Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1944 What is the life's ups and downs (second more)

Bi Gou was very satisfied. He had discussed with others and wanted to mobilize the Datang Navy.

In addition, fishing and aquaculture in coastal areas are currently under the responsibility of the Tang Dynasty World Fund, which is related to King Song and a bunch of clan members.

Li Yi did not nod, and the resolutions made after the meeting of the Political Affairs Hall could not be implemented.

Obviously Li Yi has no problem here, so I will talk to your majesty again.

"Xiao Yi, the old man will help you make sense of that craftsman's family." Bi Gou dropped a word and left happily.

"I need you to talk about it? He has to start his apprenticeship when he enters Zhuangzi.

Coming from Ezhou, take the land after crossing the Yangtze River.

Originally going to Chang'an, halfway through, I knew that his Majesty was lucky to Luoyang to change his route.

The craftsmanship is better than that of the Master, but it has been squeezed out for a long time by the Master and his brothers..."

Li Yi muttered, he wants to hire someone else to be the banker, so he needs to understand the situation first.

To provide ‘intelligence’ to someone from the family of a man named Ma Jien, all the people in Li’s family asked if they knew each other.

When Ma Jien was six years old, his family died of an illness. His family was a family of craftsmen and had no land.

His father knew his Master well, and one day he ordered a baby kiss after drinking.

His Master really had a daughter, and when his family died, he would live with the Master.

His craftsman family, when he was six years old, he could make a lot of things, but his speed was slow.

His Master's daughter is beautiful, the longer she gets, the more beautiful, so she went out to find young talents to play with.

Then one night he was caught by a shrew in the house of a young talented son-in-law.

Oops! So many onlookers...

What to do, the fingertips are said to be married, you marry it.

Ma Jien gave all the money he earned to the Master, and went out to do odd jobs in another county.

He knows his current daughter-in-law who grew up in his stepmother's family since he was a child, and his daughter-in-law's stepmother refused to agree when she knew about it, and planned to say a kiss to others to make a fortune.

The so-called making a fortune is just a dowry, no dowry to the daughter, and it doesn't matter if a daughter without a dowry is bullied or not.

Ma Jinn gave the money he earned from doing odd jobs to his current daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law put the money on the bedside of his parents and ran with him at night.

The two found a place to continue working hard, and they have been promoted to three children in eight years.

Doesn't this catch up with the flood of Ezhou! A lot of houses need to be rebuilt. He is good at craftsmanship, and the local government seems to let him take the lead.

His Master quit, and combined with his brothers, all kinds of rumors.

He had no choice but to know that Chang'an could settle down with a family of five, leaving his hometown with other people from Ezhou who were going to Chang'an.

Halfway through, the youngest son fell ill, and couldn't hold on when he saw the place. Yulin flew on patrol, picked up and ran to Zhuangzi.

Li Yi felt that this house was too rough, and he knew that Datang actually had people who had a harder life.

He felt that Ma Jien was missing a backer, and Lu Zhengdao, the governor of Ezhou, still didn't pay enough attention to the craftsman.

The leader that the government is looking for, and others say bad things, can't it be enough to help clean up?

"I'll go see the baby again." Li Yi wanted to make the baby get better soon, otherwise how to recruit people into the village.

Bi Gou first went to other people and said that he had to call the manager of the flour department of the household department to give instructions, and then he would help as a lobbyist.

Many craftsmen have arrived at Lijiazhuang, some of them are on the way.

They are ready to participate in the assessment and join Lijiazhuangzi.

Ma Jien and his wife, Ma Shishi, took their second son for dinner. The three-year-old is not too sensible.

All I know is that Little Brother is sick, his parents didn't smile, and he was sad.

"Jin, you eat, I can't eat so much."

Ma Shi shoveled a large piece of meat from the pork knuckle she was holding and gave it to her husband. She needed nourishment and gave a whole big elbow.

She didn't worry about the child, the eldest baby was taken to the school on the mountain, and the little baby was lying in the hospital.

The second baby's food is not worse than hers. Only her husband can only eat stewed chicken with wild vegetables. The soup is more and less meat. Fortunately, the staple food is full.

Ma Jien didn't stop his wife from putting the meat in the bowl in front of him, he was in a daze.

"Father, eat meat." His second son scooped out the beaten egg custard in the bowl with a spoon.

Loer is meat loer, plus vegetable leaves, mushrooms, carrots, and fungus. Loer is more expensive than soup with about three eggs.

Beat the eggs in a large bucket, then spoon them into a bowl and steam them on the pot. After steaming, add thick marinade.

He watched his father not eat or move, anxiously reminded.

"Eat, eat!" Ma Jien stretched out his chopsticks and stuffed meat into his mouth.

The meat was too big to be firmly clamped, and fell on the table, startling him.

"Jin, are you worried about donkey eggs?" Ma Shishi reached out and picked up the meat and put it in the bowl.

"No, don't worry, I'll take care of Li Dongzhu."

Ma Jien shook his head. He believed in the spread. Li Dongzhu communicated with Yin & Yang. Generally, King Yama had to make concessions, unless he couldn't make them.

It means that the life is exhausted, otherwise it will be in vain, King Yama will give it back with Giving face, mainly for fear of being beaten!

He glanced at his second son: "A craftsman has come to the mountain and wants to enter the Li family village. I want to see if I can do it?"

Ma Shishi was taken aback, and then said: "Lijiazhuangzi can enter but not exit, would you like to Jien?"

"It's not that you can't get out of your country, it's not that you can't get out of Zhuangzi.

The children grew up in Zhuangzi and learned their skills well.

What is the difference between going to various places to be in charge of affairs and going to various places outside of Zhuangzi to be officials?

There is a difference. They earn more than the officials, and the officials are afraid of Lijiazhuang's management. "

From this perspective, Ma Jien considered that Li's Zhuangzi is not a small Zhuangzi.

In the future, the Lijiazhuangzi will grow bigger and bigger, and there will be new zhuangzi everywhere and need to take care of things.

It is the same as the court arranging officials to go to places, and for many years to come, maybe Lijiazhuangzi will not have so many people.

"Ji'en, let's listen to you. If you are far away, if you enter Zhuangzi now, you will have a backer. No one can bully us. Otherwise..."

Ma Shishi said what she was afraid of. She was worried that life at home would be better, and her stepmother would find it when she found out.

Your parents didn't allow you to marry, can you run away? The local government is hard to judge.

If you can get into Lijiazhuangzi, who would dare to come?

What can I do if I'm here? Can you go out?

Which official would dare to remove himself from Lijiazhuangzi, and then follow his parents' ideas and promise to others?

"Okay, I'll sign up after dinner."

With the support of his wife, Ma Jien became energetic and bowed his head to eat meat.

As long as you can pass the exam, you can eat any meat. Lijiazhuang has a canteen. It is said that the farmers are tired of eating meat.

With own skills, it should be fine, right?

"Hurry up, hysteria? It doesn't taste good when it's cold."

Ma Shi turned his head to talk about his second son, and pushed the bowl closer to his son.

The little guy felt happy inexplicably, and couldn't tell why, he scooped a large piece of egg custard and ate it beautifully.

Bi Gou brought a dinner plate over at this time, and he had to complete the task, and the benefits were not for nothing.

He sat down at this table, and his two attendants stood behind him.

"It's incense to watch the little guy eat, Ma Jinen, old sit down."

Bi Gou talked about the child first, and then turned to talk to Ma Jien.

Ma Jien stood up and bowed: "Bi Zaifu."

His wife also got up and saluted, but she said nothing.

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