Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1913 plan to slightly change the absolute heavy armor (first shift)

A group of people who didn't want to sleep happily sat together, and Li Yi used a cauldron to boil the conch from Haizhou that had been transported by boat.

He didn't want everyone to eat spicy food, which would affect the sleep quality of older people.

The train has been running between Chang'an and Luoyang, sending things and passengers, but not going to Haizhou.

There is a boat in Haizhou, and there are conch shells and white clams on the boat.

People by the sea have a simple glass water mirror made by Li Yi, so it is more convenient to catch seafood from the shallow sea.

It is written in the newspaper that you are not allowed to dive too deep, and you will get sick if you dive more than three feet.

Ten meters an atmosphere! Always in that position, with an extra air pressure, the probability of getting diving sickness and decompression sickness increases a lot.

When others say this, the people on the beach know that they have to go down in order to make more money.

It was written in the newspaper that the people were obedient, but Dongzhu Li said that we must be sensible.

Haizhou fishermen caught them, and merchants transported them by boat, raised them with sea water, and let conch and white clams spit out mud and sand.

Just like when raising pigs at home and rushing to sell them, they are all hungry. The pigs are so hungry that they cry out.

Feeding children will increase their weight, so it's impossible to cheat people!

Change the sea water on the boat, after spitting out the sand, others are willing to buy it, and it is convenient to go home and eat after buying it.

Be cautious about playing once or twice when others are cheated, and after playing again, no one will buy it.

It is passed on between neighbors and within the same industry.

"Living conch is expensive?" Bi Gou saw Li Yi take the initiative to take out the conch meat with a toothpick.

"Ten taxes and one, sold according to the size of the head, a lot of dead are sold for two or three dollars, and they can be picked out and chopped to feed chickens and ducks."

Li Yi doesn't know the specific price, the price fluctuates, and the price changes at different times of the day.

The sea snails are brought over in seawater, and the more they grow, the thinner they become.

The waterway from Haizhou to Luoyang takes more than ten days to arrive, and the price is high.

There are conch shells in the Bohai Bay and they can go directly to Luoyang from the Yellow River. However, there are many navies in the Bohai Bay and they are rich.

The navy that did not go to sea last time built a kiln together with the navy that went to sea, and burned large pots, pots that can hold 34 kilograms of water.

They catch the seafood and make it into cans, and seal them in clay pots, just like preserved wine.

Or use twigs to make small baskets, paste layer by layer with oiled paper, and also pack canned seafood.

Add all kinds of dried seafood and ship them to Hukou Waterfall and sell them there.

In winter, they set off from the Bohai Sea to Haizhou and waited for the train, and the ship returned to Datang. They controlled it by themselves and saved the ship's money, all by themselves.

The taxes paid by the Navy for selling things are recorded in a separate account by the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Households will allocate funds for shipbuilding at that time.

"Do chickens and ducks get sick from eating dead conch?" Liu You asked, he was reminiscing about how he was when he was a provincial governor in Hangzhou.

Hangzhou is next to the sea, but he doesn't know how chickens and ducks eat seafood. His time in office is too short.

"Chop it and put it there, don't stir it with other food, the chicken and duck know whether they can eat it."

Li Yi knows how the people feed chickens, ducks and geese, and let the poultry choose.

"This method is easy to use." Liu Youqiu felt that it made sense.

"More than a hundred thousand people went to pick pine nuts together. The team is mighty, afraid that there will not be enough pine nuts."

Li Rizhi knows how to eat pine nuts, but he doesn't understand it.

"The old man knows that tens of thousands of pine nuts can be taken from a single tree. The pine forests there are luxuriant and no one picked them in previous years. There will be a bumper harvest this year."

Yao Chong answered the question. Later, he studied very hard, eating pine nuts, hazelnuts, and chestnuts to understand.

After he saw Li Yi, Li Yi nodded hesitantly.

Li Yi had never been there in Datang, and the place where the Heavenly Soldier Army and the cadres were going to was not Heilongjiang in the Northeast.

They were in Inner Mongolia and the east of Mongolia at that time. They had not yet encountered the Little Ice Age, and the wars of man-made logging and arson did not appear.

There are large tracts of red pine forest in the area, which is described as vast.

How can I judge how many trees there are? Standing on the ground and looking at the pine forest, how can one see the vastness? How far can you see on the hot air balloon?

"Rigid and soft. After a few hundred miles, people eat horses and chew. They should send a steam engine to the edge of the pine forest, peel the pine nuts and bring them back."

Zhang Jiuling looked at the thinning conch and thought about transportation.

"Yeah!" Li Yi nodded vigorously: "Cake first, find a place to dry locally, at least ten steam engines, how many tons can it blow a day?"

Li Yi calculated how many pine nuts could the forest hit?

"Only ten sets will be used for other purposes in the future to make pellet feed for horses and sheep.

Bring the wheels and go by in the form of a cart to catch up and down the heavy snow. The power wheels are under the snow chains, and the non-power wheels are equipped with sleds, like a horse-drawn carriage.

Bring spare parts where problems are prone to, and Zhuangzi will send craftsmen to follow. "

Li Yi changed his plan and drove instead of just taking the steam engine.

"Brother Yi, snow and soft ground, the wheels are not easy to walk, the snow chains are..."

Li Longji was listening just now, and he thought of a question.

"An extra chain is put on the wheel to increase friction. It is relatively easy to use on ice, snow, and soft places.

When I moved to live on the mountain, I thought about the crawler tracks and put them together one by one.

In the future, no matter whether it is steam engine power or internal combustion engine, crawlers will be needed.

I have to learn mechanical transmission. Why didn’t I expect to use it one day? "

Li Yi regretted that he had no teacher to teach him, so he could only read the drawings and books by himself.

"It's easy to use in wars, Doctor Li worked hard."

Su Ting had seen a steam locomotive, and when this thing was put on the battlefield, others couldn't move it.

"It's useless for war. It's exhausted. Who repairs it if it's broken? The most practical place is to plow the fields and look for the plains."

Li Yi shook his head and didn't send it to the battlefield. What tank would a cavalry want?

The future battlefield is where Tianzhu and the big cannibal are located. Don’t rush into the desert, but there will be enough cavalry.

"We Datang will use all light cavalry in the future and will not arm our horses.

Firearms are used in wars. As long as you run fast and the enemy can't catch up, let's fly a kite.

There are also land mines, which are buried waiting for the enemy to touch, and explode when touched. "

Li Yi said with a smile at the corner of his mouth. He thought of the tunnel war in Hebei and the mine war in Shandong.

He can now build the landmines of the time and bring them to the army when needed.

Land mines will lose their effect after a long period of time, and there is no need to worry about the issue of clearing up after the war.

"Exactly!" Li Longji thought, making sure that Qingqi is better than heavier riding, and the horse has a low load and runs fast.

When the time comes, you won't even use Mo Sword Soldiers, they are too cumbersome to fight the enemy's position.

"From tomorrow on, we will recruit craftsmen, let the news go first, and let the craftsmen around you know the situation.

After moving home, take a polygraph on the mountain, leave the qualified ones, and give gifts to the unqualified ones.

Not only the craftsmen themselves, but their families also have to test to avoid someone holding back at critical moments. "

Li Longji went on to say, considering the matter in detail.

"How many people do you want to hire this time?" Bi Gou was concerned. There were more artisans in Lijiazhuang, and the number of good things he produced increased.

Everything is either to increase the strength of the army or to increase productivity.

Even if beautiful kerosene lamps and thermos are made, it will increase fiscal revenue.

Even if it is to please a woman's wonderful skills, isn't it money? For example, Wen Tianlan Xiangge.

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