find someone.

This is different from what he imagined. What if someone else is ambush?

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