Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1767 is tedious and time-consuming to deliver fruits (third more)

Before the auspicious hour arrived, Li Longji and others were still behind, and the officials all whispered to the people around them.

They discovered that Li Yi was here, wondering what kind of situation it belonged to? Want to participate in government affairs as a courtier?

Isn't that silly? Replaced by myself, I can be like Li Yi, so I can't go to court.

They watched, very cautious, and secretly told themselves not to speak out.

"Should I speak for a while? No, should I speak?" Li Yi asked Bi Gou again.

"The thing about Zaifu has nothing to do with you. You are in the first rank for a long time, so you can enjoy yourself."

Bi Go is very helpless, you are standing here, are you playing tricks?

Your Majesty is really used to you too much and regards Hanyuan Hall as a playground?

"Then old Bi, don't forget the words. There will be a firework show tonight. I didn't arrange it yesterday. The main reason was that the ruler belt Zhudan wanted to take a stroll. Everyone was tired."

Li Yi said to Bi Gou concerned that he was old.

"The old man doesn't need to recite words, his job is his job." Bi Gou is arrogant, does he need to recite in advance?

"It's mainly for praise or something? The third brother has to say something first, and Qin Tianjian has to speak first? Then Zongzheng Temple?"

Li Yi continued to talk, everyone else was talking.

"You don't know?" Bi Go looked at Li Yi in surprise.

"I didn't read it!" Li Yi said frankly, he did not check the information.

There has never been the etiquette for this ruler to bring Zhudan to Datang in the data. God knows which one to follow.

"First, Qin Tianjian said, then Mu Laozhang, it was the Supreme Emperor who spoke, and then His Majesty said, Waiting for someone to come, your Majesty said, Doulu and Princess Jincheng said, Zongzheng Temple said, I said.

There are a lot of etiquette in the middle, including sending things to each other, giving rewards, and giving the ruler and the bead pill once to the official and jue.

At that time, every month they would have to bring the corresponding money and things from the Zhudan to the ruler. After they returned, the transportation would be arduous and they would go directly from the Yellow River. "

Bi Gou talks about the general process, the last sentence is the key.

"That's the money I earned. Why should I help the court? I want it out there, you give it to me?"

Li Yi listened casually, and asked for money.

"You don't lack this little money. If you cooperate with them, the money you make should be divided among them."

Bi Gou shook his head slightly, no, what can you do to me?

"How come I cooperate? It's just my operation, and the benefits of the soldiers. Old Bi, do you want to deduct the soldiers' money?"

Li Yi simply put a hat on it, not a question of more money and less money.

"The old man doesn't care about the Ministry of War, so how can I deduct it." Bi Gou was not fooled.

While chatting here, the drums sounded, everyone stood up at the same time, including Li Yi, with their chests up and their heads up without squinting.

Sure enough, the Qin Tianjian jumped out first, wow wow wow, talk about the stars in the sky, what's the situation today.

After he finished speaking, the Supreme Emperor made a speech and told his ancestors, saying how good Tang was.

Li Longji followed to tell his ancestors about the current situation.

It took just over an hour for a set, and it was past eight o'clock.

Xuan Chi brought Zhu Dan and Princess Jincheng to the palace, and the stroller, which was another set of etiquette. It was past ten o'clock.

The sun is shining and cloudless, and there is no wind.

Li Yi's hand touched the right side of the clothes slightly, a small tube slowly ascending, he tilted his head slightly and started to suck.

With a cool feeling, his expression was pleasant. He had known that he would not come after standing for such a long time. It was boring.

"Old Bi, don't you really want a few peaches? It's iced, it's still cold. You talk for a while, don't fall down."

Li Yi took another sip of iced sour plum soup, his mouth opened only a small slit.

"Hand it over, two will do." Bi Go stretched his sleeves.

Li Yi's sleeve was put on, and Bi Gou reached out and took out the pocket of Li Yi's sleeve. There was a bamboo tube, which was cold and cold.

