Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1819 Tangled and stretched the donkey to call the horse (first more)

Li Yi understands that law enforcement is an ideal state, but it is actually impossible because the judge is a human being.

Judges are like referees on the court, they cannot make accurate judgments.

It involves a question of the scale of penalties.

Li Yi decided to save, sixty-nine people, all twisted, and sixty-nine families are over.

After the rescue is over, if someone finds out that the fraud will not die, then continue to defraud and get worse if there are too many people. Right?

"Why don't you send someone to Lijiazhuangzi first to ask? Wouldn't it be easy to handle."

Li Yi wanted to cry, it was too difficult.

Do you want national laws or favors?

The person next to him helped with the translation, and the note passed to everyone.

Everyone has read the above content and was silent together.

They were equally troubled about what Li Yi was embarrassing about.

I thought it was a professional gang who made a living by cheating, but it turned out to be a group of ordinary people.

"Doctor Li?" Song Jing looked at Li Yi in embarrassment.

"I'm a loose official." Li Yi replied.

"Brother Yi!" Li Longji had to speak.

"I think about it, if you have committed a crime, you should...Ah! Turn in, yes, let them surrender and return all the money, no, double it, and hit another twenty sticks.

Those who surrender before committing crimes are the original crimes. When it was written, Tang Lu Shuyi wrote it and told them to surrender. "

Li Yi murmured at the sudden emergence of wisdom, let's allow ourselves to surrender.

Li Yihan has all come out, the amount of fraud is too large, and he has to fight for serious crimes.

"How can they double the money?" Su Ting worried about the suspect.

"They have gone home and will bring another batch of stones. Ask them to find more manpower, load more ships, and make a fortune. It's exactly what is needed here."

Li Yi's dealing with money is much easier and simpler.

"So, is it too light?" Song Jing said from another angle.

"The purpose of the law is not to punish, but to prevent crime. The deceived have no loss, except for their eyes, if they are blind if they are not treated well, they have to bear it.

Since surrender is allowed, it is an opportunity to reform.

If you pass without changing, Sicheng has gone too far. Now that I can correct it, the first sins are all reconciled. If there is a complaint, the lawsuit will order a third trial. Although the complaint has not entered the Cao Bureau, it means that the matter has been revealed. Although you want to rehabilitate, you will not be the first.

At the moment, there is no notice issued, and the deceived person has no loss, and it is enough to hit twenty sticks.

Otherwise, if others surrender, they will have to be sentenced, and no one will surrender in the future. "

Li Yi's teeth were itchy with hate, and he was not in a good mood.

"Proprietor, the telegram, it's still there." Li Yi took a look at someone who brought it up and exhaled.

"How?" Everyone can't wait and ask first.

"They discussed it, afraid, and after talking to their families, they wanted to come to Chang'an with the money they had defrauded.

Tell the family that when they are gone, go to the local government to surrender on their behalf.

In this way, you can grab time, or you won't be able to wait until you send a letter, and then surrender yourself.

People who come, generate electricity and go back, and tell them that they will find someone to dig medical stone and send it over, and the punishment will be doubled. "

Li Yi continued to wipe his sweat, and his mood improved again. At least those people voluntarily surrendered instead of telling them to surrender and then surrender, so that he always feels deceived.

After he finished speaking, the telegram was translated. Everyone, look at it, it's correct.

One by one, the brows were stretched out so that when the twenty sticks were hit, they could be lightened, otherwise they would be allowed to lie on their stomachs for at least three months.

"In order to prevent such things from recurring next time, a department dedicated to helping people to identify things for free should be established in Jingzhao Mansion."

After Li Yi has dealt with major events, he still needs to solve the problem from the root cause.

Those who have appraisal at the pawnshop usually don’t tell the truth and just ask them to help.

"Someone who is free is willing to help with identification?" Li Rizhi said.

"It is not one person or several people. The official announcement is made. They need to compete and compare each other. Powerful talents are eligible to appraise items for others in rotation."

Li Yi solved the problem in one sentence, and the person in charge of the appraisal represented the status.

The free appraisal is only one day, and the next day is replaced.

Anyone sitting in that position represents the ability.

"In that case, how can other people in this industry eat?" Liu Youqiu asked.

"I will only identify things, not the price. If a wild horse is drawn from Tubo, what does the identification say? Don't say how much it is worth." Li Yi replied.

"What else can a wild horse be? Of course it's a horse!" Yao Chong interjected.

"Wrong, the Tubo wild horse is a donkey." Li Yi looked at Yao Chong with that look.

"Really? Do you want to call the horse a donkey?" Yao Chong didn't believe it.

"Yes, it's a donkey! When it's drought, you can dig out water with your hoof, and other small animals drink with it." The ruler took Zhu Dan to make a knife.

"There is a trend, why?" Li Dan thought it was interesting.

Princess Jincheng explained: "Wild donkeys are taller than ordinary donkeys, and some can weigh up to a thousand catties before they are called horses.

Some of the wells they dug are more than five feet deep, and they usually find a well that produces water, and they will often repair them.

In the team I came back there was a wild donkey with the team, which was arranged to raise, and there were also yaks and other living animals. "

"Go and see." Li Dan wants to stroll, everyone needs to relax.

There are many animals in Lijiazhuangzi’s zoo, including tigers, wolves, leopards, bears, pandas...

Generally speaking, the people of Chang'an belong to the near water tower.

In other counties in Jingzhao Mansion, when the children are on holiday, if adults come to Chang'an, there will be extra time to watch.

The location of each animal is hung with a sign, and the introduction is the same as Li Yi's time.

Some birds are also bred, including golden eagles and a big family, and big scarlet parrots are always talking about it.

People are willing to pay to buy things to feed. They need to eat when the animals are eating. After the eating time, the animals are full and the zoo will not sell them.

There are twelve wild donkeys and a family of donkeys.

At this time, they don't dig pits, there is water, and they are still small channels, and they can go down to take a bath.

"Sure enough, it's tall, a head taller than an ordinary donkey."

Zhang Jiuling saw him for the first time. He looked at the donkey, and the donkey was also watching him through the net.

Obviously these days wild donkeys have adapted to being watched and fed by people, but the range of activities is small, and running is not satisfying, so they can only run in circles.

"Can this thing help pull the cart?" Li Dan asked Princess Jincheng.

"Yes." Princess Jincheng was sure.

Li Yi followed: "It can also be used to crossbred with domestic horses. They also look beautiful. Nowadays, wild donkeys look better than domestic donkeys."

This thing could not be domesticated at his time, first-level protection of animals.

Tubo has been used a long time ago. If it weren’t for Tubo’s own life, large numbers of breeding, breeding, and hybridization could form an industrial cluster.

In an era without cars, livestock is everything.

Hybrid mules have the advantages of wild donkeys and horses, are more obedient than donkeys, and have better endurance than horses.

"Are there many wild donkeys in Tubo?" Li Dan thought of what Li Yi had thought.

"A lot, hundreds of people can always see it." Shakudai Zhudan replied.

"Okay! Okay! It will be useful to cross-breed in the future." It is natural for Li Dan to directly think of other people's things as own.

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