Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1877 Crop Planting Skills (first more)

Going out for more than ten miles, it is still within the scope of Lijiazhuangzi.

I never saw a snake on the road, and I couldn't find a hare.

I saw squirrels, they were preparing food for the winter.

Affected by a large area of ​​freezing rain, some migratory birds began to migrate. According to aerodynamics, the geese will discharge in a special formation.

Herringbone is still a single word, depending on the wind direction.

If the wind blows wildly, the formation of the geese will be disrupted, so they have to adjust their flying height.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan didn't understand before, who could think of aerodynamics? There is nowhere to understand.

Now they know that it's the same as skating or running in winter, as well as riding a bicycle.

Including those skilled sailors who cooperated with each other to walk out the beautiful curve of the river, when the wind resistance behind the back was needed, the team of boats were scattered, like branches and leaves of trees.

Waiting for the words to go against the wind, and like a dragon wagging its tail, borrowing the crosswind from the sailing boat ahead.

"The work is done well, yes, there are still a few days left this year, I won't take them to play in the village."

Li Yi saw that he couldn't even find a rabbit along the way, and knew that Yulin Feiqi was always cleaning out of his front field of vision.

The traces of the withered grass on the ground were still fresh, and it was too late to deal with the traces.

"Yulin Feiqi is really strong, but let's play, it's too much toss them." Princess Yongmu felt too luxurious.

"From your point of view, it is so, but from their point of view, I am proud of it.

Yu Lin Feiqi is professional, loyal, brave, tenacious, and flexible.

You think they are serving you, but they are enjoying the process, not leaving me with a bigger bug. "

Li Yi didn't think that he was having fun by bullying Yulin Feiqi.

"Yes! These grasses can't be eaten anymore. Amaranth blooms, and it's useless to cut it down now."

Princess Yongmu touched the amaranth and gray vegetables next to the path with a sickle with a protective cover.

After time has passed, I can't eat it as an adult's food, so I can feed it to pigs.

Feeding pigs depends on the specific species of wild vegetables, and some gray vegetables will be poisoned if eaten.

The blade of her sickle was sheathed, and Li Yi was worried that she would accidentally fall, and it happened to fall on the blade and the tip of the knife.

After walking for a while, the three people reached the destination.

A small piece of soybean field on a mountain, the shape of the field is irregular, the overall feeling is about 200 square meters?

It is ten meters by twenty meters, and a circle of perilla is planted around, but no one collects it. I guess I forgot.

There is also the darkened poppy Calabash, the stalks are bald, poppy seeds and perilla seeds fall to the ground.

There is a small canal next to this place, the water is still trickling, and moss grows on the edge of the artificial canal.

"Li Lang, do I want to cut it?" Princess Yongmu was eager to try and wanted to use a sickle.

"This kick will do, and the roots will become brittle. Don't worry about the perilla, the poppy has to harvest the seeds and plant it next year.

No, some of the Suzi did not fall off. They were harvested with a paw. This is edible, and it tastes more fragrant than sesame. "

Li Yi's voice became louder, calling the people hiding in the dark to accept.

"Why don't the people in Zhuangzi make pickles?" Xiaolan saw that the leaves could not be picked to make pickles. It was a pity that she was too old.

Using perilla leaves to make pickles was a common method used by the Koreans of Li Yi's time.

In fact, it's very simple. Look at the turquoise perilla on the side of the country road, pick the tender leaves and pick them up with salt water.

Or something like steamed sticky bean buns or glutinous rice noodles can be eaten together when put on a cloth.

"The bean farmers grow perilla around to protect the beans. A circle of perilla is planted around the bean field to expel many pests.

At the same time, at the seedling stage, if birds eat, they will choose basil first. Some birds dislike the smell and stay away.

When the soybeans grow up, some birds want to eat it, and the perilla grows first. It is better for them to eat perilla seeds.

When the soybeans are mature, you can let them eat sparrows or something, for fear of bulging their stomachs and dying. "

Li Yi Popularizes the beans that he grows are all knowledge.

He was like hillsides and river banks. Whenever he saw soybeans, beans and other places, people who could plant them would grow perilla, corn, sorghum and other things around.

There are also people who don’t understand, but people who don’t, generally don’t choose that kind of place to grow things, all of which are small in size, tens of square meters.

If the area is a little larger, there are also plants that specialize in planting vines and thorns around, mainly to prevent people.

Defending gentlemen but not villains, you can't stop people who want to go in by planting anything.

Of course, there are also places where no obstacles are set up on the roadside, and green onions, carobs, and lentils are planted.

But if you don’t grow cucumbers and eggplants, these two things can be eaten raw.

Calabash doesn't grow either. It's not afraid of eating, but afraid of being touched.

With the improvement of the quality of the people, more cherry and apricot trees are planted on the roadside, and the municipal government is responsible.

Look at the flowers, as for the apricots and cherries, everyone does not touch them.

"Why didn't the sparrow come to eat perilla seeds?" Princess Yongmu learned normal knowledge again, but discovered the situation.

"Look over there, there are scarecrows when planting millet, even if you are not afraid of scarecrows, you should eat the millet first.

The planter didn't even want to harvest the millet, the scarecrow is a display.

If the millet can't be harvested, harvest the stalks and use the stalks to weave things.

When people plant something, they will consider which part they want to harvest, and never plant it blindly.

In the current land, the planters have to harvest the stalks and soybeans without delaying more time. "

Li Yi pointed to another place, where it is not sorghum, but millet.

Because of making tools, sorghum stalks are not as good as millet stalks.

"It's so complicated for Li Lang to plant a land?" Princess Yongmu didn't see such a situation from the newspaper.

This is a small harvest planting on abandoned mountains and rivers. It does not need a newspaper to introduce and explain. Those who can plant can understand it, and those who do not understand will not plant it.

The key point is that Li Yi does not approve of planting on the river beach. In case of heavy rainfall, it will be completely washed away. If the newspaper introduces it, it is equivalent to encouraging the people to plant.

"It's difficult to survive, so the people have to find a way to collect more food. If there is corn in the future, and there is water nearby, that's not bad.

Otherwise, you have to plant sorghum and broomcorn millet. The sparrow has a small beak and a circle of broomcorn millet around to protect the main food crops.

Let me tell you something in the newspaper. I forgot before that this thing is passed down from generation to generation.

But with new species, we need to make better use of resources. This kind of land-growing sweet potatoes is actually more worry-free. "

Li Yi took the sickle worn by Princess Yongmu, took off the cover, and started cutting. He couldn't kick it, and the beans fell out as soon as he kicked it.

He even used the rice seedlings to set a fire, and then he ate the beans.

Place the potatoes under the bean sprouts and need to bake for a while. The fire is right, so you don’t need to touch them. If the fire is affected by the wind, you need to turn the potatoes.

"Is anyone here raising bean worms? Look for them, and if there are, they will bake them together." Li Yi said and began to rummaged.

"No, I just watched it just now, I guess someone will take it away." Princess Yongmu shook her head.

"Look at the traces of the bean leaves." Xiaolan followed.

"The people in Zhuangzi are really careful, do you think the people who grow the land here will eat the bean worms by themselves?" Li Yi thought about the issue of ownership.

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