Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1846 Capital Chases Brand Merit (First)

Princess Yuzhen arranged manpower to operate, hoping to complete the project before winter arrived.

She believed in Li Yi, and Li Yi never cheated herself in this regard.

What's more, things on the mountain are model projects. If they don't make money, how can others learn?

If Ron performs well, it is estimated that he will be able to get a full-time position, which is also someone he likes better.

It's a pity that compared to Li Yi's difference, if he can turn Li Yi into his own guest, he will be bestowed to death by the emperor's brother.

Princess Yongmu didn't know that someone was hitting her husband's idea. She thought it would be fun to rush down the canal on the mountain.

She took Little Brother's hand and said to Li Yi: "Li Lang, organize more people to help, fix it quickly, I want to go up and rush."

"Build a water slide down from Huaqing Palace." Li Yi thought of a better place. Zhuangzi lived thirty miles away from Huaqing Palace.

From where to slide back, the pool must be trimmed and the amount of water is sufficient. Wear an oxygen cylinder when you slide.

If you don’t use rubber to make an inflatable sliding pad, it takes more than 20 minutes to slip, which is enjoyable.

"Doctor Li wants to hear the sound of Qiong Palace Yaotai, cracked silk?" Song Jing listened to accuse Li Yi, using the story of Ximei and Jie.

"Little Yi wants to burn the flames and gather the princes?" Yao Chong followed.

"I don't know Ximei. I guess she belongs to the same kind of person as Xi Shi. She serves the country and deserves respect.

The princes of the Fenghuo Opera are pure nonsense, and Sima Qian also doesn't write well, feeling that he has a prejudice against women.

Besides, I am not an emperor. Who is in the way of repairing a canal for shipping goods and spending my own money? "

Li Yi is about to repair, now there is a channel.

The hot spring water going up the mountain flows down to Lijiazhuangzi, expanding, and more spring water. Later, Zhuangzi will use spring water for bathing.

Generations of emperors on Lishan have been'in'. As a scenic spot, there are few tourists who can not just call people over. It belongs to the scope of Lijiazhuangzi.

Throw it away and waste it, it is better to plant fruit trees and raise livestock.

At that time, it is said that the fruits and livestock are fed with hot spring water, which is five times more expensive than elsewhere, no, ten times, they are sold at Tianlanxiang Pavilion.

Wouldn’t the money for repairing the canal be made back? It's not a loss-making business.

"Be repaired." Li Longji promised. You only saw Yidi build a canal. Why didn't you see him build roads and water nets?

His Zhuangzi is rich, so he is not allowed to spend it? Give it to you?

"After the repair is completed, branch out, extend it with thick bamboo, and pass through Bashui to the west bank.

Plant fruit trees and raise things on it, whoever wants to buy it, stand at the bottom to pick it up.

They opened the gate of the fork, and they picked up things and water. Wen Tianlan Xiangge can build a small pool over there for people to bathe.

Since Huaqing Palace belongs to the royal family, half of the money is earned and no tax is paid. "

Li Yi talked about the follow-up arrangements, why should I play with the princes?

Don't say that this story is written in vain, even if it is true, can it make money?

"Xiao Yi, the old man has no objection." When Bi Gou heard that he didn't pay taxes, I felt wronged, did I just speak?

"Old Bi, there are many salt wells and gas wells in the Shu area. You sent someone over to collect the tax." Li Yi reminded him kindly.

"Your Majesty's salt well or something has already used money to help the place, and can no longer collect taxes."

Bi Gou didn't do it, and his majesty's money was used to raise the private army.

As I said before, the salt wells and gas wells will pay for the local infrastructure construction.

The people in Shu area have enjoyed the benefits. They eat salt by themselves, and two money a month is enough.

Others ran to use the air in the gas well to make food, and used the ones near the reeling machine.

"Gold mines, collect taxes on gold mines." Li Yi changed one.