But Bi Gou didn't touch Taozi, grabbed two ice cubes, retracted, raised his sleeve and coughed slightly, then his mouth moved slightly.

"How about? It's delicious? Don't open your mouth. I can't swallow it. It's okay. Yeah! Third brother has seen it. Third brother is also thirsty. It's time for you to talk? Brother quenches thirst."

As Li Yi said, he saw that his eyes were swept over, as if he had been before, and when he looked up, Li Longji was looking at his own sleeve.

Bi Gou is dumbfounded, do you want to take ice to your majesty on this occasion? Loss of respect is too big.

"Your Majesty, the minister is calling for envoys from the outside world. I went overseas this year and found many species. Among them, there is one thing, both fruits and vegetables. I would like to offer it today."

Li Yi stepped forward and said loudly.

The people around are all stupid. Without this step, what would you Li Yi do?

"Qing goes to sea to work hard, what kind of fruit and vegetables are used together?"

Li Longji didn't care about anything else. Brother Yi spoke for a reason. He seemed to have given Bi Gou something just now.

Bi Gou held it in his mouth, what did he eat?

"Please also allow your majesty to approve trays and utensils." Li Yi responded.

"Yes!" Li Longji nodded.

Someone nearby immediately fetched trays and plates, and Gao Lishi brought them to Li Yi.

Li Yi took out his sleeve and took out five big tomatoes from the temporarily exchanged tomatoes. With his hand moved again, a small scalpel appeared.

He cut the four tomatoes into eight pieces each, took out the ice and peach tube, and poured them in.

Gao Lishi broke off thirty-two petals of tomatoes and went back intact. Li Longji had a smile in his eyes, but his own brother Yi was thinking of himself.

He knows how to eat, using toothpicks, but he takes his chopsticks, plugs a petal in his mouth when others want to stop but has no time to stop, and then eats a block of ice, oops, cool!

"It's delicious. Let others taste this. Let Zhongqing take a look." Li Longji, a tomato and a piece of ice would be good.

Pass the whole tomatoes to others, and the ones on the plate for Li Dan, Doulu Concubine, Queen Queen, Song King, and important ministers to eat. Eat a little by yourself, don’t fall down.

When others watched tomatoes, they started eating here, and Bi Gou took another bite.

Li Longji rewarded Li Yi, gave a lot of money and silk and silk, and also rewarded a horse, Li Yi thanked him.

Bi Gou went up and spoke as Zaifu. Sure enough, he was in good condition after eating ice. He did not memorize it. He took out a roll of yellow silk and read it.

The operation is the same as Li Dan and Li Longji just now.

When Bi Gou finished speaking, noon arrived.

To give a banquet, a ‘sun umbrella’ was propped up, the table and stools were set, and Li Yi sat down and began to rub his legs.

He admires other people very much. You have to stand for a long time every time you have a great meeting?

"Old Bi, I still have some sour plum soup, do you want?" Li Yi took out the pipe and other things.

"No, I have something to eat, cold beer." Bi Gou refused, and now he can't appreciate the sour plum soup.

The dishes were served by the court ladies. They were all cold dishes, such as cucumber, eggplant dipped in sauce, vermicelli, white chicken, hand-chopped lamb, lamb trotters in sauce, mixed lamb and so on.

There are not many things, but the hooves are all decomposed.

A cold beer is given to one person first, half a catty glass with ice cubes floating in it.

"Old Bi, did you eat this before?" Li Yi took a sip of beer first.

"There were so many dishes before? It's all your credit. The officials thank you. After eating, you can take a food box home and give it to your family to taste."

Bi Gou said, holding up his glass, and suddenly paused: "Xiao Yi, I drink beer with ice cubes, is my stomach okay?"

"You usually take good care of it, drink it!" Li Yi nodded, rest assured, I have been taking care of you all the time.

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