Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 180: There are still questions and answers (first more)

Li Yi and Wang Xing came back, and Wang Xing bowed his head to eat, dare not say anything, dare not ask anything.

"The view of Dongzhu Li's Zhuangzi is pleasant, and the food is delicious." The old man ate the big goose stewed in an iron pot, boasting.

Li Yi is more enthusiastic when it comes to cattle.

"Mu Lao Zhang, the stew, the more you make it in a big pot, the more fragrant it is. A small pot can't make it taste like that. If you stew with yam, the yam can absorb some of the soup and taste better."

"Then why don't you call me Sheng Yam?" the old man asked along the way.

"At night, yam is not easy to digest. Generally children and...the elders are not suitable for eating."

Li Yi euphemistically told the other party that you are too old, and after eating yam, you tend to have a stomachache and accumulate food.

"Why don't you let me eat a big pot of sauerkraut?" The old man always has questions.

"Sauerkraut is also not easy to digest, and after eating sauerkraut, tomorrow morning when it is convenient for you, it will be black.

Since you sent ten cows, I have to show it to you. If it's dark, I can't judge it. If it's dark, I will be disturbed if I go to check it again. "

Li Yi was still euphemistic. He wanted to examine the old man's body and he could tell.

If they don't send cattle very much, at least it is possible to make him look sick.

"You accompany me with the food, it seems that I can't get enough to eat." The old man continued to'entangle'.

Changing a doctor who doesn't know the identity of the old man will get angry. Why are you doing so many things?

Li Yi is still calm, the old man, there are no other patients behind, just say it.

He said: "Usually, it takes two to three hours for a person to empty his stomach.

If lying down, it will take longer. At the same time, the secretion of gastric acid increases and gastric peristalsis accelerates.

One is not good for the cardiovascular system, and the other is that the more you eat at night, the more hungry you are the next morning, and the more stomach acid you have.

Stomach acid stimulates the gastric mucosa and makes people feel hungry. You will be tested for blood on an empty stomach tomorrow morning.

In order not to make you uncomfortable, eat less dinner at night. "

Li Yi said a few nouns, regardless of whether the other party could understand them or not.

"Okay, what a young proprietor." The old man smiled with satisfaction.

He was full of joy, sure enough, gentle, not irritable, neither humble nor overbearing.

The key is to have the skill, the skill of serving a meal, even with so much attention.

Li Yi finished eating first, and Wang Xing hurriedly ate it up in two bites.

The two went out, and after a while Li Yi came back alone, but Wang Xing did not follow.

"Where is Supervisor Wang?" Li Chengqi asked.

"He... he will come back and come back later." Li Yi said.

Wang Xing really wanted to leave. He took the two general teachers who had finished the course, and buried them in others, and had to burn paper.

This time he brought four fresh ones. It was cold, and they wouldn't be broken after being left for a few days. He dug them out as soon as they were buried.

Now he and the few people who specially cooperate with him are becoming more and more experienced.

Both Buddhist scriptures can be read, the candles should be lighted, the paper should be burned, and by the way, write down who belongs to it.

Then give some attention, if someone in that family is sick, bring it to Zhuangzi to show Li Yi.

People with bad life will find an excuse to give money and food.

In this way, nightmares can be avoided at night.

The old man put down his chopsticks and ate them all, not much.

He wants to go out, and a few people will follow.

It was getting late outside, and the biogas lamps were not enough. The big red lanterns were hung up. They must be red. The white ones are for the dead.

In order to prevent the wind from blowing, two ropes are fixed under the red lantern.

The six attendants appeared like ghosts.

Li Chengqi glared at them, and the six of them dispersed slightly.

A few people from Li Chengqi also came over, not far away, holding a short crossbow.

The dealer did not understand the situation, and came over to four veterans with round shields and horizontal knives in their hands.

"It's all gone to the old man, and I don't see you loyal on weekdays." The old man said in a deep voice when he saw this posture that something was about to happen.

The six people scattered aside.

Li Chengqi waved his hand, and his people also hid.

