Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1763 Employment Increases Under Prices (First)

In the summer afternoon, when there is no rain or wind, the breath is full of heat.

There are obviously fewer people on the streets than sooner or later, and the number of people who carry burdens and sell vegetables in various shops has increased.

The population of Jingzhao Mansion has increased, the canal has been built, and the labor force has shifted to other industries.

Some people rush to help with the land, especially the farmers who raise bean worms.

In addition, the number of basic service jobs in the city has doubled, such as those who drive horses and carts to transport water and sprinkle water on the street to cool down.

And those who were recruited into the workshop became part of a labor-intensive industry.

According to what the newspaper said, the wealthy bought a large number of weaving machines, spinning hemp, linen, silk and satin in the industrial union.

Then they were sold to other places according to their needs. Merchants even used boats to transport hemp and silk from other places, sold the workshops, and bought the finished products from the workshops.

The population has increased and the consumption of materials has increased.

People in other counties picked vegetables and fruits and transported them to Chang'an by land or water network.

It is produced in the land around Chang'an, which cannot meet the demand of Chang'an City.

People from Jingzhao Mansion and further afield transported things and sold them and made money to save them.

However, the price of life essentials in Chang'an has been stable because the goods from more distant surrounding areas are shipped to Chang'an.

Prices in Chang'an are higher than elsewhere, and Chang'an's income is also higher than elsewhere.

Zhu Dan, the ruler who stood on Chang'an Street for the first time, didn't care about the hot weather. He curiously amassed everything around him.

Especially for the sprinklers, it turns out that there are still people watering the road in Chang'an.

Looking around, he saw two horses pulling the bus, and suddenly said to Li Yi: "Doctor Li, the horse on the left should be fed."

"Oh?" Li Yi looked through the gap in the crowd.

The carriage just stopped at the bus stop, and the driver took a bucket from the carriage and placed it in front of the horse.

"It turns out to be a veteran." Shidai Zhudan relieved, he may not be very good in other aspects, but he is very familiar with horses.

Li Yi smiled. Sure enough, everyone has specialties, and he didn't realize that there was any problem with that horse.

"It sweats too much, its eyes narrowed, and it relies on the movements of another horse to follow during the run. It occasionally glances at the drain next to it, and its head is turned there..."

The ruler belt Zhudan introduced the horse's situation and why he could know that the horse wants to drink water.

Li Yi listens and learns at the same time. If you don't know how to listen, you have to learn from other masters.

One horse drank water, the other drank it, and the team stopped to watch.

The people sitting on the bus are not in a hurry, so they can't tire their horses to death.

"It's best to flush the horse with water again, and run to the resting place to replace it." Shigedai Zhudan saw that the horse was almost drinking water, and said again.

It seemed that he was specially cooperating with him. The coachman went to draw water in the canal and poured it on the horse.

The horse's state is completely different from just now, and it has become energetic.

Without waiting for the second bus to arrive, this bus started.

The Tubo people who came with the ruler belt Zhudan looked enviously, the road in Chang'an was flat and still so wide.

Compared to the place where the Red and White House lives, it's better, I don't know how many times.

They looked at the hands and faces of the people in Chang'an, and then looked at their own hands, looking very embarrassed.

There are special marks left by the plateau environment on their hands, which are rough and dark in color.

The team wandered to Vermillion Bird Street, and then turned back to the place. It is estimated that they can have dinner.

A shelf is placed at the entrance of some shops, and there are pots with lids on the shelf.

"Zampo." Bo Zhen saw the ruler belt Zhudan curiously, and introduced: "Originally, there was a fixed place for free soup in each workshop, but later shops opened on the next street were also placed outside.

Someone was thirsty, so he stopped drinking, and went into the store by the way. They just happened to buy something they wanted to buy. "

"What kind of soup is this?" Shakudai Zhudan asked, pointing to a shop selling mats, brooms and other weaving things.

"His house is water, and the soup is made only when they sell food." Bo Zhen gave the answer directly, apparently he had observed it.

"Can you drink it?" Shidai Zhudan was a little thirsty, probably because of psychological effects.

"Yes." Li Yi said, and he walked over first.

The people in the shop were sitting inside the door and looking out, the sun could not shine on him.

As soon as Li Yi's team came, people jumped to the door: "Hello, Lord Li."

"Drink some water." Li Yi said as he picked up an upside-down small bamboo tube, opened the lid of the pottery pot, and poured some water into the bamboo tube with a scoop.

Pour it well and hand it to the ruler with pearl pills, then pick up one and pour it on its own, and drink it first after pour.

"Dongzhu Li, just boil the dried water without adding salt." The shop owner smiled and said next to him.

"Water will do, how about the sale?" Li Yi nodded and asked about business.

"It's okay. It's hot. Many people buy mats. Some people sleep in the house because they feel too hot, so they ran outside and lay a mat to sleep.

Bamboo is good and the price is high, and most people are more willing to buy pillows.

I don’t buy many curtains, but a lot of window screens. The stock of window screens here is small and the price is a bit more expensive. "

The shopkeeper talked about the situation of his home and seemed very satisfied.

Li Yi nodded as he listened, and when he finished drinking, he put the bamboo tube on the other side: "You need to prepare a big mat on the hot kang. Now you are building a new house, you need it."

"Thank you Li Dongzhu." The shopkeeper's smile was even brighter.

I drank the ruler beads over there too, and found that there was no other taste, not even the salt.

The team continued to walk, and Bo Zhen acted as a tour guide, talking about the situation of each shop.

From time to time, someone came out of the workshop with a burden and spent some money to take a car to the next workshop.

"Doctor Li, they go back and forth to sell things, don't they have a lot of money for the car?" Zhu Dan felt that the money was not spent properly and should be saved.

"They sell vegetables. After a long time, the vegetables are not fresh, and they can't be sold until dark, so they can only deal with it at a lower price." Li Yi said with a smile.

"Who is it sold to?" The ruler belt Zhudan asked.

"The sauce shop, the sauce shop will make pickles. The people at the sauce shop will be very happy if it rains at noon."

Li Yi pointed to a shop next to it that sells all kinds of pickles.

"Those who pick food and sell will make less money. They come from far away." The ruler could think of this problem unexpectedly.

"There is a deity who carries it, like a cucumber. It is picked in the morning when it is dark and delivered to the place at noon. You can buy three catties for one money.

In the evening, they plan to go back, and usually sell them to sauce shops for one dollar and five catties.

If the sauce shop disagrees, the maximum is one yuan and six jin. If the price is lower than this price, others will sell it to Lijiazhuangzi for one yuan and six jin. "

Li Yi had a sense of accomplishment as he spoke. He controlled the prices of general consumer goods in Chang'an.

In this way, the people can afford to eat, and the sellers will not make a trip in vain.

There is no absolute market economy, so the people will suffer a loss if there is no anti-monopoly law if the others are united.

The result of the combination of pickle shops is not only low purchase prices, but also high sales prices.

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