Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1857 The Profound Economical Childhood Zhenhao (third)

"When will I return to this place?" Bi Gou was confused by the painted pie, and instantly remembered the larger pie that Li Yi had painted for Tubo before.

He was skeptical and forced himself to remain calm. Is Xiao Yi digging holes again?

"Huh?" Li Yi was holding the bowl, snoring and drinking soup, but didn't hear clearly.

"Investment payback period." Bi Gou put it differently.

"According to an annual interest rate of 5%, ten years." Li Yi picked up an omelet, which was fully cooked, and he was afraid to eat it.

"Invest 10,000 yuan, and get back one thousand and fifty yuan a year? Why is there still money for printing? Do you want to add compound interest?"

Bi Gou can figure it out instinctively, and then he is puzzled.

Lijiazhuangzi's exchange coupons do not depreciate, so why do you raise interest rates?

"As long as the imperial court collects taxes, as long as the non-output line costs are included in the transaction, the currency can be maintained without depreciation, but the commodity will depreciate.

Devaluation is not reflected in currencies, but must be reflected in commodities.

Using commodity depreciation to stabilize currency value is a concrete manifestation of the transformation of production technology into productivity.

The more the technology category, the greater its depreciation under the social system that promotes the improvement of technology.

It just so happens that what we are going to fix is ​​of this type, and there will be better replacements later, so I will give you an interest rate. "

Li Yi put the ugly words on the front, this thing will depreciate.

In the first year, it is definitely not an investment of 10,000 yuan, one thousand and fifty yuan will be recovered, and three thousand and four thousand yuan may be recovered.

Then it decreases year by year, and by the tenth year, let alone one thousand and fifty, there are more than one hundred and fifty.

Li Yi calculates based on the reinvestment of recovered funds without investment returns. If reinvestment is included, it depends on whether the reinvestment is profitable.

Regardless of the overall social environment, this model is the same as real estate development.

Loan development, off-plan housing sales, capital recovery, reclaimed capital to buy land, mortgage development of land purchased by mortgage, and off-plan housing sales...

This is called the limit cash flow model. If there is a problem in one link, the entire cash chain is broken, and it will be completely useless.

Li Yineng gave this investment payback period and profit, indicating that he will control the relative depreciation caused by economic growth to 50% in the next ten years.

Li Longji raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows: "Brother Yi, where is the 50% increase and depreciation in ten years?"

"The staple food and non-staple food are all in Datang, not Jingzhao Mansion. I will be able to weave at least 30% of the staple food and non-staple food in Jingzhao Mansion next year.

At the same time, the standard value of exchange coupons remains at the current level, without depreciation or appreciation.

After the entire Tang Dynasty rose, the currency remained unchanged, and the value of new commodities and luxury goods prices changed.

The intensity and focus of the people's consumption will also be changed, and the imperial taxation will increase a lot.

The expansion of the original industry and the continuous growth of new products and new industry derivatives, fiscal surplus...savings..."

Li Yi said and looked at Bi Gou. Bi Gou kept listening and put down his chopsticks.

"Xiao Yi, save a little! I can't spend it all, in case something urgent happens."

Bi Go unexpectedly understood. He didn't want to spend it all, keeping the money in his hands and feeling at ease.

"In special circumstances, can't I just over-issue temporarily? After over-issued, I slowly returned the mortgage.

Who can manipulate the redemption voucher during my over-issue process? How big is that?

I overissued 10%, who can raise the other 90% of the redemption coupons to run with me?

Believe it or not, if I throw out a new technology, not only does it flatten out 10% of the over-issued rate, but also gives an extra 10%? "

Li Yicai is not afraid of such situations. Datang's economy is stable and he doesn't need to bring out new financial tools.

"Longze, there is also overseas trade. The officials are different from those of Jiuling." Yao Chong thinks that Li Yi spends so much money.

When he was a Zaifu, he still owed salaries to officials, so it was difficult to arrange more officials.

Now that there are many officials, it doesn't matter, they can afford it, and those who were admitted to the imperial examinations and didn't serve as officials for several years now... can only become smaller officials.

Five years or more ago, I was admitted to Jinshi and wanted to be released as an official. I left Jingzhao Mansion, not Henan Mansion, and found a place to be the county magistrate.

Jinshi does not take office, no, I will wait, wait for a better position to appear, I can pay bribes, vacancies arrange me.

Wait and wait, wait until more Jinshi appears, and these newly admitted Jinshi immediately go to the village to become officials to assist the village.

The assistance is good, and the county magistrate, the county chief, and the county lieutenant in the county, do not count on the magistrate of Jingzhao Mansion.

These people work hard and wait to continue ascending.

In the past, the magistrate of a certain county didn't want to be a jinshi looking for a way, no longer in other places, that's OK, let me go.

It's a pity, it's too late. You didn't want to be it at that time. Now others are doing it, and they are better than you. They came out of the village.

One was the first class Jinshi three years ago. After the exam, he ran to the village to lead everyone to make money. Later, he was promoted to the prefecture of Jingzhao Prefecture, Chang'an Outer County, and was evaluated.

One was the Yidi Jinshi six years ago. He stayed in the inn all the time, usually looking for someone to write poems and drink alcohol.

Ask the local people, who needs a county magistrate to choose?

If the people knew, the staff knew better, otherwise Wang Han would be anxious. Datang lacks everything now, so there is no shortage of Jinshi.

"I really can't save some?" Bi Gou wanted to hold on.

"Isn't the tax continuously given? The money spent at the end of the year is not thrown out all at once. Before next year's budget is released, there will be more taxes and the household account has money. Eat!"

Li Yi regrets it! I knew I wouldn't come out for breakfast, the soup was cold.

"Eat, if you don't go to the political affairs hall, you have to look for you during dinner."

Su Ting sympathized with Bi Gou and felt more empathetic.

Zhengshitang didn't dare to make a decision when encountering a major event, so he had to ask Li Yi first. Small things were fine.

"I'm finished, I'm going to have fun with my friends, and I promised to pick up wheat ears today."

The little guy drank the last sip of goat's milk and wanted to go out to play.

The child of a neighbor of Xiaolan Zhuangzi who was about his age, made an appointment today to pick up the wheat ears in the field and return the grains to the warehouse.

Cultivate sentiment, exercise, learn to cooperate, unite and love.

"No one is going out today?" Li Yi asked as the court lady took the little guy away.

Everyone shook their heads, working in Lijiazhuangzi, and there was no great meeting.

Guo Ziyi, who was eating at another table next to him, got up, and he accompanied the little guy out. His Majesty did not leave, and Dongzhu Li did not leave, but the most precious person would protect him.

"Guo Changshi, give me a hug." The little guy opened his arm.

Guo Ziyi grabbed the little guy's shoulders with both hands, lifted it up, and placed it on the elbow of his right arm.

He can open the bow left and right. Putting the little guy on his right arm will paralyze the enemies that may appear. In fact, his left hand is just as powerful.

"Guo Dage, let me tell you that when I came out, I was full of pine nuts in my pocket. I'll eat it for you later, don't say anything, listen."

The little guy patted own's bulging jacket and trouser pockets with two little hands.

He did not pretend to be less, these are at least a catty and a half.

"Go and call Lao Qin and Lao Fan." Guo Ziyi adjusted the position of the little guy on his arm and said to the person next to him.

The people he was looking for were Qin Li and Fan Fan. With these two, he could be completely relieved.

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