Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1785 Target Northeast Swordsman (second more)

Wang Han took out a towel from a box, unfolded it, and found words on it, saying: "The soldiers guard the border, and the people feel at ease."

"Embroidery is a waste of manpower." Wang Han commented.

"Embroidered with a machine. Thousands of towels can be embroidered a day. You take things, bring your own thread, and spend a dollar to embroider you with a big pattern."

Zhang Jiazhen also picked up one, and said on it: But to wipe her hands and face, not to wipe the blood.

"Clearly forcing the soldiers to desperately, with sinister intentions!" Wang Han found the problem.

"Without these good logistical things, can the soldiers not work hard? If you only give towels, you can be said to ask you to die. Give the sky monkey, dynamite bags, and bullets to make it easier for you to kill the enemy."

Zhang Jiazhen knew that Wang Han always decided that Li Yi was younger and he was still better, and he felt aggrieved in his heart.

"After fighting in winter, the Turks will become a mourning soldier, and the mourning soldier will win." Wang Han's face was a little red, and he quickly changed the subject.

"The resistance is similar, and the one who mourns wins. My Datang is similar to the Turks? We have more soldiers, more horses, and better weapons than them. After winter, you will know what the new munitions are.

Li Yi pondered the things of summer in winter, and the needs of soldiers in winter in summer.

In the fight against Tubo last year, the Tubo generals' coats were worn with duck down at the front.

Turning to Turks this year, we estimate that military coats are standard, and then there are clothes made of duck down and cashmere. "

Zhang Jiazhen said and looked at another box, which contained rock candy, piece by piece, without removing the rock candy from Impurities.

He knows the value of this thing. Before the scouts carried something, when there was nothing to eat, people would not be hungry and fainted by eating a piece.

When the army encounters cold and fever, use this rock sugar to boil ginger water to sweat.

"I heard of the fight against Tubo, the logistics of Lijiazhuangzi will be sent directly to the forefront?"

Wang Han always stayed in Taiyuan Mansion. Apart from reading the newspaper, he just listened to others.

"Also helping to kill the enemy, Zhang Xiaosong's ten thousand elite riders were about to sneak attack. They escaped the Tubo scout troops, but they were found by the heavy Yulin Feiqi.

Seeing that they were too tired at that time, Yu Lin Feiqi was responsible for scouts strangling and covering the battlefield. Hahaha~~"

Zhang Jiazhen laughed loudly as she said, planning to wait for Zhang Xiaosong to come back and laugh.

After the handover of military resources is complete, the stew is ready, and everyone takes out seven or eight pots for rice and vegetables. The advantages of this military kettle are too many.

The disadvantage is that if the cleaning is not clean, there will be a peculiar smell.

The peculiar smell does not matter to soldiers, and the food is not poisonous. Who is to blame for not being cleaned?

Zhang Jiazhen and Wang Han each have a big enamel tank, first put the rice in it, then scoop the stew, with the soup, and then take a big Steamed bun.

For the frontier soldiers to eat, as long as the conditions are available, rice and steamed buns are fully prepared and eaten together.

There is a piece of fermented bean curd beside it, one inch square.

"There are salted eggs today, a quarter of a goose egg, a half of a duck egg, and no eggs." The people in the cooking class issued salted eggs, which are very salty.

There are no eggs because the people in Jingzhao Mansion ate all the eggs. Duck eggs and goose eggs are suitable for pickling and salting. The eggs are boiled and fried, mixed with stuffing, steamed eggs, and beaten into soup.

"Lao Xu, where's the fermented bean curd soup? Pour some." A sergeant asked the person who issued the salted egg.

"What soup? The stewed soup is not enough?" Old Xu stared, still wanting something good? dream!

"Are you greedy for ink? I haven't seen fermented bean curd soup for a long time."

"Yes, tell me to drink it all."

"Then you weren't caught?"

"I drink plenty of water, how can I drop it?"

"It's okay, you are not right, you are missing a piece, change it... hey! Old Xu, bad temper."

The person next to him said: "The game is too heavy, soak it in water, and time is not enough. Just put fermented bean curd soup to make it, and some jokes can't be made."

"I'm just idle, I know, they won't eat what we left until we finish eating. If there is no left, they will make some wild vegetables and put salt on their own. Old Xu, don't mind!"

"Too lazy to care about you."

"The battle was fought smoothly. A few years ago, the ten surnames of Tiele, why did we bother to fight them? I have won them long ago."

"Don't talk nonsense, they are all brothers."

"It doesn't matter, we don't care. A few years ago, we knew that we were living now, so why bother to fight?" said the person with the surname Tie Le, not angry.

He is satisfied with his current life. There is no shortage of home at home, and there is more food. He lay on the kang in winter and no longer worry about being frozen to death in the middle of the night.

If you go to Life as before, you won’t do it.

Nowadays, the women are all fragrant and meaty, come out on their own, and don't worry about things at home.


After eating, the later Tie Le Nine were assigned tasks to help defend and patrol.

The southwestern barbarians are responsible for moving things, but five thousand southwestern barbarians do not participate.

They sleep, eat another meal at night, and sleep again.

At dawn the next day, the five thousand southwestern men who had had breakfast, under the leadership of the Lijiazhuang people, set out toward the northeast.

They will first go to the Xi clan, give them something, and then continue to the northeast.

Their destination is Bohai Country, and they will arrive at the three Dudu Mansions in Datang, that is, one Duhu Mansion.

Give things to the soldiers there, and then go to Bohai Country to change things.

There are many mountains along the way, which is most suitable for brutal marches in the southwest.

From here on, the straight-line distance is more than 2,700 miles, and the real path must be doubled.

Five thousand Southwestern Barbarians have three thousand back bows, two thousand with shields, and a dogleg knife in their hands. They are very useful for killing people and clearing trees and weeds on the road.

The dogleg knife was called the Gurkha knife at Li Yi's time. The local warriors used this knife to coordinate with the empire's conquests after the sun had set.

As long as they encounter strong enemies and need to fight hand-to-hand, they will rush to the front line, an unstoppable enemy.

The dogleg knife is famous all over the world for these warriors, and when it comes to Gurkhas, it is nothing but fear.

But... the Gurkha sword, which had never been defeated in a hand-to-hand battle, was defeated by the three-sided thorn.

It is not that the three-sided thorn is more powerful than the dogleg knife, and the weapon of hand-to-hand combat is not powerful or not.

The undefeated Gurkha encountered Li Yi's national army at the time. The two sides fought for their lives and saw blood on the sword. In the end, the Gurkha warrior was defeated, unable to go on, and frightened.

Along with the fear of the Gurkha warrior being killed, the three-sided thorn became famous all over the world.

Triangular thorn is not the best saber, but it depends on who is holding it. Rifles and millet can also become awesome weapons and logistical supplies.

The current Southwestern Man is not the best one, Yulin Feiqi is.

The Southwest man who knew the gap worked very hard, didn't it take more than five thousand miles to go to the place, exchange things with others, and hunt in the jungle by the way.

After that, he turned back to the seaside and was picked up by a boat. He took the boat to Haizhou and took the train to Luoyang. Xinanman continued to take the train back to his home in the south of Lijiazhuangzi in Bashui.

Once there, in winter, I can bring back a lot of hazelnuts, mushrooms, pine nuts, ginseng, velvet antler, mink, tussah cocoons...

They brought an extra set of clothes and military boots, and put them on when they arrived in Bohai.

Said it was a trade, but in fact asked Bohai Country to see how strong Li Jiazhuangzi could draw an army at random, and don't engage in small moves.

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