Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 182: No Than Shang Yang According To The Former Qin (third)

Light incense and candle fire whirling, Ying Qing Guo. Relatively second, sigh lightly and speak.

After the dispute, my heart feels at ease, as if yesterday. Only stunning and amazing can Kyushu care.

Listening to Li Yi and Li Chengqi's words, the corners of the old man's mouth were slightly raised. He had heard about Li Yi's things, and all good works were copied.

He was about to speak when the student put down his book and got up, and went to the place where the fodder was piled to push the trolley to feed the horse.

"Feed the horse at this time?" The old man looked at Li Yi.

"During the day, the farmer rides for training, and it has been more than two hours since the last feeding.

Look at the horse's feces. Once the food is digested, feed it. If you practice it, you will practice. Zhuangzi does not miss a ration of horse food. "

Li Yi said casually.

The old man nodded and agreed: "It doesn't really need a lot of money to eat grass."

Li Chengqi: "..."

Oh my god, does it cost a horse to eat grass? You are really my father, a family of five medium-sized families who raises a war horse and breaks the family in less than two years.

Warhorses are not allowed to work, they can only train.

"Yes." Li Yi agreed, and there is no need to explain to the old man how much a horse eats a day.

What salt, pepper, beans, eggs, grass, millet...

Um! When there are more carrots, I also feed carrots.

"Elsewhere?" The old man wanted to stroll around.

"Take a rest early today. I can't drink tea at night when I am thirsty. I can only drink a small glass of water." Li Yi persuades that I also have to sleep.

The old man was still unfulfilled, but he still agreed.

For the sake of ten cows, a small courtyard was arranged for the old man.

Li Yi went back to take a bath and sleep.

At the second shift, someone called Li Chengqi. Li Chengqi slept with clothes and went straight to him.

"Father, but can't sleep?" The two people sat at the table facing each other, the flame was swaying, and there was a moment of silence before Li Chengqi spoke.

"Sleep, clear dreams disturbed people, thinking of the past. If Li Yi was there, I don't know..." When the old man Li Dan talked about Li Yi, he hesitated to say something.

Li Chengqi shook his head: "How old was Li Yi then? Zhuangzi, who only arrived last year."

"Certainly, I came out for your third brother, because of you, you have contributed to the community." Li Dan was calm after thinking about it.

He is still more faithful, and the past life has made him unable to fight, not daring to fight.

However, Li Chengqi could think well: "I really don't have a lot of trouble in this world. I really don't know how the third brother did it. I will build a Zhuangzi, or copy it according to some methods of Li Yi Zhuangzi."

"Does this Li Yi have Wang Mang's ambition?" Li Dan asked suddenly.

Li Chengqi was taken aback: "Father, if Brother Yi has Wang Mang's plan, he will not continuously bring out good things and ask us to help spread the world.

At the same time, he will also make friends with more powerful officials. He wants to make friends with others, and he can easily rely on his ability. "

"Oh? Can you cling to the powerful?" Li Dan asked again.

"He can take out good things, mirrors, toilet water, soap, and send them to the door, write another poem, and invite Zhuangzi. Isn't it easy?"

Of course Li Chengqi thinks he can think of things, it is impossible for Brother Yi to not be able to.

But he stayed on Zhuangzi, pondered new things that benefit the people, and practiced medicine hard.

Li Dan sighed: "I have experienced so much for my father, and I am worried all day long. I always feel that everyone wants to harm me."

"Father, don't be afraid, the third brother is tired from killing. Besides, if something goes wrong, he will find Brother Yi.

How many people did Wang Mang have in all dynasties? Zhao Gao did not succeed, Sima counted as one.

Jiang Ziya, Zhuge Liang, and many more, they are all good. In the eyes of Erchen, Li Yi is more like Shang Yang. "

Li Chengqi knew that his father was suspicious, and he didn't want his father to worry about Yi brother all day.

Li Chengqi wondered whether this kind of heart disease could be cured.

