On the ice rink, Pei Yaoqing promoted.

"Limited to half a month, the skating competition is held. All winners will receive a soap and five sanitary napkins. The remaining first prizes to the top ten will receive a bottle of toilet water and a bottle of glycerin."

Whether it was a man or a woman, they were all excited.

Some couples brought their children over to play. Mingfu said that there is a fun place here. When people come over, they will leave with a bunch of rock candy Calabash.

Everyone came over after listening to the recommendation of the county magistrate and the sugar Calabash reward.

I never thought that there was something better.

Pingkangfang has spread that they have soap and sanitary napkins, and even the little servants have soap.

But a bottle of glycerin is two thousand dollars not counting the glass bottle. If you don't have a membership card in heaven and earth, you can't buy it anywhere else.

Unless you have a bottle, you can come to Zhuangzi to fill it. A bottle is hard to find.

As for toilet water, I heard that the emperor’s relatives only have it.

Even in the palace, not any palace lady eunuch can use it.

It is said to be better than spices, a few drops in the bath, the whole body has a strong fragrance.

Sanitary napkins are exclusively for women and eunuchs, but men don’t need them, but it doesn’t mean men don’t want them.

Regardless of whether you are married or unmarried, you can send it to other girls.

Couples who come together can’t send other women off, otherwise...

"Pei Ming Mansion, I heard that Li Yi Li Dongzhu, 28 years old?" Someone was not in a hurry to put on shoes, and stood by and chatted with Pei Yaoqing.

"Twenty-eight years refers to women." Pei Yaoqing corrected the other's age description.

"Then dance elephant, is there a matchmaker?" This person changed his mind.

"Don't even think about it, how can you covet Li Dongzhu?" Pei Yaoqing flatly refused.

Just kidding! Li Yi wants to marry, it is estimated that Li Yi himself can't count it.

If a general wants to recruit Li Yi as his son-in-law, how can his majesty agree? What did you do? Want to seek the world?

To put it another way, Li Yi is a strategic resource, and those who gain Li Yi have the world.

Pei Yaoqing's heart was like a mirror, and his Majesty took the queen to run here twice in three days.

Liu Bei didn't look for Zhuge Liang to visit the thatched cottage. Your Majesty was fine, so he could simply get a yard next to him and use it as a palace.

That's it, you want to get rid of it, and your majesty will punish you nine races.

It's not to scare anyone. If you don't believe me, you will find a matchmaker to try it tomorrow.

"Always get a wife!" The man murmured and went to change his shoes.

"If it's my daughter...Oh!" Pei Yaoqing sighed suddenly. He has no daughters, but all sons.

Naturally, the son should not tie Jin Lan with Li Yiyi.


"Zhu Xie Jinshan eat custard?" Li Longji saw Li Yi staring limpingly at breakfast for several times, and asked about Zhu Xie Jinshan.

"I'm crippled here." Li Yi muttered as if you didn't care about me first.

"Does the doctor have a way to heal his feet?" Li Longji asked in cooperation.

"Naturally, after spraying the medicine, it will be cured before noon." Li Yi said calmly.

"Then Zhu Xie Jinshan has eaten custard." Li Longji asked again.

"At first he said that he couldn't eat it. I put the tofu nao in the egg custard and he ate it." Li Yi explained the situation.

Normally eating egg custard requires marinating. Li Yi never enjoyed this treatment when he was a child. He usually pours some soy sauce.

At that time, I was reluctant to eat it, so I slowly pressed it with the back of a spoon and drank the soup of soy sauce and egg custard.

At the end of the meal, the water was drunk, and a little soy sauce was added to stir. The egg custard was like caviar.

Just like eating a banana and scraping a banana peel with your teeth a little bit.

As a result, when he gave Zhu Xie Jinshan egg custard, he saw that the other party didn't eat it, and only then did he remember that there was bittern.

"Squeamish." Queen Wang criticized Zhu Xie Jinshan.

Xi'er had her intestines cut, and she was smiling all day long when she was hospitalized. When she was in pain, she was sweating profusely and gritted her teeth in order to play with her.

A patriarch actually didn't eat egg custard, huh!

"Sister-in-law, he is testing, testing my medical ethics, testing Datang's attitude towards him." Li Yi was clear.

Zhu Xie Jinshan is not an ordinary person at all. Isn't life difficult over there? How much pressure does a chief have to bear?

How could he be as delicate as an ordinary person? He wouldn't frown without cutting a knife on him.

"It turned out to be like this, alas! There are so many calculations." Queen Wang said, continuing to drink milk, but without sugar.

Li Yi refused to let her go, fearing that she would have gestational diabetes and be troublesome.

Although most children will get better after birth, there is still a chance that diabetes will remain.

If a normal diet appears, it can be cured, but you suffer.

"Brother Yi, do you have a lot of money in your family?" Li Longji suddenly asked a question.

"Yes, the third brother has money to do?" Li Yi admitted, rich.

There are more than 3,000 migrant workers. If he can't make any money, he will be in vain, but he has given up a lot of profits.

"What's wrong with the money?" Li Longji was concerned about this matter.

"As I said before, we will cooperate with more villages to build greenhouses next year, especially those of the poor, who don't have the silk money for greenhouses.

I give them a way to survive. If they are willing to fight, they will naturally have a good life.

I give them a way to survive, they are willing to give up, and then find a way to ignite their ambitions. "

Li Yi said his own plan.

This is exactly what Yao Chong and others are thinking about, how can people without money grow greenhouses, and they plan to come and ask.

Li Yi had an idea early, so he would cooperate if he had no money.

Isn’t it normal for companies to implement funds and technology to local governments? Get out of poverty, pay attention to positive energy.

"Why do you help the self-willed and poor?" Li Longji couldn't figure it out, so he gave up on his own, so you still care?

"To help the poor first help the mind, an excellent official can't expect everyone to listen to you right away.

If the people do not listen, they will say that the people are not good. Such officials are not good officials.

If the people are lazy, you have to make them diligent; if the people are slack, you have to make them positive. "

What Li Yi was talking about was what happened at his time. Some delegated village officials to the village officials, who said they were disobedient, and were indifferent to telling how to make money.

The official felt that the fault was on the people, and when he left, he switched to another one, went to the other party to communicate and exchange, and then the other party worked hard.

Officials can't even change the minds of ordinary people. How can they maintain political power?

Li Yi thinks he can.

If you take out the ability of Huyou people to spread Xiao, there will be no thoughts that can't be changed.

Don't want to work? See how I cheated, no, how to guide.

"Third brother, if you don't abandon or give up, the parents and officials are all children, and you can't just let a certain child out of it because he doesn't do well. The son doesn't teach it, it's the father's fault..."

"The teaching is not strict, the teacher is lazy." Li Longji directly inserted, and then repeated: "Don't abandon, don't give up, yes, it's all the people."

The Queen Wang smiled as she listened, "It turns out that officials should be like this. If there are many officials in Datang, that's fine..."

She didn't say the following words, the meaning was clearly expressed. Can be killed, too bad. What do you keep for?

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