"The old man doesn't want to accept your majesty's money, so he must accept yours." Bi Gou pointed out the words.

"I gave half of the money to your Majesty, and it is tax deductible, don't you know?" Li Yi asked for support.

"Yeah! Selling things belongs to Wen Tianlan Xiangge's business, and it's not the Li family Zhuangzi's."

Princess Yongmu takes the matter on herself, what? Want to charge me taxes? How much money and stuff did I donate to the army?

As soon as she said, the surrounding quieted down, very suddenly.

Everyone remembered together, how much money does Wen Tianlan Xiangge make now?

"Do you know how to count your money?" Princess Jinxian asked in a low voice.

Princess Jincheng and Princess Yuzhen stunned their ears to listen. They remembered that if the royal woman had the most money, the Queen and Queen were not the first.

Queen Wang and Lijiazhuang had a cooperative transaction, which was well accounted for.

NS! Compared with Wen Tianlan Xiangge, it was not a slight difference.

Princess Yongmu shook her head blankly: "I don't know, Li Lang is in charge. Now things are bought in Lijiazhuang and then sold. There are costs, including labor costs and operating costs."

She really didn't know, anyway, she didn't have a place to spend money.

Her original palace in the imperial city was empty, and people went to clean it every day. Xiaolan Zhuangzi belonged to her house outside, and she did not officially open the house.

Living in Lijiazhuangzi, where can she spend money?

After she said she looked at Li Yi, Li Yi stretched out two fingers.

Except for Li Longji, Wang Empress, Li Dan, and Doulu Concubine, all the people around him became eager to breathe, including Princess Yongmu's mother-in-law.

With two fingers, they understand that two million yuan is impossible, and it is definitely not two hundred thousand yuan.

Bi Gou was about to cry, and he never received a dollar of tax.

The things that Wen Tianlan Xiangge sells are luxury goods, and they charge five taxes and one tax, three taxes and one tax, and there is nothing wrong with them.

"Li Lang, really have these?" Princess Yong Mu smiled.

"Brand, this is called brand value. Rich people buy not things, but identity.

They need to improve their own social status through the value of the brand, and for people with real status, such as you, what you wear is a brand. "

Li Yi was in charge of the accounts and saw that many businessmen sent women into Tianlan Xiangge to buy things, and then took them to other places to sell.

If something is worn out or worn out, you can replace it with a new one, as long as you take it back, you can replace it.

Including the kind of clothes with few fabrics, but Li Yi believes that they won't change them, and give them to others. God knows what others will do with them.

Besides, people who can buy this kind of clothes for women are embarrassed to change it? Don't buy it if you have no money!

"How about you, Xiaoyi?" Bi Gou considered whether the Ministry of Households would set up a clothing store to advertise with Li Yi.

"I like to wear a white coat, comfortable, made by Zhuangzi, no brand needed."

Li Yi looked at the clothes on his body. The first-rank official clothes were awkward and garish.

"Proprietor, Proprietor, the Celestial Army has a telegram." Song De ran over, holding a telegram in his hand.

Li Yi took it, glanced at it, and handed it to the person in charge of the translator next to it: "If you want wine, you can use white wine, beer, or rice wine, but you don't want fruit wine."

"Li Lang, out of my money, the soldiers are going back to where the Heavenly Soldier Army is. I will invite them to drink."

Just now I knew that he had more than two million yuan of Yongmu, the main treat.

"Okay, I'll charge you for the cost. No beer, laborious transportation, hot weather, easy to burst after shaking."

Li Yi agreed, not much money.

According to the calculation of 100,000 people, one bucket of yellow wine is enough for one person, and one catty of white wine can be drunk several times.

The cost is low, and it is impossible to fight for ten thousand wines. The wine for ten thousand fights is wine. After filtering again and again, the final wine must have cellar age.

Liquor and rice wine are counted according to the price of grain, and there is no cellar, so the soldiers will drink it for five years of ‘aged’?

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