Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1809 Prosperous Times, Great Demand (Second)

"The south of the city is lively, the streets are spacious, there are few shops, and many stalls. How can I sell things when it rains? Sheds can't bear the rain."

The ruler belt Zhudan was in the place controlled by Lijiazhuangzi in the south of the city. He saw the awnings, one by one, and underneath was a stand up.

The butcher’s feet kept stepping on things, with cloth strips spinning on them to drive away the flies.

"Zamp, there is no delay in the light rain, and no one buys anything in the heavy rain." Bo Zhen reminded.

"If you can't sell it, what should I do about the meat? It will go bad if it is left for a long time."

There are people in Tubo with Zhudan, and there is too much pork oil. How to air-dry?

"The lean ones are more braised, and the fat ones are more braised." Princess Yongmu said and swallowed.

"The braised pork and braised pork won't be sold out the next day?" Chidai Zhudan didn't mean anything, he just wanted to know.

"How can the braised pork be left in the ground for two days, I can eat a lot." Princess Yongmu swallowed again.

She thinks it over and eats braised pork in brown sauce for a while.

"Where is someone else's house? Other people...oh! Sell it to a delicatessen." Shakudai Zhudan asked and answered.

He remembered that Li Yi was carrying a burden when he was walking with the vegetable seller, and he could sell it to a restaurant or pickle shop.

"I can make canned food, and the pigs and poultry killed every day are about the same. Everyone has been familiar with the situation a long time ago.

In special weather, Lijiazhuangzi helped to collect it. The price is low and the market is 20%. If others want it, it can be higher than Lijiazhuangzi. "

Princess Jinxian answered that she knew many things.

"What if there is no Lijiazhuangzi?" Chidai Zhudan wanted to figure out what would happen to Chang'an in Datang.

"Where can there be such a lot of meat without Lijiazhuangzi? There are not many pigs and not many poultry. They have been sold out a long time ago.

In Chang'an, most people could not afford to eat meat, they made less money and less meat.

Li Yigonggao...Uh! Work hard again, yes, work hard. "

Princess Yuzhen wanted to say that her merit was high, and she was afraid that she would be locked up and change it in time.

No one dared to instigate, Li Yi said that he was not an emperor, he wanted to be at ease and just marry a princess.

At this time, after the meal, the people who eat the meal go to work, even if it is very hot.

Everyone sat down in a place with flowing water, and the people behind them pushed carts with their own food on top.

Princess Yongmu really contained a lot of braised pork. The staple food was white rice and fried cabbage. It was salty without vinegar.

Add a stir-fry of fungus, carrots, and mushrooms, put a stack of Shudi kimchi, and a small bowl of egg drop soup, ready to eat.

A third of the surrounding Yulin Feiqi sat down to eat. They had a lot of meat, vegetables, and steamed buns with rice.

"Send a fruit plate to one table." Princess Yongmu saw that there were scattered people eating, she estimated that she had been working until now and would not do it in the afternoon.

She gave things away, not afraid that others could not finish eating, and take them home when they could not finish.

"Thank you, Li's daughter."

"Gift from Princess Xie Yongmu."

"Wen Tianlan Xiangge's owner is righteous."

The people thanked them one after another.

"Xiao Lan wanted to have dinner at noon, but I don't know if he had braised pork?" Princess Yong Mu found that there were few things and people around him.

When she was a child, Xiao Lan helped her deal with many things and let her eat the delicious ones.

Now that she is old and rich, she realizes that Xiao Lan loves all her favorite meals.

Fortunately, the age is not very old, let's enjoy the blessing together!

The people of Tubo serve pork dishes, but they don’t have beef, and they are tired of eating lamb.

They like to eat fried vegetables, but the Tubo Red and White Palace didn't know how to cook them.

They are struggling to grow vegetables, and Jincheng Princess Palace has a big shed. Others want to build a big shed and can't afford it.

