Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1960 The Controversy of Beliefs Ingenious (third more)

Two days passed in a flash, and there was no movement in the temples and temples of Luoyang Palace.

They are waiting, waiting for Songshan companions to arrive.

Songshan Buddhism is still not weak, and some temples and temples have even been cultivated in the city of Ziwei.

They have many followers, before.

Religious beliefs are strong here, and those in power must think twice when they move.

Even if you want to clean up people, you have to suppress and pull.

When you suppress the Buddha, you pull the Tao, and when you suppress the Tao, you lift the Buddha. Buddhism and Taoism work together. There is Confucianism.

Nothing works at Li Yi's place, he has a newspaper.

He has been in business for these years, and the credibility of Lijiazhuangzi is the first in the Tang Dynasty.

The people make a wish in front of the Buddha, wanting to have a better life, but the Buddha can't control it.

When the people went to Lijiazhuangzi and said that they could not eat, Lijiazhuangzi looked at the actual situation to help and arranged work.

Some people in the common people's homes are sick and kowtow in the temple, damn it or die.

I went to Lijiazhuangzi to kneel and kowtow. The dealers stopped to help you find a good doctor. If they were short of medicine, they would give it to you for free, and many people would survive.

You can't raise poultry, and the temple can't teach you. The newspaper tells you that it still won't. Li Jiazhuang teaches you.

In the entire east of Taihang Mountain, the prestige of Lijiazhuangzi of Bashui overwhelms all sects.

In fact, there are monks and Taoists who know medical skills in the temples and temples, and they don't usually do anything.

If you save yourself, don’t you lose your own reputation if you don’t save yourself?

Lijiazhuang saves people by doing their best, and doesn't care about the name of the genius doctor.

The monks and Taoists in Luoyang didn't dare to use their own religious beliefs to incite the people to target Li Yi. Whoever picked the head Yulin Feiqi would copy them, and the people would not care.

It turned out that the students who were boarding in the temple all ran out, they were worried that they would be implicated.

Rumor has it that among the people, most of the people don't go to temples at first, they are watching the excitement and waiting for the result.

I also waited for Dongzhu Li to give an order to demolish the monk's house. What if you demolish it? Dongzhu Li even fights King Yama.

The monk and Taoist priest did not move, but Princess Jinxian did not stop helping to print the book. She knew the situation, and after the matter, the book that should be given would still be given.

Outsiders continue to look for jobs, including a woman with four daughters, who arrived in Luoyang.

I walked by myself before, but when the car arrived, I took the car.

She has no worries about remarrying. She has experienced many things, but she still looks young. Some people are just like this.

The imperial court helped raise the four daughters, and the eldest entered the school, neither of them was a burden.

Especially if some men have dead wives and children, it is best to find someone like this to live together.

She went to the place to register, and someone immediately brought in subsidies and exchange vouchers for the children.

Don't rush to ask her to find a job and arrange a place to live. Her most important job at the moment is to take care of her child.

On Mount Song, monks and Taoists rushed along, and Orion also drove with them.

Orion will attend the conference. After the meeting, it just enters October and can go hunting in the mountains.

Orions bring their own dogs. Those who don't have dogs don't call Orion. They can only wander around the nearby mountains.

The villagers also know how to trap rabbits and catch pheasants in winter, which has nothing to do with hunters and is unprofessional.

Hounds are standard equipment, staying in the mountains for many days, sleeping hounds at night are responsible for guarding.

When the hunter has not noticed the traces of large beasts, the hounds warn them first.

Several hunters entered the mountain together and brought back a large amount of skins and dried meat when they came out of the mountain to make a living.

The hunters saw that the monks and Taoist priests were not respectful. They used to be respectful, but now they are not.

They hurried to the road, overtaken, you go slowly, your physical strength can be compared with our hunters who track their prey?

Let's go to Lijiazhuangzi to see how to arrange the hunter's hut.

