Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1761 Credit-based ingenuity (first more)

The ruler belt Zhudan was also eating. Just finished learning, Nagli next to him remembered the most clearly. In case Zampo had forgotten any details, he needed to remind him.

"Zamp, I will probably take a look at Li Family Zhuangzi, it's better than our Red and White House."

Nagli found the situation and was comfortable in Zhuangzi.

Whether it's looking at people, or looking at houses and roads, it's relaxing.

"Li's Zhuangzi is richer than us." The ruler belt Zhudan is the most practical. In his impression, it is easy to do things with money.

In Tubo, pulu, gold, dzi, yaks, sheep, horses, and slaves are money, which can be exchanged with other people.

In addition, the copper coins of Datang can be circulated in Tubo, but the amount is scarce.

For a period of time, after going to Datang Songzhou, all the bridges were demolished, and there was no way to change things with Datang.

Fortunately, the merchants of Datang sneaked over, and the roads were difficult, and they were able to buy and sell after all.

I didn't come last year, I think it was because of the war.

At the moment, Lijiazhuang's exchange voucher is easier to use than copper coins, and it is convenient to carry. If you don't want to go too far, you can buy things with the Datang Army at the place where the castle is built in the Yellow River.

"Zampo, the voucher is printed. For example, the engraving board is printed with scriptures. Can the princess be in charge of your Majesty Tang asking for a set, and we will go back to print it? Tang Hua."

Nagli was trying hard to come up with an idea for the ruler belt beads. It is not as easy to bring anything as paper.

"I want books, not printed things." Shidai Zhudan shook his head.

Without waiting for Nagli to ask, he continued: "If you can get a book, you will study hard. After you understand it, you won't come up with such an idea."

The ruler belt Zhudan found that his follower was stupid. Tubo printed the money himself? After printing the money, go to Datang to buy things? Did Datang agree?

"Zamp is saying that I don't recognize the currency printed by Tang? It's easy to handle. When that happens, we will drive livestock and other things over and allow Tang to buy with our money."

Nagli seemed to have thought about it a long time ago, and it sounded reasonable.

After printing the money to buy your things, you take the money to buy my things, I admit that the money can be bought.

"Datang doesn't allow it, what's the use of your permission?"

She felt helpless when she took a bite of the good pine mushrooms from Qidan.

"We all approve of Datang's money, a piece of paper, and how much money is written, we agree to it. Why don't they agree to it?"

Nagli believes that the most important thing about banknotes is anti-counterfeiting. As long as others can't fake it, it's okay.

"The exchange voucher is guaranteed by the Lijiazhuangzi. You can go to the Lijiazhuangzi for gold, silver, and brass with the exchange voucher. You will not be bad for one dollar.

The people of Datang recognized that they knew that Li Jiazhuang would not deceive, and that Li Yi paid a great price in exchange for it.

How can you guarantee the money you printed? Will others believe you? "

The ruler belt Zhudan always stayed with Princess Jincheng and learned something. He never considered printing money by himself.

He was also thinking about redeeming many exchange coupons with small denominations, which would be transferred among the Tubo tribes after returning to Tubo.

Everyone determines the price with each other to avoid unfair exchanges sometimes.

For example, if a yak is exchanged for several sheep, the price can only be negotiated based on their own needs, and cannot be as precise as a catty.

As long as it is exchanged, it means that one yak can be exchanged for five sheep or six. If you feel that six are too many and five are too few, you need to use other things to compensate, which is too much trouble.

With the paper money, the two parties will not have to make up for the good price.

"Oh!" Nagli was also helpless.

He is not very clear about the connotation of currency wars, and he has some worries in his heart, as if using Datang's exchange voucher will cause problems.

"After dinner, take a break and go out for a while."

The ruler belt Zhudan is ready to stroll. He is not tired, eats well and sleeps well on the boat.

The information he sent back from the newspapers and envoys, and on the way back, he had a general understanding of Jingzhao Mansion, but wanted to go around.

"Call Li Yi." Nagli was afraid of danger.

"Since so." The ruler belt Zhu Dan replied.


The other people were eating, and the married Datang people discovered that when Jingzhao Mansion went out with him, the surroundings had changed a lot except for the city wall.

The children brought back from the age of one to seven years old, Datang is very strange to the children born in Tubo.

But there is a touch of kindness in the unfamiliar, not afraid, more curious.

They are in Tubo, Life's circle is relatively conservative, everyone speaks Da Tang dialect, they learn Tubo dialect, and they play with Tubo children.

Back home, I can always hear my parents talk about Datang.

When they came to Datang, it was very natural for them to look at other things.

With delicious food and new clothes, the children of Zhuangzi accompanied them, and they adapted quickly.

The people from Tubo who brought Zhudan with the ruler had more tasks than the people of Jincheng Princess. They observed and remembered.

Before leaving, Dalun told me, no matter the good or the bad, remember, after returning to Tubo, they will supplement each other and report.

At this moment, they remembered that Lijiazhuang's food was delicious, and they had never seen many dishes in Tubo.

In addition, the Lijiazhuangzi is indeed rich, and the dealers, that is, slaves, wear good clothes, not at all vulgar.

Lijiazhuangzi actually still has a windmill turning to lift water, turning and turning, and the water in the very thin pipe keeps pouring out.

How did it make it? Tubo can have a pile of such wells. The wind in Tubo is so strong that the windmills will keep spinning.

Dalun asked to contact his own person in Datang Honghe Temple. How do I contact him now?

The surrounding area is full of Yulin Feiqi, and it is not allowed to walk around.

The people who came to Datang with Zhudan Zhudan were anxious, and the same anxious people were outside.

A group of Tubo envoys ran to the market at the head of Bashui Bridge to eat, but did not eat noodles, leaving a psychological shadow on Bo Chen.

The last time I went to Lijiazhuang, I was pitted, and when I thought of the noodle seller's appearance, I felt that there was no place on my body that was uncomfortable.

"Eat, get used to it again." Isimba is eating tsampa. He has been in Datang for a long time and doesn't like tsampa very much.

Datang people eat with chopsticks and grasp it by themselves, which feels inferior.

There are actually several tsampa stalls in the market today, which are so abrupt that they were not seen at all.

What is even more amazing is that a group of people in Datang decently ate the glutinous rice cakes, and the food is delicious. Do you really eat this?

"What's the matter with them?" Bo Dou looked at the Datang people next to him, wondering.

"Behave to show Zamp, Li Yi's mind is too much." Isinba guessed it.

Now people who eat tsampa can become guards at any time, fake ones, and have nothing to do with ordinary people in Datang.

Speaking that he had a dumpling, he had to admit that the tsampa made by Lijiazhuangzi was better than the taste he had eaten in Tubo.

The highland barley noodles are very thin, and it feels like 60 powder, and extra honey is added when copying.

Where can I get so much honey on own Tubo? It's a joke.

Use buttered tea to get the ball up, eat the fragrance, and the Tubo people can eat this kind of tsampa.

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