Spending so much money just to grow a la carte?

At that time, Li Yi's Red and White House only planted 80,000 mu of vegetables in a large area of ​​the city, which is more than 50 square kilometers.

The area of ​​five kilometers by ten kilometers can’t be compared with the big vegetable province. It’s too much difference. It’s enough to eat on its own and can be sold to tourists.

In the Red and White House at this time, how can people who are not used to growing vegetables spend a lot of energy on growing vegetables?

When you arrive in Chang'an, let's talk about it first.

"Chang'an, a prosperous place." Zhu Dan said that he didn't envy that it was fake. He had never seen such a big city.

"Zamp, it's not as good as it was a few years ago." Bo Zhen didn't want to say, but had to mention it.

"Li Yi!" The ruler belt knows the bead pill, the power of one person, the warrior of the country is unparalleled.

Ishimba suddenly lowered his voice: "Zampo, when I return to Tubo, I will need more carrot seeds. In addition, Li Yi brought back a variety of seeds from overseas and asked him if he could give some, which are suitable for us to plant."

"Nunu, I want carrot seeds and new overseas seeds."

The ruler belt Zhu Dan directly told Princess Jincheng that he had sold Isinba.

"Okay, let me ask." Princess Jincheng didn't say anything else.

She also wants to eat. The greenhouse belongs to the greenhouse. The more vegetables that can be grown without the greenhouse, the better.

"The horse loves carrots, peppers, and eggs." Isimba told a ‘secret’.

"Yeah! It's written in the newspaper." The ruler has Zhudan's impression.

Everything is written in the newspaper, and the number of sheets increases, but the price does not increase.

A dozen or so pieces of newspaper, when I saw it, only sold for two dollars. It was printed on one side, practiced writing on the back, and was able to paste walls and sheds.

If you don’t confuse your stuff and you save more and sell it to Lijiazhuang, a newspaper for two dollars can almost sell for one.

The content that I find useful is tailored by myself, and the advertisements are also very interesting to look at, and some advertisements are written as jingle.

Newspapers rely on advertising to make money, and lose money if they don’t print advertisements.

"Nu Nu, ask Li Yi, can Tubo print newspapers on its own?"

The ruler belt Zhudan wants to learn, Li Yi is too smart, Li's family makes money, and the people don't pay when they get the newspaper, and the merchants are even more profitable.

As soon as he heard the newspaper, Bo Zhen bowed his head. He spent a lot of money to buy the newspaper when it first came out, in order to hit Lijiazhuangzi.

In the end, he pitted himself. The Li Family Zhuangzi made a lot of money, and the newspaper was taken back and sent to various places.

Once I didn't know enough about Li Yi, but now, if I can go back, I will never touch the newspaper.

No, it's not that you don't touch the newspaper, and you do more to change the situation and turn things around.

Unfortunately, I can't go back to the past.

"Okay!" Princess Jincheng continued to agree, anyway, she was only responsible for spreading the word, it depends on Li Yi.

In the land of Jiuqu, when he got married, some generals accepted bribes to help them come as dowry, and it turned out to be the place where Tubo attacked Datang.

Li Yi will not be bribed. He will inevitably stop the situation that is unfavorable to Datang.

Anything he agrees to must be calculated.

"I should be able to give you printing tools, and then sell you ink, black ink. The ink formula cannot be given, and the exchange voucher can be printed."

Princess Yongmu poured the soup in the braised pork into a rice bowl and said what she thought was the result.

She felt that Li Lang would give the lead-alloy type for Datang characters, and for Tubo to print, he could only use Datang characters.

Then I bought paper from Datang to buy ink. The production of paper requires boiling. The high temperature and low pressure in Tubo make the cooking effect poor.

You can't use a pressure cooker to boil pulp, the pressure cooker is not enough.

As for the set of color pictures, if they do not exist, the color ink will not be given. What if you copy the voucher?

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