I believe in the Buddha, will you build a hunter's hut for me?

What? You said the Buddha arranged for mortals to build it for me? I~~Bah!

Li Dongzhu is a mortal? Where did the cruiser come from? You are so good, you take one out and I will take a look.

The monks and Taoists felt this kind of discrimination. Fortunately, they came from Orion, which is normal.

The Orion doesn’t worship them normally. Before the Orion enters the mountain, they worship the mountain god, and they go to the temple and offer incense, the mountain temple and the earth temple.

But why does the hound give himself a look of contempt? Who do you look down on? Are you photographing yourself?

Lijiazhuangzi is preparing to go to Xiaoluonan Village to take a bath. The hot springs there are not yet open to the outside world, but some people go to Zuixianju.

There is also a Wentian Lanxiang Pavilion, currently run by Princess Yongmu's maid.

In the work of demolishing houses and building houses in Luoyang Palace, heaven and earth are the same.

"Brother Yi, can you be there before dark? Stop for a while. There are not many small cups. One cup after another, you will get drunk tea."

Li Longji was sitting in the ambulance, drinking Kung Fu tea, and waving his hands.

Li Yihui has several ‘authentic’ methods of making Kung Fu tea, anyway, each genre says it’s authentic.

He picked up a small scissors, cut the edges of the pumpkin seeds, and opened them with a pinch by hand.

The shape of the scissors is curved, and most people are not accustomed to using them. He performs surgical operations very often.

"Brother Yi, don't you stare at the assessment craftsman?"

Li Longji grabbed a handful of hazelnuts, divided them between his left and right hands, and buckled them together. With one buckle, many hazelnut shells fell off.

"They are all fixed words. After collecting the data before, the polygraph step is not difficult.

Those who passed require further investigation, and those who fail temporarily live in the place arranged by Zhuangzi to take a look.

The polygraph test is not necessarily accurate. After a period of observation, it may be fine for those who fail. "

Li Yi started peeling the cut pumpkin seeds and fed Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan.

Princess Yongmu is playing sweater, cashmere thread, this wears the skin on her body.

Xiaolan is the same, she is responsible for knitting the sleeves, and finally puts on the sleeves.

There are several colors, and patterns need to be woven, not flat stitches.

Including the small pockets on the sweaters, pick them out with a thread picking method instead of knitting and sewing them up separately.

"Who is this weaving for?" Li Longji looked at Li Yi and asked his daughter.

"Give it to Baoer, Dudu, they have to knit a lot, I don't know if I can catch up."

Princess Yongmu knitting with her head down, answered smoothly.

"Too tired, it's better to read a book. Brother Yi agrees?"

Li Longji feels sorry for his girl, so he has to knit so much? He continued to look at Li Yi.

"After weaving this piece, I don't need to knit. I draw a drawing and replace it mechanically. It is half manual and half mechanical. It is fifty times faster than this."

Li Yi understands that I am responsible, rest assured, and easy to handle!

"Stop knitting, Xiao Lan, stop, wait for Li Lang to get out the equipment."

Princess Yongmu is even more straightforward. I can knit mechanically. What am I doing here?

She doesn't care what I knit with my own heart, mechanical knitting has no soul or anything.

"Ah!" Xiao Lan paused, accidentally drew out a needle, and dropped a large string that was woven before.

She hurriedly started to wear it again, but fortunately, only one auxiliary needle was dropped. If the needle from the shelf was taken out... many lines would be wasted.

She is punching flowers and using five needles at the same time.

She picked up a hazelnut and pinched it with small pliers: "Li Lang, there can be no ice on this side in winter, the hot spring river is flowing, unless it snows hard."

"I think so." Li Yi grabbed a few hazelnuts and put them in a box, then shook them vigorously.

After shaking it for a while, opening the box, 80% of the hazelnut shells were scattered.

Li Longji looked at his hand that made a red pat on Hazelnut: "..."

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