"Shang Yang? Li Yi also has the heart to reform?" Li Dan said, looking at the candle.

"Brother Yi has a dark heart. He is smarter than Shang Yang. Shang Yang offended a group of people. The idea that Brother Yi gave to the third brother was to control the relatives.

He threatened the lives of the criminal officials and his family, and asked them to investigate other officials. I don't know if the third brother started doing anything. "

Li Chengqi said, telling his father Li Yi's idea in detail.

Li Dan was dumbfounded for a while, and then he applauded again with his palm.

"Therefore, Brother Yi wanted to seek his own power, and he came out a long time ago, so why bother to keep Zhuangzi still." Li Chengqi concluded.

"It's actually a technique of vertical and horizontal swaying, using economic wars externally, and attracting people internally." Li Dan who understood it was shocked.

"Yes, father, brother Yi is better than Shang Yang." Li Chengqi praised Li Yi.

"Yeah! Shang Yang's reforms directly touched on the family's noble interests, but Li Yi was not. He used a hundred skills to benefit the people.

Once the people are rich, your third brother can do more things, and Yulin Feiqi is the top priority.

I just don't know what Li Yi will do next, and I can't think of it for his father. "

Li Dan analyzed what Li Yi wanted to do, but felt that Li Yi seemed to be willing to make something for farming.

Oh, and the treasure in the eyes of others who sell a lot of money.

"Erchen doesn't know, he only knows that my Great Tang was not pre-Qin, and I died before the second generation." Li Chengqi felt that the Great Tang he was in was stronger than the Qin Dynasty.

Li Dan seemed to let go of his mind, yawned, and suddenly looked at the candle again: "Why don't you drip wax?"

He had an idea just now, and it is now clear. There is no biogas lamp in this yard, so he lights up wax.

The wax burned slowly, but it didn't drip down beside it.

"Brother Yi made it to Chang'an Order Pei Yaoqing to put it in the ice lamp, and Pei Yaoqing exchanged grease for it, and Brother Yi could make a little money." Li Chengqi introduced.

"It's a person who is not greedy." Li Dan commented.

"Father, no. When the ice lantern is over, Brother Yi will sell candles to wealthy people. It won't be the price then."

Li Chengqi told the truth and laughed at the same time.

"Ha ha ha!" Li Dan also smiled: "I actually have this plan."

He yawned again, and Li Chengqi got up: "Father, go to sleep. You have to check your body tomorrow, and your son will go back."

"Good." Li Dan nodded with a smile.

Li Chengqi helped him go to bed and put on the quilt.

Early the next morning, Li Yi ran to the hospital building to see Zhu Xie Jinshan, turned his head and took Li Dan for a comprehensive examination.

All kinds of inspections, a whole set came down, and it was almost noon.

"Let's go, Mr. Mu, and eat." Li Yi wiped his sweat and greeted Li Dan to eat.

Just now Li Yi asked Li Dan to eat, and Li Dan had to wait for the results to come out.

Li Yi didn't eat breakfast either, he was afraid that his own meal would delay the old man's inspection time.

Li Chengqi was waiting when he was discharged from the yard.

"Brother Yi, how about Mr. Mu?"

"There is less sunlight, diet needs to be adjusted, there is a bit of loose bones, and the cardiovascular system is not very good, the same diet adjustment, I will give Lao Zhang three medicines by the way for first aid."

Li Yi didn't think it was a big problem. He was going to give a spray for treating asthma and two kinds of heart medicine.

"That's good." Li Chengqi relieved.

Li Yi turned his head and said to Li Dan: "I have all the ten cows left. It is very expensive to check this."

Li Dan smiled and nodded: "I brought it to you. Later, the old man will come again and bring you good things."

"No jewelry or anything." Li Yi said first to own request. He didn't need jewelry, and it didn't make much sense to look at it.

Li Chengqi said by the side: "Yes, my brother Yi likes to raise livestock, hey? The third brother is here, I'll go to welcome him."

Li Chengqi was talking, and when he saw the familiar carriage appear, he hurried over.

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