Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1742 Tax Refund and Ticket Exchange Official's Private Division (first more)

Thick cumulus clouds like large cotton balls floated slowly in the sky, and the water in the ditches was crystal clear.

A group of small fishes that are less than an inch in size are swimming around in the water, and the children who are on holiday on a ten-day holiday have their bare feet and hands folded together.

Zhao Yu, who specializes in wholesale and retail of dried broad beans in Chang’an East City, sat at the door to enjoy the sun and watched his grandchildren play with other children by the way.

"Don't put your hand in your mouth if you touch the water, it will be dirty and will cause stomach pain."

Zhao Yu repeated the reminder that he would definitely say which children would bite their fingers.

When the weather is good, the staff in the store carried the broad beans in batches to the back courtyard to spread out and dry them to avoid rot.

As a result of paying taxes, Zhao Yu's two sons passed the imperial examination last year, and they were awarded the third grade.

Now he is working as a clerk in the government office of Wannian County to help settle accounts, mainly in charge of taxation.

He was very proud. He taught his son since he was a child. He couldn't do the imperial examination. After paying taxes, he was given a place.

After waiting for two years, the third son also took the exam and was admitted to the Jinshi course.

He drank his tea and felt that this was blessing.

"Oh!" "Hahaha~~" A child slipped his feet and fell into the water. The laughter of other children could be heard around him.

Zhao Yu put down his tea cup and rushed over, picked up the child, and said to the child who was about to cry with his deflated mouth: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, there are rice sticks to eat."

"Uh!" When the child heard something delicious, he changed his face instantly and looked at Zhao Yu.

"Stand up, take off your clothes to dry, wear your pants, don't show up. Come here to wash your hands and eat rice sticks."

Zhao Yu greeted him and went into the water basin.

The children gathered around to wash their hands and waited to eat.

Zhao Yu went into the house and took out seven rice sticks, one for each child.

He has a little money in his family, so he exchanges a lot of rice sticks, but anyone who brings his children to buy broad beans will give him one.

I dare not sell it. Li Jiazhuang restricts him and is reported for fear of affecting his son's career.

"Father, uncle." Zhao Yu's grandson and granddaughter shouted in one direction while eating rice sticks.

A group of people came over there, and people came into the shop next to each other from time to time.

It was Zhao Zihe, Zhao Yu's second son, who got here. Zhao Yu was taken aback. How did the two sons come back today?

"Douzi, why don't you do things in Yazhong?" Zhao Yu asked his son Zhao Zihe. Douzi is Zhao Zihe's milk name.

"Treasurer Zhao, we are from the tax department of the Ministry of Households, but your shop paid five hundred and ten yuan in taxes from the beginning of the year to the end of last month? There are four employees?"

Zhao Yu's son spoke to Zhao Yu.

"Bean, you still don't know what's in the house? What do you call me?" Zhao Yu was a little dazed.

"Treasurer Zhao, this is the case. The court is grateful for the suffering of taxpayers, so the number of employees shall be the basis, and the tax refund shall not exceed 30% of the total tax amount.

It is not easy to do business. I hired a guy and paid back a portion of the tax according to the person, not more than 30% of the money. "

Zhao Zihe squeezed his eyes and, according to official requirements, be kind to the people.

"How much can I get back with the money I gave? How much? The court actually vomits money out, it's not easy!" Zhao Yu understood this time.

At the same time, he understands that his son represents the government and it is not easy to get too close to himself.

Oops! When the son becomes an official, his speech is different.

"Father, I'll eat rice sticks for you." Zhao Zihe's daughter broke off and raised her hand to her father.

"Uncle, and mine." The little boy also sent it.

"Good, good! But the official has official duties, and he is not allowed to accept gifts from the people, especially children. Eat it yourself, give it, take it back, and eat again at noon."

Happy, Zhao Zihe took out a lotus leaf bag from his pocket.

The little boy handed the stick to Big sis, took the things, and the little hand is fast, open it directly, and inside is a big braised chicken drumstick.

