Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1769-The Treasury's Strong Soldiers (Second)

"Oh!" Li Longji sighed.

After all, Brother Yi participated in the Great Court meeting as an envoy, and let Brother Yi see this feeling.

As a result, I had to mention the golden wheat field, and my position as the emperor seemed quite boring.

The chair that countless people vie for, Yi brother is indifferent.

"There will be a performance soon, the people in Liyuan, I let them be far away, their voices are loud and delayed."

Li Longji briefly introduced the process. He knew that Li Yi did not want to watch the show.

"There will be a show in the evening, and then fireworks will be set off in the entire Jingzhao Mansion. I believe that in a few years, there will be fireworks in the entire Datang, but they will be managed by the government.

Private people are not allowed to put it, let alone make it. Choose a venue. When the people come to a festive day, they will look at the government's operation.

Otherwise, if someone blows up, someone’s house is ordered, and good things turn into bad things. "

Li Yi really doesn't like watching performances. He has watched too many and he is numb.

He didn't come here today, and he was able to rest, read medical books, surgery videos, and write textbooks in Zhuangzi.

From morning till now, nothing has been done and my legs are still sore.

"Doctor Li, can the fireworks be purchased by Tubo?" Zhudan has never seen fireworks, and read the description in the newspaper.

Understand that the formula of fireworks seems to be the sky monkey, dynamite bag, and musket.

"When you go back next year, I will send you a batch." Li Yi became generous, as if he didn't care about the outflow.

The ruler belt Zhudan's eyes were suspicious: "Dr. Li is not worried that Tubo uses fireworks as weapons?"

"Fireworks are fireworks, and firearms are firearms. Now these things are gradually being upgraded, such as the detonator I use.

A place cannot produce on its own, and only relies on weapons purchased or donated from outside, and ultimately cannot beat the place of production.

In the past, there was little gunpowder. When the quantity increases in the coming year, you will send you fireworks, and you will take them back to set them off. "

Li Yisi is not worried about Tubo using fireworks to make explosive packets. Tubo does not at all. It is not necessary to pour out the fireworks and wrap them together.

The ratio of propellant and explosive is different. If Tubo with fireworks can study the sky monkeys, explosive packs, and muskets used in war, how good are the artisans of Tubo?

Is there such a craftsman who is so badly mixed?

When you go back, the craftsmen of Jincheng Princess will not use it for you again.

"Okay, so good!" The ruler belt Zhudan couldn't say whether he was happy or sad.

When I am happy, there are fireworks, but when I am sad, people don’t care anymore.

The singing and dancing began, far from the top of the stairs, for people with low official positions to see.

Li Yi drinks beer and eats mainly fennel beans. An fennel bean can be eaten for one minute. He contains it first, and then chews when the taste is almost gone.

Fennel beans are not crispy, they have toughness. They need to be deep-fried if they are crispy. The other one is boiled and dried in the sun. It is hard to eat, just like unpopped corn kernels.

Water drops appeared on the outside of the large bowl with ice beside it, running down the bowl and onto the rag on the bottom of the bowl.

The rag is made of linen cloth, which is very different from the sack, it is very thin, and it feels the same as ordinary cotton cloth.

Li Yi stretched his fingers and touched, and Li Longji said: "Generally, this kind of cloth belongs to earth tribute. Such fine linen cloth is..."

"Ezhou has it, as well as stone rollers and silver."

Li Yi was the first to think of Ezhou. In fact, there is the same in Laizhou, which is Laizhou in Shandong, which is under the control of Henan Province.

"Ezhou? Is it difficult for the local people to walk down the road?" Li Longji said Ezhou, worrying for the people.

Without rain, the water level gradually drops, and subsequent reconstruction work is not easy to come by.

Li Yi's face was calm. He believed that the people of Datang had absolute resilience.

After the flood, the house was full of mud. Slowly clean it up, and see how many crops can be rescued in the field.

It didn't take long for the people to return to their original days.


