Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1921 Humanity owes people fearless (third more)

The three of them turned their heads to look at Li Yi, and Wan Jin was surprised: "Does Li Dongzhu still have his teeth?"

"How strange! The dental implantation methods taught in the newspapers are all written by Xiao Yi.

Xiaoyi is responsible for the teeth of the ministers of the court, the important ministers of the harem, the emperor, and your majesty.

Nibbling on hazelnuts, chewing on bones, chewing on popsicles, tearing board tendons, biting Shanna, all is fine. "

Bi Gou changed five verbs to prove Li Yi's skill.

The three of them were excited, and they waited eagerly for Li Yi to agree.

Action is worse than heartbeat, Li Yi nodded: "I will wash my teeth later, check the situation, bite my teeth, and I can install it tomorrow."

He has to look at his own situation, make his teeth good, and consider how to fix it.

"The three shopkeepers will come with me." There was a banker next to him who gave a voice to lead, don't wait for the cold show.

The three people stepped on the thick cotton under their heels, and took a deep foot and a shallow foot to rest, waiting for their teeth to be washed.

"Old Bi, I owe you personal love." Li Yi turned around and said to Bi Gou.

"I owe it." Bi Gou stepped back to drink tea with his hands behind his back.

Li Yi shrugged, smiling.

Bi Gou helped him solve the big problem, and Princess Yongmu's team couldn't hide the fact that Princess Yongmu's team went to buy a house.

Make sure that someone is watching the excitement, the three shopkeepers are changing the ground, and the rumors will come out before the ground comes out.

Putting teeth on three people means getting close and telling the people that Li Dongzhu will not bully others.

How much is the value of Li Dongzhu personally implanting the teeth?

With the chance to see Dongzhu Li by being able to fix his teeth at any time, 13,000 is a fart.

The three people, including your majesty and the current minister, have seen all of them. Can you lose money if you change a house?

After the three of them had their teeth inlaid, they were bleached and brightened to ensure that they would grin and show off when they saw someone.

Bi Gou assisted at critical moments. In fact, it was just a matter of buying a shop. Princess Yongmu thought it was expensive.

Turning around, the cost of getting in is not comparable to the ten shops.

Of course, a hundred shops are not as happy as Princess Yongmu.

"Send people out and call the doctors and dental implanters in Luoyang Palace to find the elderly with missing teeth.

They came up with a plan and sent it back to me after biting my teeth.

I made the teeth according to the method, and it is not cost-effective for me to open a furnace for a few teeth, let's come together!

If the quantity is large, burn a few more furnaces, and the cost is not much. In addition, reading glasses are matched in the name of your majesty. "

Li Yi can't just think about showing his face, the old man must be good.

There are a lot of reading glasses lenses, the all-round change of the left and right eyes, 25 degrees is a standard.

If the left and right eyes have different degrees, change them back and forth, and install them on the frame when they are at their best.

However, the customs must check and do not allow private outflows.

In the future, I will sell myopia and reading glasses outside. The things Li Yi provides are cheap. Whose money does he make with them?

The asking price of myopia is not high now, and others can't make it. Li Jiazhuang sold a bunch of them to make a lot of money before, and then they are cheaper.

A more profitable frame is good, such as agarwood.

In Chang'an, there are several kinds of reading glasses for temporary use in every shop.

The myopias of students and craftsmen must be registered, otherwise they cannot be bought cheaply.

The rich can make gold and silver frames, even inlaid with blood corals, pearls, tortoise shells...

With ten thousand yuan to buy a pair of myopia, Li Yi can do an optometry for himself, and then equip it with an aluminum alloy frame.

"Brother Yi, eat crabs at night." Li Longji was happy.

He likes the feeling that everyone does not fight internally, provided that he can control the situation.

Otherwise, he has to let others fight, and you fight, so that we can coordinate and stabilize the emperor's power.

With Brother Yi, why are you fighting? You fight back and forth to fight for power, Yi brother enters the group in a word.

At the moment, Datang needs to unite as one, work hard to develop, and not be involuntary.

In other places, the people are eating chaffy vegetables, and there is no meat at all.

"Leave it extra, untie the straw rope and raise it alone, and steam it at night. I will make a boiled fish and drink rice wine, but less ginger is added to the sanhe oil."

Li Yi responded that there are arrangements for the evening meal. It is not good to eat too much ginger, and the boiled fish will add up to the coldness of the crabs.

Li Yi considered the overall situation of the Tang Dynasty, but also had to ponder the current meal.

When the staff moved, Li Yi went back to his own yard to sleep. He got up too early this morning and needed to get up to sleep.

After delivering the crabs, the yacht ran away after adding oil.

I took a lot of salted eggs, smoked chicken, and roast duck.

In addition to buying crabs, it costs ten jins for a price of ten jins. In addition, they are also exchanged. There is a limit to the amount of first stage exchange.

In this way, the people of Baishuitang in Hongze County have extra meat and eggs to eat, and the importance of logistics lies in this.

The yacht was running slowly for the first time, and did not dare to speed up, collecting hydrological data along the way.

After a group of times, they passed by, shouting through the loudspeaker, avoiding themselves, and speeding up.

Du Du just stayed in Dujia Village in Baishuitang, and the county's official documents were sent to him for processing.

The villager of the same surname who slandered him on his back before was very embarrassed, wanted to apologize, but didn't know what to say.

Wu Guangzu, the governor of Chuzhou, was here. He didn't want to ask his teacher for a crime. He just wanted to see if he could show his face.

He tacitly preached that he was a descendant of the Wu family, yes, his surname was Wu.

In fact, Wu Jieyu has no relationship with Wu Jieyu. He used to be not Wu Guangzu, but Guo.

After that, he changed his name to make people sound like he had a connection with the Wu clan over there.

Asked Liu Chong who joined the group, Liu Chong could laugh to death, just you? How far do you think your Wu clan is from the Wu clan you think?

I specialize in this. Which one do you think you are?

Fortunately, it is the governor, whose administrative status is lower than that of Li Yishi's senior officials in the province and higher than the senior officials of the city.

A Chuzhou contains several cities, so it is naturally bigger than the city officials.

Compared with senior provincial officials, the Tang governor had additional powers and military powers.

The governor can directly mobilize the army, but at a critical moment before sending letters to Chang'an, etc., he can do it himself first.

"County Du, why is it busy here?" Wu Guangzu knew that Du was at work before, but he didn't bother.

He has not been cleaned up as a governor in the name of a false Wu Jieyu's distant relative, proving his ability.

He does not toss when he is working under his staff, for fear of delaying business affairs.

After Governor Du finished processing and came out of the room, he came forward and asked.

"Returning to the history of the provincial government, the Datang cruiser arrived last night and went straight to the county office without giving the opportunity to report. So far, the people were ordered to catch crabs."

Du Du is not afraid of the stab history anymore. He talks directly with Li Jiazhuangzi to ensure that the supply of crabs is not sufficient.

What's more, the people have kerosene lamps, one in ten households, and there is no dereliction of duty in this county magistrate.

Your governor wants to clean up me unless you have a special period, otherwise you have to write to the court first.

My county magistrate is directly appointed by the court, not your governor.

You governor opened the mansion? Otherwise, why do you appoint subordinate genuine officials? You have to report after the appointment.

You report me, and Dongzhu Li will protect me.

I’m hosting things for Li Dong. If I’m cleaned up and Li Dongzhu doesn’t care, who will dare to do anything for him in the future?

Are you packing me now, is it against me or against Dongzhu Li?

Du Du thinks about this kind of internal struggle clearly and clearly.

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