Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1799 Telegram Secrecy to Help Tubo (third more)

Li Yi went to the ruler belt Zhudan, took a new pair of chopsticks and a new spoon, and put them in the jar.

"The length of the rice noodles depends on the craftsmanship. The shorter the length, the greater the loss. The rice noodles are squeezed out, and then they need to be soaked before they are dried."

Li Yi talked and operated, moving very slowly, getting the rice noodles into the spoon a little bit.

Either he would have to hold a small bowl with Zhu Dan, which could not be clamped directly.

The ruler belt Zhudan has a question: "It is long when it is done, and it's finished soaking..."

"Why don't you pinch it into short hot pieces after the soaking? Because the chicken soup is very hot, the rice noodles come out slowly, so that when the noodles are finished, it will be almost at the edible temperature.

Looking at the free soup shed outside, someone ran over and was short of breath. The person guarding the shed did not allow the other person to drink cold water.

One is easy to choke, and after strenuous exercise, the capillaries swell, and they will contract rapidly when cold suddenly, causing a spasm response.

If you want to eat quickly, it is better to have eaten the surface of the water. "

Li Yi said that he put the rice noodles in the spoon into a small bowl with beads on the ruler, and the demonstration was completed.

The ruler belt Zhudan understood: "Just slow down? Have patience?"

"Yeah! The arrow is not fast but accurate, and the riding is not fast but steady." Li Yi put down his things and returned to his own position.

The ruler belt Zhudan looked at Li Yi. He was very comfortable. He had learned knowledge and could not feel any ridicule. Li Yi only expressed sincerity.

Listening to Li Yi speaks, it feels like close partners together.

"Dongzhu Li, why do you feel so good? Then you have been involved in many foreign wars in Datang...that way?"

The ruler belt bead pill is more straightforward, so he asked when he thought about it, when Li Yi was fighting in Datang, he wanted to help the soldiers at the frontier to kill all the enemies.

"I'm studying alone, and I haven't learned the fur well. I will continue to work hard." Li Yi replied frankly.

"Who?" Bi Go asked with the ruler and Zhudan.

"Lao Zhou, you don't know him. His diplomacy is legendary, he is the only one.

Even if you have a strong hatred for his country, you have to show enough respect when facing him alone.

Now that I am responsible for Datang, I will study hard, even if I only learn 10%, it is enough to make me happy. "

Li Yi raised his glass and gestured, politely.

The ruler belt Zhudan learns to serve wine and imitates.

Li Yi smiled politely and added his own rice noodles to eat.

They are eating. Some people are eating meat with buns. If they have the conditions, they can eat this. If they don’t have the conditions, they can also grab the fried rice.

Feiqi Habayashi was studying, working in groups of two, one studying telegraph codes, and one dedicated to decoding.

It is required that the two people are not allowed to communicate with each other what they have learned, and separate.

Tomorrow morning, they will take their telegraph and translator and leave for the Celestial Army.

Learn while rushing on the road, there are relay stations, telegrams can not be sent too far, relay transfer.

There are two thousand people going out, a team of twenty people, and a team of two hundred people.

The craftsmen of Lijiazhuangzi worked desperately to make the telegraph machine. The structure of this thing is simple. It is too difficult to engrave the pattern on the tassel. The difference is too much.

Guo Ziyi wandered around with a basket of meat tongs, to see who had eaten it, and give him one.

Li Yi's people at that time usually had enough to eat one, especially women, and men would feel tired after eating two, and there was too much meat.

It's normal for Habayashi Feiqi to eat ten or eight of these things. They exercise a lot. At the same time, after strenuous exercise, they have to calculate math problems and draw maps.

Nourishment can keep up, not to mention fighting power, all head and hair will fall out.

They are trained according to special forces, and they still maintain a clear head and calm thinking ability in the worst environment, under the most difficult circumstances, and at the most exhausting moment.

Ordinary people collapse when they are alone, cold, and hungry.

