Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1918 everything goes smoothly (third more)

"The boat is back! The crab boat is back!"

Everyone's mood was stabilized by Li Yi. When eating slowly, the little robot's special voice sounded.

It turns around the tables, hearing its movements, and inexplicably feels better.

Li Yichang exclaimed, relax, the yacht will go faster next time, and he will be familiar with the waters.

"The local people have a lot of income, and they should have given a higher price, but they are worried that the people there will suddenly make a lot of money and don't think about other things."

Li Yi seemed to tell himself, but also seemed to tell others.

"Li Lang, we know that if you charge ten catties for crabs, you lend the kerosene lamps to the people, and you don't need any money for lamp oil.

People use their own sweat to make money, instead of suddenly finding an opportunity to get money and forgetting about it.

The people are the sons, the beloved son should teach the son, and drowning the son is like killing the son. Money is easy, but character is hard to give. "

Princess Yongmu understood the situation and decided to catch ten catties of crabs and pay one dollar.

A catty of crabs are big ones, and they are sold in Luoyang, but they can't be bought for ten dollars, and the price difference is more than one hundred times.

Li Yiming could raise the price, but he wouldn't. He would rather use a kerosene lamp and diesel.

With lights, the people are more convenient for fishing operations at night, not afraid of wind and rain.

"The railway was repaired, and all along the canal is rich."

After Bi Gou finished his meal, he ate two extra boiled eggs and three or twos of braised mutton.

Li Yi gave him a separate ration, at least half a catty of red meat every day, that is, lean meat.

Other people, Li Yi, adjusted their intake according to their own circumstances. Everyone paid great attention to it. In the end, he would eat whatever Li Yi asked for.

If one day they want to eat or not, such as drinking, change for a change, they will ask Li Yi alone.

Afraid of death, who doesn't want to live a few more years?

"Financial appropriation?" Li Yi took the opportunity to ask.

"Look at the balance. If the balance is large, it will be allocated, and there will be no war. Datang slowed down for a few years."

Bi Gou did not refuse. The railway is easy to use. As long as he has money and is willing to throw it out, he has to spend it anyway.

"Starting from next year, the railway will be repaired along the Grand Canal, land to Mianzhou, to repair the Yangtze River floating bridge, to Ezhou, and head south to Guangzhou.

After the land is repaired, the railway will be repaired again in batches. Counting the two-line operation, it is still poor, and Datang has no money. "

Li Yi can collect at least 50 million yuan in fiscal revenue for the imperial court this year, because he went to Henan Province to increase it, depending on the situation.

He still thinks that the money is too small and not enough, so he wants to save.

"Yes! Poor!" Bi Gou was most impressed, the more he earns, the more he spends.

The only good news is that the money I made before was not enough to spend, and now I spend the remaining money.

In an unexpected situation, the court has no money, and Li Jiazhuang can immediately top it.

"Poor!" Several ministers said together.

"Overseas wealthy, fair exchanges used to be, but the Yi businessmen haven't come here yet?"

Li Yi thought of a group of Yi merchants who came to Haizhou from a small place, but they were the first group to arrive in Haizhou.

"Walking by land, they have to look along the way. Yishang are not stupid and want to know the situation."

Song Jing is responsible for this kind of things. He always pays close attention to him. He knows that Li Yi wants to cheat others. He doesn't want to cheat, but wants to show his great power.

"Not in a hurry, they get a lot of malaria. I sell medicine, and I sell it in Guangzhou. It's very profitable."

Li Yi has no sympathy for the outside world.

As for whether others can identify with themselves, it depends on whether own fist is big enough.

"Rigid and soft are not bad. Guangzhou Shipsi has a lot of money."

Zhang Jiuling has a say, he has been a city porter.

Seeing the daily flow of money, how many people's hearts are ups and downs.

Someone can't control himself, and then...

He was convinced that the dealers of the Li Family Zhuangzi and the students who came out were really unmoved by money, and Yulin Feiqi was the same.

Reach out your hand casually, and the money comes, and the students and dealers carefully record every money.

You bribe them and let Yulin Feiqi catch you, showing no mercy.

It's even more difficult to send beautiful women. All the students sent have families.

It doesn’t really matter if you have a family. Isn’t it okay to find a concubine? They are all first-class scholars.

Students don't want to be afraid, only one life will be left, and nothing will be lost if you die.

"Gong and soft, someone is looking for a woman, are you really killing?" Zhang Jiuling was thinking about getting an exact answer.

"Looking for a woman has nothing to do with whether to kill or not, only to kill with bad rules.

What is the relationship between women who are used to bribes and women? It is bribery and bribery.

I don't care where they go to Goulan, and Datang has no laws prohibiting it. "

Li Yi separated the matter and said that I didn't care about looking for a woman, so I couldn't accept bribes.

"Li Lang, have crabs started to be sold?" Xiaolan turned off the topic. You are Zaifu, why do you always ask about this?

"The ones that have been booked will be delivered to them. Let's eat the rest, especially the ones that died on the transportation route. We will eat tonight."

Li Yi knew that some crabs did not survive and died in the natural environment.

While it’s still fresh, treat it in the afternoon and eat it at night.

When selling things, there is an advance amount, or fault tolerance rate.

If a ship can hold 100 tons of crabs, it will sell for 60 tons.

The remaining 40 tons are fault-tolerant, and they eat it by themselves. If there are more that are not dead, they will be sold at a temporary price increase.

Those who pay the full reservation in advance can't suffer. The extra live crabs that others want to buy must be much higher than the booked price.

"Xiao Yi, there is nothing to do today, let's live here tonight!"

Bi Gou didn't want to go back, he wanted a good night's sleep.

"Yes, there is a phone call." Li Longji agreed. In fact, he didn't want to go back.

Lijiazhuangzi feels comfortable, warm and peaceful.

Where is the office not an office? In Lijiazhuang's review of the memorial, the mood is different.

Li Yi has nothing to say, the old man said it was naturally!

"Li Lang, what about the neighbor children of Xiaolan Zhuangzi? And the children of Zhangjia Village."

Princess Yongmu remembered that she still had the status of a teacher with children, and missed Qin'er and the others.

"Come here for a few days every ten days and then go back. The train is convenient. The two dolls from Xu's family in Lantian County, they are willing to come, so they can live here for two days."

Li Yi can't give up those children, they will be pillars in the future.

The children of Xiaolan Zhuangzi's neighbors are all good, just like their parents. When facing a strong enemy, they can still help out of righteousness.

Not to mention Zhangjiacun, the account books have been handed in.

"It's true, I called them, contacted them more, and waited for the winter to ask them about their situation."

Princess Yongmu, who is willing to take the children to study and play, is happy when she thinks of those little guys. She comes from her heart.

She doesn't charge money, and she doesn't involve own Life issues.

"Qin'er has forgotten what happened before, now it's alright!" Xiaolan followed.

"In fact, others will forget, especially the children who play with her, but she may not really forget it.

It's just that she doesn't worry about the original experience as we expected.

It's like falling a big somersault and the scars are left, and the children's scars will gradually fade. As long as it doesn't hurt, they don't care. "

Li Yi knows children best, including very naughty children. He knows what the other party's purpose is.

There are also three or four-year-old little children chatting, he knows the situation after listening, and can even chat together.

Even a baby who can't speak, he still feels the same after observing his body movements.

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