Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1696 Proprietor's Will Cannot Be Transcended (Second)

"Kill! Kill!"

Nantian Daokang and Lan Bao walked along to the camp of the Datang Navy.

The navy did not house, pitched tents, and arranged them in formation.

Some people are resting, some are fishing, and the rest are training.

Someone was wearing a helmet with a visor, dialing arrows, the arrow of the arrow is blunt, a piece of iron.

Shooting in several directions, it hurts to shoot to the body, and the shirtless eyes saw bruises on the body.

The shot people try to avoid and block with arm shields. They move fast. Instead of standing still, they want to make a surprise attack.

Even with a weapon, a hundred meters must be run within 15 seconds.

Others used long-handled axes to chop, chop wood, and chop into firewood.

They mainly practice strength and accuracy. The purpose of picking the axe is to destroy the enemy's mast.

As long as the enemy's ship loses power, you can throw away the axe and dive back into the warship. The axe is worthless and is temporarily left to the enemy.

More people grab the rope and reverberate back and forth, with one hand rope and the other with a knife, which belong to their own ship's defense.

A group of people around were watching. The ‘Samurai’ hired by the Nantian family was entangled.

These Datang soldiers are too powerful, will their own wages be reduced?

Counting on this money to support the family, Life is difficult.

Nantian Inaoyao also thought of what the ‘mercenaries’ were worried about: "Sapphire, do you want to cut some of their money?"

"They should be asked to move their families over and give more money. They are not here, they are easy to be used by others. They will not die when they are in danger."

Sapphire shook his head, he opposed.

It is better to lower the wages than to dismiss, otherwise they will make trouble.

"The family came, it was another expense." Nantian Daoyao couldn't bear it.

"Their family came to work and make money. The Nantian family will be a social economy in the future, producing things by themselves and buying and selling each other.

In this way, you can work more and get more, and work less and get less.

Those with vested interests are all hardworking people, and they will automatically maintain this rule. This is how class emerges. "

Sapphire told the old man about the knowledge he had learned.

Nantian Daokang is at a loss, what is it?

Fortunately, he didn't entangle and asked: "There are too many people to do something?"

"Aquaculture, planting, seafood processing, mining, smelting, learning shipbuilding, sailing, as long as there are people, you are not afraid of nothing to do.

Dongzhu Li sent him an additional 100,000 people over, and the next day he began to arrange various positions.

I learned a little bit of fur in Lijiazhuangzi, and it is fairly easy to deal with the current situation. "

Sapphire's words didn't feel humble, but uplifted Li's Zhuangzi.

"I told them." Nantian Daokang didn't dare to look down upon Li's Zhuangzi. He was rich, and he just took the one million redemption voucher from Datang.

"The wages are doubled, and they will think it's not worth it without them." Sapphire reminded.

"Okay! Double one time." Nantian Daokang gritted his teeth and agreed.

When he talked to the samurai, the mercenaries who looked at them were still weak in an instant.

They promised to bring their family members here, there are grains, and Datang's trading boats.

The little land at home is taken away when people die. It is worthless. When the crop is collected, the family will move over.

If the house is no longer needed, sell it, see who buys it, and just give it something.

When you get here, you can build a new house by yourself and look at the fish. No money. The fish that comes back from a boat can be eaten by the whole family for a year.

The samurai slapped their chests to assure Nantian Inayasu that they felt they could protect Nantian's house, and they rushed first.

After others showed their loyalty, when Nantian Daokang and Sapphire went to see where the bees were raised, Sapphire said to the old man: "We have to train more people who can fight."

"Know, others are coming, we can't, they will beat us, grab our place, and then cooperate with Datang. Datang just wants someone who can cooperate."

Nantian Dao Kang had considered it a long time ago. If you change someone, can Datang still not agree.

Lan Bao shook his head: "Other Datang officials may think so, but Dongzhu Li will not.

Dongzhu Li said that he cooperated with the Nantian family and the Nantian family was beaten. As long as the news goes back, Dongzhu Li promised to send troops.

When there are still people in the Nantian family, Li Dongzhu supports the people of the Nantian family, and when the Nantian family is annihilated, Dongzhu Li will destroy others.

Li Dongzhu said that not everyone is qualified to negotiate terms and cooperation with him, and the collaborators he designated are provoking him by touching anyone. "

"Isn't it enough to make money?" Nantian Dao Kang didn't understand.

"Money? The most important thing Li Dongzhu lacks is money. Li Dongzhu said that no matter it is a person, a family, or a country, without principles, it will inevitably go to extinction."

Sapphire once again talked about Li Yijiao's content, which is equivalent to Li Dongzhu's quotations.

"Yes, there is no compromise. I am the patriarch, and I want to lead the Nantian family to grow.

The Nantian family is being bullied outside, and I want to fight back.

People who came to Nantian's house to buy and sell were robbed. I have to protect their safety. "

Nantian Inaoyasu waved his arm vigorously as if he was stimulated, and strengthened his conviction for himself.

"This time, Yulin Feiqi will resolve this matter."

Sapphire is embarrassed to despise the old man, but your Nantian family still wants to protect the business road?

You go out with your weapons, just like a weapon fight, Yulin Feiqi is an army and is responsible for killing people.

"Did they bring enough food?" Nantian Dao Kang found that he was talking too loudly.

"There is food in the forest. The most powerful thing about Yulin Feiqi is to survive in the wild. Give them a knife and they will solve the rest by themselves."

Sapphire smiled, there are so many birds, beasts, wild fruits, and snakes in the forest, can Yulin Feiqi be hungry?

While talking, there are beehives in front of them, and the bees flew out looking for flowers and collected honey to go back to Life.

The place here in Waguo is not very cold in winter, but it is not warm.

The influence of latitude and location, the slightly warmer is due to the ocean current, which is rainy in winter.

It will start to freeze further north, and places farther north will not be included in the current administrative area of ​​the country.

It is hot here in summer and the flowers bloom better.

There are fifty boxes of bees, each of which contains eight spleens.

For transportation, it depends on the situation here. If there are more flowers, you can change the beehive and add two spleens. If there are few flowers, you can take out two spleens when cutting honey to become six spleens.

"Mr. Yue, normally speaking, bees live by themselves and have nothing to do with people. People's labor is not for people.

Of course, for the bees that are raised, humans help to preserve the sufficient number of bees, and at the same time catch the flowering period, so that the bee race continues to be better.

A kind of interdependence between people active and bees passive is formed, so...Don't touch the bees on your clothes, oops! "

When Sapphire explained the bee, his old husband saw one drop on his clothes and stretched out his hand to catch it. Two fingers wanted to pinch the bee.

The ending is fixed, and the bees paid the price of their lives.

Lao Bao's hand was swollen, much faster than a mosquito bite.

Sapphire quickly picked up the old man's hand, licked his finger with his tongue, felt the bee needle, and then sucked.

By the way, squeeze your fingers with your hands to squeeze out the bee venom.

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