Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1817 The people are rich and the country is strong (fourth)

"Be rich and honorable." Song Jing reflected and found that he was indeed narrow-minded.

I only think that some people happen to have medical stones in their homes, forgetting that they are Datang Zaifu, and people who have good things will live a good life!

Li Yi stayed silent, bowed his head to eat, why did he have to worry so much after a meal? Then I might as well be the emperor.

Stop playing, it's boring, let's talk about it.

He understood that Song Jing hadn't adjusted it for a while when he discovered that the medical stone was valuable.

Just like some county officials at his time, others dug up gloomy wood, which is worth a lot of money.

Jealous! In the past, I robbed them and gave them an excavation fee. The wood was snatched away, saying that it needed to be investigated and protected.

Later, the top person was changed, and in some cases changed.

The person who has been robbed of the gloomy wood wants to own the wood. Is the investigation finished? If you protect it, let me see! It's protected, just take a look.

As a result... the protection is gone and the protection is gone, where is it?

Without the following, where did things go? Actually everyone knows that the country is strong and the people are weak!

"As far as mines are produced, local government authorities shall not occupy other people's mining for any reason or excuse.

Once verified, deceive the emperor and steal as the theory, the light will be twisted, and the heavy will be cut.

Those who know not to report, and who are in the same way are the same crime; those who are not strictly supervised are the same crime. Inferior, only. "

Li Yi didn't want to let some of his own things happen again in Datang, he gave the bottom line.

Regardless of the corruption of Datang officials, he has the ability to turn things around and train officials by himself.

Moreover, Emperor Li Longji of the Tang Dynasty protected himself, others couldn't move, and the army was in control.

Which state's governor thinks he can rebel, and if he rebels today, he will be wiped out tomorrow.

This is not an electoral system. Under the impetus of sufficient interests, countless people are willing to flock to themselves, no, it is your Majesty's side, and you stand by your Majesty's side.

"Li Lang!" Princess Yongmu put a piece of steamed fish to Li Yi's mouth.

"When it comes to fresh fish, it is steamed and delicious, whether it is river fish or sea fish. Large sea fish are made into such fish fillets, fried and breaded."

Li Yi saw that a group of important ministers older than him was a little embarrassed, and immediately changed the subject.

"Rigid and soft, next time I let the train carry things with shells, I like to eat them with shells." Zhang Jiuling made fun of it.

"Okay! Tell them to send melon seeds, with shells." Li Yi joked.

Zhang Jiuling really smiled: "Hehe! In fact, hazelnuts and pine nuts can be shelled. How much do you plan to send someone over there?"

"Major national affairs should not be neglected and should be advanced at various levels. Hebei Province is heavily affected and must be in the hands of Datang.

I was waiting for the fleet to return, and then I shifted my focus, partly to the southeast and part to the northeast.

Five thousand people, they have great responsibilities, and the people of Lijiazhuangzi guarantee that there will be no major problems.

When they meet me in Luoyang before winter, I will give them a higher treatment.

Those who work hard for Datang are guaranteed to have benefits. It happened to be propagated among the nine surnames of Tiele and the captives of the southwestern barbarians. "

Li Yi replied, this is a question of politics, and current affairs policy is a fart. Where can the current affairs be examined?

The people on this table and the next table bowed their heads to eat, thinking of what Li Yi said.

At the moment the telephone line has not been pulled over. Before the trial operation of the train, Li Yi had already considered other things during the war against the post-Turks.

Including personnel selection and weapon equipment, the following moves will be laid out in one move.

When Li Yi really took the shot, he had to take the source of the Yellow River twice, once to beat the post-Turkic to the north.

When he moves, he is overwhelming, wave after wave, endless without reaching his goal.

The worst person looks at the tactics of each round, and looks at the strategy a little bit more powerfully. When replaced by him, he doesn't look at the general trend of the world, he himself is the general trend.

Just such a person, just gathered firewood at the fire stove to make braised pork.

The ruler Zhudan ate the food, there was no taste, at least he could not feel it anymore.

He compared Li Yi with Own Dalun Kilisu and found that the gap was too big.

Own's mother died in Datang Jingyun three years ago, and then Kili Xu was regent.

Two years later, in the second year of Kaiyuan, Li Yicai came to Lijiazhuangzi.

When Dalun was regent, Li Yi had not yet appeared. After Li Yi appeared, the financial resources of Tang Dynasty had increased by at least five times in just five years.

Datang’s military weapons have been updated.

Dalun always talks about how to fight against Datang and stabilize other tribes within him.

Li Yi no longer thinks about simple struggle issues, he is planning the world.

For five years, Datang occupied the source of the Yellow River and forced and owned Tubo.

In the past five years, Sulu's Tuqishi suffered heavy losses, and the white-clothed food was unable to invade the east.

Five years later, a small mistake was caught by the Post-Turkic. Datang moved forward from east to west, and had to drive the Post-Turkic to a place farther north before winter.

The post-Turkic affairs were not over yet, and began to figure out where the Xi, Khitan, Bohai, and Yi merchants were located.

This five years will pass, what will Datang look like in the next five years?

Kili Xu is getting old, and he has been regent two years in advance, and is now being suppressed step by step.

"Does the one who gains Li Yi gain the world?" Thinking of the ruler belt Zhu Dan, he actually said this sentence.

Everyone was taken aback, then bowed their heads and continued to eat, but did not hear.

Li Yi smiled: "Uncle, the world is the world of Datang, the world is the world of your majesty, and the world is the world of the people of Datang. The world is there, what does it have to do with me?

With the prosperity of Jingzhao Mansion today, it depends on His Majesty's profound virtue, and the support of loyal ministers and nobles, and the people are united.

If your majesty is innocent, wouldn't you hear that the people are the water, and the king is the boat? "

"Brother Yi has suffered you. If the third brother has a girl, he will definitely marry you. If the girl is not obedient, you will send it back, and the third brother will send it back after teaching you well."

Li Longji was happy, this Yi brother, son-in-law, did not even give in at critical moments.

"The third brother is joking. If the third brother has a girl, it must be beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, and Lan Xin Hui quality. Come, Wen Tian, ​​taste this conch meat with a small amount of luck."

Li Yi took a large snail and cut out the meat to Princess Yongmu.

Everyone served at the same time, you are such a powerful person, you turn your head to coax a woman, you don't have the spirit of a man.

Have you never seen a woman? Such a behavior is really embarrassing to a man.

Those who think so are all Tubo people, and they have such a life model, or social atmosphere.

Women have no status, unlike the Tang Dynasty, except for Princess Jincheng, whose status depends on the status of the natal Tang Dynasty.

Princess Yongmu blushed, why are you doing this? So many people? Isn’t it okay when there are fewer people?

Oh, you did the same when there were few people.

Oops! This conch meat is so fragrant! Sure enough, Li Lang would choose.

Princess Yongmu thought in a mess, and finally ate it, full of happiness.

Other Datang people are used to it, like Lu Huaishen, he has learned to operate it.

Then in the evening he ate the food prepared by Li Yi and it was just like that. He even felt that no matter how hard he worked, he would have more children.

Li Yi is really temperamental and doesn't care about it.

Are there other people who have raised their eyebrows and respected each other like guests? I don't know what the situation is, anyway, he can't respect Princess Yongmu as a guest.

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