Li Yi nodded slightly, and the four veterans went into the dark, where the lanterns could not shine.

After fifty steps to the roof of a hundred steps, the other veterans put away their crossbows.

Before they felt the pressure of the six people led by the old man, so they went back to find someone and they were all ready.

As for the guards of Brother Dongji, they have been familiar with it a long time ago.

"Brother Yi, let's go see the cow." Li Chengqi found a topic.

"Yeah!" The old hair made a nasal sound.

"Skinny? Don't be afraid of being thin. Just raise them." Li Yi was very concerned about cows.

Zhuangzi relies on cattle for farming. Next year, the land will be turned over. There will be more cattle at a faster rate. Every day you can take advantage of it, you may have more opportunities to deal with disasters.

When we arrived at the place where the ten cows stayed, many lanterns surrounded them, and the ten cows were grazing hard, eating green grass and alfalfa.

Cut from the greenhouse, some farmers looked at the cow distressedly.

"Why do you have the heart to hungry cows so thin, one by one is pitiful."

"I lose my conscience, and the cow shed tears while eating the grass. How many days hasn't eaten good grass?"

"It's a lot worse than the cow on our Zhuangzi."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, you can eat it in Zhuangzi in the future."

The dealers said one after another, Li Chengqi looked at the old man and meant where did you get the cow?

The old man glared at him, and if you have a lot of business, it would be nice to have cattle.

Li Chengqi shrank his neck and continued to look at him. How much did he buy?

The old man does it manually, which is cheap, less than half the price of other cows.

Li Chengqi: Then you dare to buy it?

Old man: What if I bought it?

Li Chengqi: It's okay, just ask.

Li Yi circled around ten cows, frowning, why did he lose weight together? infectious disease? Deliberately hungry?

After two turns, he returned to his original position: "Mu Lao Zhang, are the cows together?"

"Yeah!" The old man nodded.

"Don't feed it yet, go and drive uphill." Li Yi ordered.

The Zhuanghu immediately led the cattle to high places, especially where there was a steep slope in Zhuangzi.

"The road the cow walked was limed." Li Yi said again.

Someone ran to transport the lime on a flatbed truck, carrying the lanterns and spreading them one by one.

As soon as the cow went uphill, he worked hard, and then excreted his feces and urine.

Li Yi went back to the yard, put on a white coat, a mask, and came over with some tools.

Collect cow dung and give the cow a needle to draw blood.

He returned to the yard with the things, and Li Yi reappeared again in three quarters of an hour without wearing a white coat.

"Who fed the cow? I thought it was ill, because it lacks trace elements, so I am not afraid of infecting other livestock."

Li Yi seemed to be talking to himself, but he said it to the people around him.

"Isn't Yi Di Niu sick?" Li Chengqi was concerned. He bought it for half the price.

"Dage feels relieved, lacking B12. Song De, bring Qingchu and fermented bean cakes. Oh, no salt. Bring the fermented fermented bean curd."

Li Yi asked people to choose the food that the cow would eat and supplement B12.

The stool test did not find any harmful things, and the blood test for trace elements showed B12 deficiency.

Song De didn't do it himself, and arranged for someone to ask Li Yi again: "Do you still feed the grass?"

"If you don't feed it, it has a large water content. It is eaten with Qingchu and fermented bean cakes. The feces are too thin, and it is not easy to chew if you are ruminating. Take barley and add salt and coarse salt.

After two days of feeding, you can change to other fodder. It's not a big problem, it's really not good. I can still give them needles. "

Soon the things were delivered, and the cows were fed again.

Now the cow instinctively bowed its head and ate, fluttering its tail, looking very happy.

The onlookers cheered and celebrated for the cow. The proprietor has found a disease. The cow will grow strong and will be able to work in the coming year.

"Good ability." The old man said sincerely.

"Naturally, Yi brother is very good at doctors. The cows have become thinner and it is not a problem to raise them well. Let alone lack of food, even if there is a disease, it can still be cured in the hands of Yi brother."

Li Chengqi was a little proud.

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