Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1911 is not for the general Tang (second more)

The hard-core tribal people looked at the enclosure attached to the canvas, feeling at ease.

They don't have such a canvas, even when the small sea ice melts, they ride sheepskin rafts at best.

Still learning from the people on the other side of the Yellow River, spearfishing in the small sea.

Not to mention that the soap-washed hands and faces are coated with glycerin.

The children put glycerin on their faces and smiled brightly. When eating barbecue, be careful and careful not to rub off the glycerin.

They had a vague impression of Datang, and they yearned for the place where the Heavenly Soldier Army was about to arrive.

They just want to sleep in a warm place in winter, and the sheep and horses at home will not be frozen to death.

I heard that in addition to the houses built, there are cave dwellings, but there are many sheep in the house. Yes, it is said that the rich will burn bricks and build brick houses.

Now the pepper and fennel are delicious, and the milk tea is easy to drink.

Fu Di looked at the children in the family eating happily, then looked at the older people, and asked Jiang Gang, "What kind of house did we live in?"

"For the brick house, Dongzhu Li asked the people living in the cave dwellings to come out and build houses in a flat place outside that is not prone to mudslides.

After the kiln was repaired everywhere, the proprietor pointed out the location of the coal mine and sent people to instruct how to burn bricks and pottery.

The common people dig coal and send it there, and then make their own bricks and tiles.

The skilled hand in charge of the kiln will receive additional bricks and coal as wages.

You used to help build the billet first, and the house did not give you alms, but you paid for it through labor. "

Jiang Gang said that he shouldn't be in charge of things, and Fudi took the tribe to the place, and his own officials took over.

Dongzhu Li said that if you ask others to work, they will feel at home instead of passing by.

Fu Di took a sip of wine: "We have the strength to exchange sheep for food with you, and the silage we prepared is thrown down."

"You raise sheep yourself, make cheese, change things, we have more silage, and hay.

You send people in formation to patrol together, and if you encounter an enemy, you can work together, and the fodder will count as your military salary.

You are a general, deputy envoy of the Hexi Economic Strategy and Chishui Army Envoy of the Bohai Governor's Mansion.

There are also military equipment provided, such as quilts, mattresses, military coats, seven or eight pots and so on. "

Jiang Gang also took a sip of wine. After the light snow, there was no snow on the ground, and the cooling was real.

Fu Di stunned slightly: "Don't accept our weapons?"

"You are not downgrading. We belong to our own people. After the Turks were forced to Xiaohai, you strategically moved from there." Jiang Gang smiled.

The tribe led by Fu Di Yi is different from other tribes, he has always been an official of the Tang Dynasty.

Datang was able to mobilize the backbone of cadres, especially to reinforce Dashi City, and Fu Didao led the backbone of the warriors to help.

Datang provided them with tea bricks, silk and weapons.

Similar to Sulu, but Sulu felt that his wings were stiff.

So the things given to Tuqi were cancelled, and Sulu didn't care if he was upset.

The telegram sent to Tubo along the road was sent, and I have received it here.

Take the opportunity to hit Sulu once, before winter.

Emperor Fu nodded his head, "Yes, I am a general of Datang."

He always believed that he did not belong to Datang, but only took things from Datang, instead of fighting with Datang, and helping Datang to work.

This time there was no way, Datang resolved the Tubo, but the post-Turkic couldn't beat Datang at all.

Either he was with the post-Turkic, or he took refuge in Datang.

When they arrive, they will receive their own weapons to prevent their sudden rebellion.

Why did you think that Datang really regarded himself as a general of Datang, and things were different after that.

You can ask for it yourself, but if you have fewer arrows, you need to increase it.

Considering this, he tentatively asked Jiang Gang: "We lack arrows, ten thousand... five thousand?"

"Arrows are easy to say, no hurry. You mainly target the post-Turks. In winter, I think they will not call. You mainly patrol together."

There was a smile in Jiang Gang's eyes, and I said that I would ask you to help fight, just as an excuse.

Who are you hitting? After the Turks change places with you, our people are standing there.

After the winter, the Turks dare to send troops to the south? court death?

"Oh oh!" Fu Di started thinking about it.

"If you like to go out and wander around, go to the northeast, a little bit to the north, there are large coniferous forests.

There are a lot of pine cones and beasts there, so you bring them back to exchange for things to subsidize your family.

There are arrows. The Celestial Army is updating its equipment and lowering its requirements for bows and arrows. The eliminated ones will be given to you. "

Jiang Gang thought of an idea on his own, so he said it first, and then sent a report to ask if it would work.

There are large tracts of red pine forests over there, which are similar to those in Bohai Country, except that no one picks them.

The Xi people should pass by this year, and they have limited manpower.

"The pine nuts are exhausted after eating, it is troublesome to peel them, stick pine oil with one hand, it is not easy to peel, and burn them on the fire together with the pine cones, and then smash them."

Fu Di Kung has no love for pine nuts. There are pine forests in Xiaohai, so he will not be able to deal with it later.

There is time to eat, it is better to drag the pine branches home and burn them.

"The proprietor has a way to make the pine nuts open, and they can eat them as soon as they pick their nails. They are very expensive in Chang'an."

Jiang Gang once again felt superior, from own instructor Li Yi.

Look, you have everything there, you don’t know how to use it, and even a pine nut is exhausted.

"Two hundred catties for a sheep?" Fudi wanted to know how much money, the most convenient way to measure by sheep.

"The sheep here? One for five catties."

Jiang Gang gave a ratio that there are few pine nuts that ordinary people can't eat.

"We went to the place to rest for two days and went to find pine nuts." Fu Dili felt that he had missed a lot.

"Chang'an sells five catties of prepared pine nuts for a sheep. It would be good if the 30 catties you pick and peel can be exchanged for a sheep."

Jiang Gang put the words first, waiting for the other party to pick up a bunch, five catties can not be exchanged for a sheep, he should think he is a lie.

"Forty jin, let's go pick it." Fu Di Kung took the initiative to make a profit and went for 40 jin.

How long does it take to raise a sheep and how long does it take to pick up the pine nuts? Bring the sledge to the past, and pull back the pine cones on the tree.

If you don’t strip it there, it’s too exhausting. Bring it back to the children and the elderly to strip it.

Fu Di thought about the pine nuts that would fall by themselves when they were mature, and he was afraid of waste. He looked at the own people: "Tomorrow we will hurry up and we will not rest. The grass can drag the sledge."

Fudi was ready to go, and he brought the sledge back directly after the heavy snowfall, and used horses to transport it without snowing.

"Are you sure?" Jiang Gang turned to look for his own telegraph. The other party agreed that he must report.

"Go!" Fu Di was full of pine nuts in exchange for money.

Jiang Gang moved aside, opened the box of the telegraph machine, and started sending the report.

During the day, he shook his time to charge the battery, ready to use.

In the ticking sound, the message was sent out.

The Celestial Army was the first to get it. Guan Yujin didn't sleep yet, and continued to recite the telegram code.

He received the message, translated it, forwarded it first, and then brought the content to Zhang Jiazhen.

Zhang Jiazhen finished reading: "Let's follow, Lin Zida, there is no threat from the post-Turkic people, greet the Xi and Khitans, and ask the other tribes who descended behind?"

He wants to send a large number of troops to pick pine nuts, good things that can be exchanged for money, it is a pity not to pick them and throw them there.

"I'll send a message to the proprietor." Guan Yujin pursued another telegram.

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