"Where did the chicken legs come from?" Zhao Yu worried, his son should not make a mistake.

"Tax rebates are given from house to house. If you don't go back to the yamen for dinner at noon, the yamen tells you to take them out, and you can still eat when you go back in the afternoon."

Zhao Zihe smiled and said, telling his father that there was no problem.

"What did you eat for your child?" Zhao Yu was not worried about making mistakes and cared about his son.

"Eat a lot in the morning, and go back in the afternoon, not hungry." Zhao Zihe smiled.

"It's almost noon. I have cooked rice with water at home, come in quickly, and come in. I have a bowl of rice with water for one person, and then leave after eating. Quickly, pull twice and it will be in the stomach. No delay."

Zhao Yu wanted to take a few people in, his son's colleague.

"Zihe, I'm waiting to go to the front, you can take care of these adjacent stores."

The people next to him told Zhao Zihe, and nodded to Zhao Yu again, and they let out time.

"Thank you!" Zhao Zihe thanked him, his word and name were the same, Zihe. The person who took the word said: Zi and ‘zi’ are in harmony.

"You come in to eat, don't stand outside."

I greet the children again, they are playing in front of their own house, can't afford a meal?

He said that he would bring in the children who were going to refuse, and he asked to do more when he was cooking just now, and he was prepared.

"Da Lang is back? Come, you follow me." Zhao Yu's wife was inside, just standing at the counter and looking out.

She took the children to eat first, so she didn't care about her son, and met every day.

All three sons have married daughters-in-law and live next to each other.

The third son studies at home and also has a school, but it is not a class for children.

The second daughter-in-law and the third daughter-in-law do things in Yimeng, while the eldest daughter-in-law helps in the store and cooks by the way.

"Father, here is a bath ticket for two hundred and seventy-one dollars, one for each ticket, which can only be used in a fixed bath.

One employee gave a 1% tax rebate. Our family hired four, but I also reported to Xiaoyu. She worked at home.

Father, you and your mother don't count, so there are five people, five hundred and ten dollars in tax, half of the refund, two hundred and seventy dollars and five cents.

As long as there is a fraction in the back, it is automatically rounded up, which is exactly 271 yuan for the bath ticket. "

Zhao Zihe took out a large stack of bath tickets to show to his father. The bath tickets were square with black and red on the front. At the same time, they left a blank picture and the stamp of the tax department of the Ministry of Households at the back.

This is easy to fake, simple, and can be printed out by engraving overprinting. The seal behind it can be engraved with mud or radish.

After carving the seal, that sin...

"How many baths do you have to take? Give them?" Zhao Yu frowned. Who would take a bath in the bath in summer?

"You can sell it. Not only can you take a bath, you can also buy soap in the bath. If you don't wash it, you can buy soap for use.

It's just that, other people's folks have them, but ours doesn't. It's not easy for Jingzhao Mansion to find a familiar hand. "

Zhao Zihe didn't make the decision for his father. He said that if he saves this money for his own use, he will be eccentric.

People quit, if things spread out, and if you want to find a familiar one, they won't come to your house after they know about it.

The size and appearance of broad beans need to be handled, sorted and stored by familiar folks.

"According to that, it's not for our family." Zhao Yu understood.

"It was given by Dongzhu Li to the people of Chang'an. To get rid of lice and scorpions, it is mainly used to buy soap. If you are tired from work, it is very comfortable to take a hot bath."

Zhao Zihe made it clear that if you don't give it to the guy, it's yours. You can use it for a pile of soap, and it's the same thing if you send soap to the guy.

"Why don't you just change the soap? It has to be a ticket for a bath." Zhao Yu was puzzled.

"Soap is only sold by Lijiazhuangzi, and the court benefits Lijiazhuangzi?" Zhao Zihe said the answer.

"Why can't the court benefit Li Jiazhuangzi? Who is Li Dongzhu?" Zhao Yu felt that there was no problem.

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