There is no goal, no persistence, empty heart.

Yulin Feiqi is not. They need to complete the task. If it is the task of rescuing the Datang people, it doesn't matter how much they endure, they have to give the rescued people a kind of warmth and support.

Guo Ziyi strolled around, one hand basket, the other hand information.

He has two kinds of holistic studies, without restriction.

He himself didn't know why he was valued by Li Yi. Before the imperial examination, Li Yi left Chang'an and went to Luoyang. He didn't say anything else, only asked himself in the martial arts.

When Li Yi came back, his own martial arts were different, and he became a long history. Li Yi took good care of himself and his family.

The most powerful weapon is handed over to oneself for use in exchange for life.

It is said that Dongzhu Li can pinch and count. Could he figure out what he pinched? Oops! Do business, remember, don't think about other things.

Sovereign, the scholar of the country meets me, and the scholar of the country repays it!

Guo Ziyi paused after memorizing the content, and gave his brother a bun.

He didn't urge, the brothers were already killing their lives, and if they didn't kill them after receiving the task, they had to play games with Dongzhu Li.


"Dongzhu Li, are there any special techniques for the rice noodles? Can I do it in Tubo?"

Chutai Zhudan likes rice noodles, he puts on the chili meat sauce and pepper oil.

"It's the fat chicken soup, and then put other things you can find in it to scald. If it is not convenient to scald, use a pressure cooker to cook and put rice noodles."

Li Yi's answer is the simplest, without mentioning a bunch of specific things.

Like his propaganda at that time, the authentic rice noodles in the south of Rosy clouds, there are mullet and squid inside.

Are there squids in Yunnan? Is it the kind of deep sea? Do you want to put Antarctic krill? The Soaring Dragon from the northeast makes the soup together, and the Wagyu beef from Waguk is blanched first, otherwise it is not authentic enough.

Crossing the bridge rice noodles are rice noodles and chicken soup. See what else is there, just stuff it in!

If it can be hot, it will be hot. It is difficult to hot at the plateau. Stewed, and other things are stewed. It is cooked rice noodles. Isn't it authentic?

"Is that so?" The ruler thinks how high and deep Zhu Dan thinks, and as a result...

"Dongzhu Li, I think there are rice noodles, isn't it the same?" The ruler belt Zhudan learned to draw inferences.

"You can throw wontons, noodles, dumplings into the soup. The fried highland barley noodles are not afraid of being hot, you can grab the tsampa, but I don't recommend that the chicken soup cooked in a pressure cooker is that dry."

Li Yi nodded, just eat, and change according to the environment.

"Where's the sauce?" Shakudai Zhudan scooped a spoon of spicy meat sauce, it was so delicious!

"I'll give you as much as you eat. We are relatives. Although the road is far away, the army can pass, the meat sauce will naturally be fine."

Li Yi showed his own sincerity, and it would be better if he didn't mention the army.

"Li Lang, Tubo is engaged in normal and peaceful trade with Tianzhu. Can the telegram show its effect?"

Princess Yongmu asked Princess Jincheng. In terms of seniority, Princess Jincheng is Princess Yongmu's cousin.

"Okay!" Li Yi was very simple.

"Xiao Yi!" Bi Gou quit, telegram to Tubo? We only came into contact with Datang.

"Lao Bi, you are going to make a fortune. We will send Yulin Feiqi to help pass the information, rent it from Tubo, and even rent equipment and Yulin Feiqi together.

At that time, you can also know what good things Tianzhu has, if you want, say a word, send a telegram to it, and help buy it over there. "

Li Yi peeled a clove of garlic in front of him and placed it in front of Bi Gou.

"You have to eat raw garlic to eat rice noodles? It's not fried noodles. Okay! I should help Tubo carry out information transmission. They are all family members."

Bi Gou understood that things are not for Tubo. Datang followed Tubo to Tianzhu to collect information. Tubo would have to spend money. This is okay. Easy to do things is reassuring.

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