Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1812 Operation Channel Law Follows (Second More)

"Where did the live fish and shrimp come from?"

"Haizhou, yesterday I said to go to Haizhou to deliver things."

"Where is Haizhou?"

"Luoyang knows?"

"How can Luoyang not know."

"That's good, from Luoyang to the east, east, and then east, all the way to the sea, Haizhou, the sea by the sea."

"Go yesterday, come back today?"

"Run faster, faster than a horse."

The onlookers were communicating. Many people didn't know the location of Haizhou, but they knew Luoyang.

Luoyang was far enough for them. The carriage with two horses would take two days to walk on the track specially prepared for the carriage.

The special channel of the inn does not count, that fast, for a long time.

Carrying a lot of goods, ran from Chang'an to Haizhou, and came back again, one day?

It's scary to watch the fish and shrimps alive.

The common people are interested in live seafood. Those who always read the newspaper look forward to eating cheap live seafood one day.

The Tubo people like Chutai Zhudan thought of transporting troops and luggage. He knew Haizhou and heard that it was nearly three distances from Chang'an to Luoyang.

How far is it from Chang'an to Tubo to Luoyang? Can the delivery arrive in one day? Even for two days, it was equally frightening.

"Zamp!" Nagli's eyes were hot, he stared at the train, not looking at the fish or shrimp.

"You don't have enough iron. Even if you have money to buy it, Li Yi is willing to sell it. You can transport it back? You build the railway? You find a coal mine? Can you repair it if it breaks?"

The ruler belt Zhudan only envy, he knows that trains are definitely not ordinary craftsmen can make, Li Yi Luban is alive? Luban can make a wooden bird to fly for three days.

Luban’s wooden bird has never been seen, hot air balloons and hang gliding wing know that they have performed in the Yulin Feiqi in the Princess Nunu Palace.

Hang gliding wings can fly in the sky as long as the wind is right. Is the big bird that takes people to fly just the hang gliding wings made by Luban?

If Li Yi was reincarnated for Lu Ban, how could he be able to heal?

Many people reincarnated and transferred to Li Yi together? Isn't he fighting alone?

"Yuanyuan, where did the fish and shrimps go?" Princess Jincheng asked Princess Yongmu when they saw the carriages left full.

"Let me ask." Princess Yongmu continued to take the walkie-talkie: "Steward Song, where can the live seafood brought back by the train go?"

"If you go back to the mistress, leave a wagon for the official's house, restaurant, and Zhuangzi." Song De replied.

"Good!" Princess Yongmu hung up.

"Can you sell a lot of money, right?" Princess Jincheng knew the difference between living and dead. What's more, it was very expensive when it was sent from a long distance to the sea.

Princess Yongmu thought about it and shook her head: "The train runs for the first time, and it's safe to return. It's free to please!"

She didn't ask for details, relying on guesswork, she was always with Li Yi, and her thinking was affected.

The team was not in a hurry to leave, watching, Luo Wanli sat on the platform to eat watermelon, and some people fan the wind.

Before the fish and shrimps were scooped, others passed the news.

As Princess Yongmu said, the carriage ran to the door of the official and the house and beside the restaurant and restaurant for delivery.

Officials are classified according to their grades, and so are restaurants.

The heavens and the earth can get more, and they have the tallest buildings, which is fair and reasonable.

What is given is scooping, no matter whether they live or die, some die. They are denser, and the proportion of seawater in the wagon is small.

It doesn't matter if you die, it won't be long, you can eat.

"Fishing and trains all have capital. The jackpot that got in is too expensive, and Li Jiazhuang loses money."

Zhudan the ruler watched the other train rumbling away, feeling distressed for Lijiazhuangzi.

"The train operation belongs to the imperial court, and Lijiazhuangzi is only responsible for guidance and supporting services.

Giving things belongs to advertising, and I believe that restaurants should be booked next.

When the time comes, the train will go over to pull, and the Haizhou on the other side will fish. After the telephone line is set up, communication is more convenient. "

Princess Yongmu thinks about the follow-up again. She is used to it. When she sees one thing, she thinks of a series of related situations.


"Xiao Yi, the old man thought of a way." Li Yi, who was reading a book with a big pot of braised pork, was found by Bi Gou.

Li Longji and others all arrived, and found a place to sit when they came in.

Li Yi sat on the bench, put a handful of pine branches into the stove, and put down the book: "Huh?"

"Selling seafood, today you said to send seafood, make reservations later, and wait for your phone to connect. It is the most convenient.

The restaurant is booked with us, we call our people in Haizhou to fish, one time and one time, the profit is very good! "

Bi Gou rubbed his hands, still looking for a stool.

This is the kitchen, specializing in making big stove dishes for Li Yi, and Li Yi likes this one.

There are few stools. Li Longji and Li Dan promise to have them. The others can touch them by themselves. They can't take them from outside.

"Go and go, or go back and forth." Li Yi corrected.

"Go back, not come back, understand the spirit!"

Bi Go stared, the person next to him handed him a bench, and he finally sat down.

"Okay, nothing wrong!" Li Yishen burned the fire stick into the stove and adjusted the fire.

Just now the pine branches burst into flames, so hurry back to some, or pull them aside.

However, if the rim of the pan is stuck with a big pancake, the pancake will be easy to simmer.

Therefore, the fire of the earthen stove is big, and it is better to withdraw than to allocate it.

Especially if the person who visits the door later, or the child finishes doing other things, he helps in the middle.

Don't move around without asking what is being done in the pot.

"Broiled pork?" Yao Chong sniffed, the familiar taste, the braised pork made by Li Yi was the most fragrant.

"Eat a little bit in the evening, and put the rest in a large bucket in a well. Tomorrow at noon, we will have braised pork with beans and croquettes.

Some kidney beans and rice beans are not suitable to be left as seeds. Pick them off and stew them together to see which one tastes good. "

Li Yi plans to save the braised pork until tomorrow, which is about 20 hours.

"Of course the braised pork is delicious. Xiao Yi, the old man sees you use a large glass tank to raise fish and blood corals and cheer you up.

The old man wondered, the train carriages were filled with Shanghai water, just like cheering, but more fish and shrimps survived. "

Bi Gou not only considers how to make money, but also requires technology support.

"The kind on the ship that transports live seafood? No, the train is on the wagon with people outside, press in?"

Li Yi vetoed it. It was dangerous. An additional fixed device was added. The wagon needs to be pressed by many people at the same time. It is too large and there are not so many places around.

He first disagreed with the technical one, and then went on to talk about the administrative one.

"The railway is only responsible for transportation and does not participate in direct trade. When the capacity is tight, the price of train skins can be increased."

Li Yi drew a red line to explain to everyone.

What other things do the railway do? Have the right to price goods.

Lijiazhuang has never set prices directly, and only limited the price within the range. As long as it does not exceed the upper and lower thresholds of fluctuations, Lijiazhuang will not sell.

Like the planned adjustment of the market economy, it is not for making money from it, but for stabilizing commodity prices.

While the railway is carrying out other transactions, the price of goods can be increased or reduced by adjusting the number of trains.

"Which book is there?" Bi Gou's fingers crossed his hands, and his thumbs turned around each other.

"Logistics attributes, there is no railway, there is nothing else. Any behavior that controls absolute logistics channels and controls commodity prices should not be allowed."

Li Yi said the name of the book. The other logistics is logistics, and railway logistics is also logistics.

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