Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 171 Dare to use it just because of attack (third more)

Li Yi has seen the old man, a person with a typical plateau life appearance, with dark skin, more wrinkles, and a bigger nose.

The old man's eyes were cloudy and his expression was determined.

When Li Yi looked at the old man, the old man was also looking at Li Yi.

A white robe? His hair was curled up and pulled, his face was covered with a white thing, and his eyes were exposed.

The eyes are clear and bright, and the eyes are indifferent.

Li Yi looked around and asked, "Did you eat this morning?"

"If you don't eat, you can't eat it anymore." The old man said to himself, without an interpreter.

"Did you drink water?" Li Yi asked again.

"Take two sips," the old man replied.

"Great." Li Yi's eyes showed a happy expression.

Zhu Xiefu Guo was angry next to him: "What do you mean? My father can't eat, you actually..."

"Misunderstood, Zhu Xie Fu Guo, right? I want a blood test. An empty stomach is more accurate. Of course, it doesn't hurt to eat. I have other means."

Li Yi explained to someone else being a son, and said to Zhu Xie Jinshan: "Follow me to perform a tomographic scan. My equipment is advanced."

Li Yi motioned to Zhu Xie Fu Guo to support his father, and a group of guards and servants stood there.

He asked by the way: "Do they have a cough?"

"No." Zhu Xie Fuguo had a bad first impression of Li Yi.

"How long have you been coughing? Did you spit? If you spit, what does the sputum look like?" Li Yi continued to ask.

From the first sight of the meeting, no, from when Zhu Xie Fuguo said that his father had a fever, the diagnosis was in progress.

"When I came, I coughed on the way. I didn't pant very badly when I arrived in Chang'an. There was sputum, black and a little yellow in it. I got fever the morning before yesterday.

I went to the imperial doctor and said it was typhoid and cough. I prescribed prescriptions and drank the medicine, but the result became even hotter and my cough continued. The imperial doctor said...said..."

Zhu Xie Fuguo didn't finish speaking, his mouth was tightly pressed.

"It's okay. According to Chinese medicine, if you want to eliminate and replenish this disease, you have to take ginseng tonic soup to consolidate its roots, yellow almonds to eliminate its evils, and white tiger licorice to harmonize the medicinal properties.

However, if you are too old and eat less, one point increase in the amount of medicine will hurt your body one point; if one point decrease, the effect will be insignificant.

The imperial physician did not dare to prescribe overkill drugs, and used the prescription carefully, naturally..."

Li Yi explained to the doctors why the medicine didn't work.

Because your family's identity is special, the imperial physician dare not take the medicine. What if you die? Whose responsibility?

"Yes, yes, I heard them say something in the name you said, and there are others." Zhu Xie Jinshan's eyes looked different when he saw Li Yi.

This young man knew medicine, and did not feel anxious when speaking, and never frowned.

The eunuchs looked at the word "Chuan" that squeezed their eyebrows, and some of them shook their heads and sighed.

"Don't be afraid, stay in the hospital for a few days to see." Li Yi comforted the other party.

He knew why he was panting on the road, and the more he walked towards Chang'an, the less he was panting.

When people come over, they have to pass through the plateau. The plateau is hypoxic and the altitude is lowered. Also take a breath, the oxygen absorption is high.

If you reach the basin, it is estimated that you can get drunk oxygen.

"Brother Yi, do you need manpower?" Li Longji walked from there to this side.

"Third brother, don't come. In case of infection, you are passing it to his sister-in-law, but it is not a simple matter." Li Yi hurriedly stopped.

If it's pneumonia, it's gestational period, gosh! How to use the medicine?

Sure enough, Li Longji stopped, and even took two steps back.

Zhu Xie Jinshan and Zhu Xie Fu Guo saw it and received the order, but they just nodded, indicating that we know you, a relative of the emperor.

Li Longji said loudly: "My brother Yi is unparalleled in medical skills, I will find Brother Yi if I have a disease at home, so you don't have to worry about it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man and his son looked different and seemed to let go of a lot of heart.

If the emperor’s family is sick, he should look for this juvenile doctor? Not a doctor?

Li Yi took someone in, took blood first, and then loaded it into the CT machine. In fact, there is this CT, and you can see it by comparison, and you don't need to do a sputum smear.

After checking, Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

The voice still mildly said to the nervous Zhu Xie Jinshan and Zhu Xie Fuguo: "This is pneumonia caused by coagulase-negative Staphylococcus. It is better to treat than Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia. I will give antibiotics and penicillin."

The father and son Zhu Xie didn't dare to speak, they just nodded and were shocked.

What are those one by one? I don't know if it is made of iron, copper, or wood.

Is this a medicine? The imperial medical technique used by the Emperor of Tang Dynasty?

After a while, Zhu Xie Jinshan asked: "Yes, can it be cured?"

"It is necessary, otherwise Losing face." Li Yi said a witty remark.

The two actually understood.

Li Yi took the patient to the treatment room, and gave the medicine, penicillin, the dosage should be low, people in the Tang Dynasty, too high, no drug resistance.

Use penicillin, test sensitivity first.

While waiting, Li Yi worked out the blood routine.

This is not to see if there is pneumonia, but to see your physical condition, so that you can adjust your diet and medication.

The sputum smear is saved and not used, which saves patients... saves materials for themselves.

Li Yi took out ambroxol hydrochloride and acetaminophen again: "These two medicines are taken orally, and the body temperature is 39. Don't be afraid."

"Hungry." Zhu Xie Jinshan licked his lips, thirsty and hungry.

He looked quite energetic just now, but now he is wilted.

"Take the medicine first, and then... drink a bowl of watermelon sliced ​​soup, and when the drip is finished, let's eat again." Li Yi tried to soften own voice.

He knew that the patient was relaxed now, and there was no need to worry about dying, and the body function reaction appeared.

"Do you want to use ginseng?" Zhu Xie Jinshan always thinks that ginseng soup is good.

"Not for the time being. When the temperature drops, if it stays below 38 degrees tomorrow, I will change to the Chinese medicine soup."

Li Yi said that he was distressed about western medicine, and when the temperature was not high, he switched to Chinese medicine, which didn't cost his life.

Of course antibiotics have to continue playing.

Asking someone to fetch a lot of dried watermelon soup, the old man gurgled it down.

After a short while, he sat leaning against him and fell asleep.

Li Yi also gave Zhu Xie Jinshan a simple check to make sure that he was okay, and began to talk about the Shatuo clan.

What do you usually eat? Is there anything fun? Is it uncomfortable when the sun is shining on the wind and the skin is blowing?

If one thing is comfortable to put on, how much money is willing to spend, no, how many things to change?

The latter words are the key. There are many good things over there, especially medicinal materials and jewelry.

Only by understanding the ideas of future major customers can we better serve them.

After an hour and a half, Li Yi withdrew the needle and asked someone to push the cart to a separate ward, and the nursing staff put on protective measures.

Disinfect yourself again and go back to the cafeteria to eat.

"How?" Li Longji didn't eat, and Queen Wang finished.

"The first time you use antibiotics, it is estimated that it will take five days, and no more than seven days at most." Li Yi gave an approximate time.

No antibiotics are needed. There are many other Chinese medicines, but it is estimated that they will not be able to get people back. If the disease is early stage, I can try it.

"That's good, Brother Yi eats." Li Longji greeted, and the two continued to eat.

"Zhu Xie Jinshan is important to live." Li Longji said after taking a few bites.

"Right!" Li Yi approved.

The old man probably stayed in Chang'an, and his son went back to inherit. Datang has a closer relationship with the Shatuo clan.

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