Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1710: I Know What I Know When I Do Barbecuing Together (First)

The skewers Li Yi took a small brush and brushed the skewers with rice wine from time to time. The rice wine that was just brewed this year was reluctant to brush the old rice wine.

No way, Princess Yongmu fanned him by the side, and the charcoal became ashes.

Li Yi can't wash the water, the skewers are not delicious.

You can't spray vinegar, and it's not roast chicken, duck, goose, quail, etc.

If you brush the oil down to wash the ash, there will be too much oil on the skewers and it will taste greasy.

He had to brush this year's rice wine with a low degree, and at the same time prepare scissors, and cut it off when he saw where it was smelt.

Li Yi is always thinking of ways to deal with the problem, instead of saying to Princess Yongmu: Don't fan, can't you see the problem?

Is things important or emotions important? Li Yi chooses the latter, fan it, I work hard to cooperate, and I have this ability for your husband.

Xiaolan noticed it, she reached out her hand and quietly touched Princess Yongmu's waist: "Miss Li's family, let me slap for a while!"

"Okay, you fan." Princess Yongmu is willing to give Xiaolan a chance to perform in front of Li Yi.

As a result, Xiao Lan got the fan and slapped it twice: "Oh, my daughter, there is something, come with me."

She took Princess Yongmu and ran away and put down her fan.

Princess Yongmu was stunned, looking at Xiaolan, what are you doing?

Xiaolan pointed to Li Yi over there. Li Yi put down the brush, no one fanned, so he didn't have to deal with charcoal.

"Only you are smart. You can bring two skewers and let's eat them."

Princess Yongmu did not think that own status was challenged at all, Xiaolan was observant and normal.

Xiao Lan ran over and brought back a tray in a short time. There were several kinds of skewers inside, the most of which was roasted three-layered pork.

When Princess Yongmu saw the meat, she felt the taste of braised pork, and smiled at Xiaolan. This is delicious.

Because this is cooked, the meat is cooked before roasting, marinated, and cut into wide slices.

"Princess, just eat these. It's not good to eat too much at night. I'll go get some fruit. There are too many melons and watermelons on Jingzhao Mansion, and they are all shipped here."

Xiao Lan ran to get the fruit plate, she never dared to think that she was like the women around the previous emperors.

In her heart, Li Lang was better than those emperors, and he couldn't rub the sand in his eyes.

For example, if Princess Yongmu played a little temper, she took the opportunity to be gentle with Li Lang, so she promised to take care of her.

What I should do is help coax Princess Yongmu, not look for opportunities to take the lead.

Of course, the princess never plays a small temper, and she can be happy for a long time if she eats braised pork.


The family members of the Nantian family in the Wa country are happy now. They hold a bonfire party and sing and dance.

But it is not the kind of late stage Li Yi era in history. That kind of performance did not exist in the Tang Dynasty, and it belongs to the category of opera.

It was only in the Song Dynasty in history that buds emerged, and the Ming Dynasty developed the most prosperous.

In the Tang Dynasty, as long as the Wa country had a little background, they all danced with Tang Dynasty tunes and dances of the Tang Dynasty.

Paint your face in scary red and white, it doesn't belong to the Tang Dynasty, there is not so much paint, and people don't like to put too thick things on the face.

Tang dolls began to appear in the late stage of the Tang Dynasty, developed in the Song Dynasty and prospered in the Ming Dynasty.

In the Tang Dynasty, fat is beautiful, not the kind of sumo wrestling.

The king of Chu is fine waist, don't people like the image of a height of three feet three and a waist circumference of three feet three in Datang?

This is not in line with the human species continuity rule, unless human women become queen ants and queen bees.

An Lushan is of this type, and then he is trusted, because everyone thinks that you are the only one who has no big ambitions.

Datang has polo sports, Li Shimin is one of the masters, and Li Longji is not bad in riding and shooting.

The Queen and the Queen took the people from the harem all day to kick the shuttlecock and play games.

Under such exercise, can you still be obese?

The image in the drawing is freehand, not realistic, so fat can fly to the sky, which shows that in the processing of artistic forms, such a richness is used to express the prosperity of the world, and everyone is full.

The people of Wa are not obese, they are very thin, they don't even have much meat, and they are malnourished.

The Jishou family and the Jicun family ate with them. None of their patriarchs died, and the Nantian family did not want to kill.

Nantian Daokang doesn't care about killing, kill it if you want to kill!

He considered killing it, so many people held grudges, and it would take a long time for people to forget.

Then circle, raise, don't kill, at least don't kill now.

When the people of the two families are stabilized and the change of rights is completed, let's see what the thoughts of the people in these two families have been able to talk about.

Nantian Toyasu just learned this technique, which is instinctive.

In fact, he did nothing wrong. In history, Li Yu was driven to death step by step because of little experience.

After he became a prisoner, many of his men were not convinced, so they had to appease him.

As a result, when he writes lyrics and plays, he doesn't have that ambition, and if he did, he would not lose his country.

By the late stage, all his subordinates have been dealt with, and he still writes lyrics. People don't care what he writes. Find a reason to say that you didn't write well, die!

He is not as good as Liu Chan. Liu Chan was at least happy when he was alive because he was smashed by Zhuge!

At that time, Zhuge Liang imagined the final seizure of power by the Sima family, and he had to establish his own prestige.

Obviously able to develop steadily, but quit, dispatching troops again and again.

People's actions are purposeful. Zhuge Liang was in his own Shu area, and finally accumulated something and people, so he had to fight. What did he do?

It depends on how many people surnamed Zhuge, Sima and so on, they are for the family.

Zhuge Liang actually had no country in his heart, and no one had a country in his heart at the time, just like the war-torn country in Li Yi's time.

The people of Nantian are happy, and the people of Jishou and Jicun are watching while eating.

They saw the big warship with torches in them, and the Datang navy in full clothes.

Knowing how he lost, Datang's army came to help fight.

The captured people in the two families were in a bad mood. Their weapons and iron and copper tools were confiscated. Fortunately, the Nantian family did not want the clothes.

The patriarchs of the two families were sitting next to each other and couldn't say what they were feeling.

They only know that the own family is gone, and they will become vassals of the Nantian family in the future.

Next to Yoshijukura was Yoshimura Setoseki. The two of them were in good condition, but they were slightly tired when they rushed over.

People from the Nantian family brought stewed fish and grilled fish, as well as large scallops steamed with soy sauce, which are good things, especially soy sauce.

There is no soy sauce in the country yet, but there is natto. This thing was not invented by the country, and learned from the Chinese.

Ordinary people can't afford it, beans and jars are very precious.

"He doesn't want to kill us." Yoshimura Senseki did not move his chopsticks, sat there for a while, and said.

"Pretend to be seen by others and kill us. Others will worry and will not exchange things with them at that time."

Ji Sukura also did not eat anything, pondering Nantian Inayasu's intentions.

"What shall we do?" Yoshimura Setoseki didn't complain about Yoshikura because it was useless.

It was the Yoshicun’s family that the Yoshishou’s family found, and called the Yoshicun’s family to contribute.

As a result, the two families all joined in, and there were still lives on hand, so I couldn't make any sense anywhere.

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