Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1748 is proud of driving a boat (third)

One hundred selected people stripped off their clothes, plugged the horns with greased paper, and hung the snare drums on their bodies.

The pig blows up, and three of them play ass balls.

A group of ten people, tied the rope, someone drowned, even if he died, the body will have to be dragged to the other side, in case it can be saved.

A hundred people began to warm up, took out the alcohol used for disinfection, and took a sip for each.

Just drink it as the tip of the wine, the tip of the wine still has eighty degrees.

"Are you ready?" Tootou asked loudly in the rain.

"Ready!" a hundred people answered in unison.

"Into the water!"


A group of a hundred people and ten people began to wade into the water, and then they started to swim, being rushed down quickly by the current.

The chief pavilion of the post station looked numb all over, is this a human?

I've always heard that Yulin Feiqi is great, but I never thought that another private army of your majesty is also a deadly existence.

It doesn't wait for day or night, but forcibly crosses the Yangtze River on rainy night.

"Wait for me, Xiaoliu, Bald, get on the boat, hurry!" The pavilion didn't know where the courage came from, and suddenly shouted.

He grabbed three diesel lamps, greeted the other two people, hung up the bamboo tube and jumped into the boat.

Two people next to him rushed past him, went to the boat with two oars and one to control the scull, and used these three swaying diesel lamps to lead the recruits forward.

"Set up the horses," the recruiter ordered.

He understands that at this moment it is war for recruiting soldiers, and the time has come to test the results of training.

The action this time determines the position of your team.

Time suddenly slowed down, the waves in the river water were clearly visible, and the movement of the side river water on the shore was prolonged.

The leader felt some numbness in his fingers, and the rain fell on his face very stiff.

This state continued for a while, the bright spots on the boat were no longer visible, his body shook, and his feet staggered.

The cold stimulus that the rain took away the body heat in an instant made him wake up again, he was trembling again and again, and his whole body was numb!

Turning around, he rushed into the post, found the bowl, scooped the hot soup, and poured it into his stomach a little.

He knew that his state just now was not normal, because at that moment, he felt that even if a crossbow arrow was shot from the opposite side, he could grab it with his bare hands.

He understands that he needs to rest, otherwise he is guaranteed to die.

He was sitting on the ground, drinking soup by instinct, his ears buzzing.

When I drink the soup, I can’t feel the temperature because of common sense and the situation of the soup I have observed before.

He recalled what Li Yi taught that when people are extremely scared, nervous and excited, adrenaline is secreted faster.

During this period, people’s reactions were dozens of times more than usual, including strength.

However, once this period is over, some people die directly, and some people need to recover for a while.

Drinking the soup, his body began to lose strength and wanted to sleep.


‘Oh~~~~’ ‘Boom! Boom~ boom boom! The sound of horns and drums came.

"Boss, they have passed, there is no shortage of people, Boss, what's wrong with you, Boss..." The voice was so long again, and the leader fell backward.

"The boss is too tired. Lift it up and make sure you breathe smoothly. Now I'll take the command."

The second recruiter in the command sequence stood up, and he won the command.

They have the same training system as Habayashi Feiqi, and everyone has to learn to command.

There is no situation where the entire team will be in chaos after a general is killed, so the order will be added.

Commanders relay in echelon form. Unless the regiment is destroyed, there is no such thing as a collapse of the team.

All the people over there passed by, and they blew the horns and drums in response, expressing celebration.

A hundred people naked, picking three lamps, and holding the pavilion chief, ran to find someone.

"Hehehe, hehehehe..." The three patrons ran stupidly with their arms crossed, and there was a sigh of laughter in their mouths.

They succeeded. In this weather and time, they were able to carry a hundred people alive to the shore when they were being washed obliquely by the water in front of the boat.

When the matter is over, enough to blow for a lifetime, who can? Who dare?

What did I want to drop? Why are my legs so soft?

"Should my evaluation be top-notch?" Ting Chang laughed for a while, and suddenly considered important things, evaluation!

"You fucking made a great contribution, so what else is the evaluation? It's Li Dongzhu who knows the three of you directly.

What a fart? Do you think about what you want now? Do you want the magistrate? Or come directly to the army of the state capital? "

A person running a long distance from the pavilion is congratulating each other. In the rain tonight, you are the brightest star, penetrating the clouds.

"No, I won't, I will be the pavilion chief." The pavilion was depressed and entangled.

"Then you tell us now, where will the governor Lu Zhengdao be? Let's find him."

"I know, on the mountain, I know which mountain I am on. It will take more than half an hour to continue forward.

It's all water! No one can see it, it's black and dull, and it's scary.

Can you not wear clothes? Cold? Would you like to rest? "

The pavilion tried hard to recall with the light, and cared about other people's dressing.

"You will freeze to death when you stop. The river is too cold. Run! Just drink hot water in the place. Clothes don't matter."

"Yeah! No one will laugh at you."

"Yes! There is a fork in the road ahead, which side?"

"Left, left, look at my hand."

"Do you raise your right hand, east or west?"

"East, I carried it wrong."

For nearly fifty minutes, everyone saw the fire.

"Here, don't your feet hurt?"

"It hurts, it's numb, it's okay, wait until the place is boiled with boiling water, squeeze the blood, we will heal our wounds when we turn back."

"Should I not go back to the shore to report?"

"Is it enough to lift us? A few people are enough."

"Aren't you fighting with iron?"

"Stupid? Our health is more important, and it's not that nobody cares."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"When we come here, we will represent the brigade."

After another conversation, someone blocked the way: "Who?"

"Your majesty recruits soldiers, 10,000 horses, our team of hundred people will arrive first across the river, and we want to see Lu Zhengdao."

"Yes, I'm Ting Chang Wang Li, I am the most reasonable, you... wait until I finish talking before leaving."

"Report! Your Majesty has arrived in the recruiting team, and there is also Wang Li, the head of the station on the other side."

The person in charge of the block found Lu Zhengdao, the governor who was still reading newspapers there.

"Can Rainy Night come over?" Lu Zhengdao's first thought was unbelief.

"Yes! They are also your majesty's private army, go quickly and bring people over."

Sun Yu, who was sitting there like asleep, suddenly became awake. He made a guarantee. He was in Chang'an and knew the situation.

In less than ten minutes, one hundred and three people arrived. One hundred of them were wearing horns and snare drums without shoes.

No hair is visible on their heads, they are bald, and scars on their bodies can be seen from a certain angle under the light.

"Boiling water, hot feet, our feet hurt, sterilization, is there any soap? And hot soup, too cold, the body heat loss is too fast, it is better to get some ginger."

Recruiting soldiers asks that they must first ensure their own status in front of their own people.

Fighting a war is another matter, and you have to kill if your feet are rotten.

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