"Din, eat, rest, eat." In Ezhou, remembered by Li Longji and Li Yi, the people helped seedlings in the paddy field.

Except for paddy fields, all other fields were abandoned.

Many crops in the vegetable field were soaked to death. The green cucumbers and eggplants were obviously blue-green, but they were indeed turning yellow now.

Don't worry about handling these useless things first, release water from the paddy field, help seedlings, and remove the debris washed by the water.

The Changping warehouse in Ezhou was opened, and Lu Zhengdao recorded how much grain he sent out, and then went back to take care of Lijiazhuang's request.

The people can be regarded as catching the opportunity. They eat hard and can't afford what they owe to others. If they owe Li Family Zhuangzi, Li Dongzhu alone owes it.

Castration and raise boars that eat a lot, do not wait for the New Year, but are slaughtered, and the cock that is always infighting with other cock is killed.

As for the sows, keep them, there is nothing, it is written in the newspaper, the sows do not have a bad taste, and the main reason is that the boars are not castrated and called hormones.

There are also fish, which are rushed to the ground by water, and they are simmered to see if they are alive. The simmering time is longer, and the thorns are simmered, and when they are cold, they are brought out of the pot.

Recruiters bring horses to work, war horses and carts, and find any kid or old man who can drive the cart to take care of it.

Recruitment is dedicated to finding hard work, such as demolishing houses and moving girders.

The people picked a big beam, a large thick wood, and a rope underneath, standing in a row at each end, and picked it up.

When recruiting soldiers go up and carry them, there is only a row of people, and the speed of carrying them is still fast.

For them, carrying wood is the basic skill.

They can eat better when they eat. The compressed biscuits they bring are distributed to the people, and the pickles are also distributed.

There are no delicious pickles, but some are cooked now.

The salt boat of Li Longji, which descended from Shudi along the Yangtze River, passed by. It was sold all the way at a very low price.

The recruits simply intercepted a ship and unloaded the salt without giving money.

This salt is good and clean.

Put more in the stewed fish, and don't eat the other meat, but let it out to the people.

Since there are no other seasonings, the stewed fish is fishy.

The recruits ate fish and rice without stopping.

After eating 80% full, he touched the sweat on his forehead, and ran to work again.

"Where is the shop that sells star anise and fennel? Where did the shopkeeper go? Ask him to take out the things, let's buy them, the fish is too fishy."

"It is estimated that I will wait for the stability to sell at a high price, and I will not go to him to buy things in the future."

"What's the last name?"

"Mi, my last name is Mi. My name is Mimancang."

"He should sell food."

"Your Majesty's soldiers are the same as iron."

"It is said that Dongzhu Li was also asked to recruit soldiers, or Dongzhu Li himself taught how to practice, on the top of Taibai Mountain."

"I also heard that the top of Taibai Mountain is higher than Tubo's Red and White Palace. If you adapt to Taibai Mountain, it will be no problem to fight Tubo."

"With this strong soldier, Datang is safe and not afraid of fighting."

"When we get better, whoever fights again, we have to donate money just like the people in Jingzhao Mansion."

"The Mimancang's family should be found and robbed. When is the time, he is still thinking about owning something."

The people are not used to eating fish, the fish is not cleaned up, no seasoning is added, and it is not allowed to click when eating after it is cold.

Mi Mancang, who was scolded by them, was accepting the invitation and had dinner with Lu Zhengdao.

"From the rice shopkeeper, is the fish delicious?" Lu Zhengdao clicked his mouth, and he ate it hard, not even putting the green onion sauce.

He feels fishy, ​​he can bear it.

"Just put some vinegar and star anise." Mimancang can also be eaten, no problem.

"My shopkeeper, someone reported that you sell fake goods. This governor doesn't know whether it should be written as a memorial and sent to Chang'an to let the Zaifu distinguish the true from the false."

Lu Zhengdao took another sip of cold water, his eyes narrowed because of that fishy.

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