Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 197 lineup early debut (third more)

Changan afternoon, Chunming door.

Gatekeepers sergeant looked at the luxurious four large carriage appeared in the distance of trance, from the door into the people out there who follow shocked.

A carriage with two tall red horse, Ma on a string-based copper bell neck go up jingle.

'Ohhh' With many people turning of the road, sent a surprised voice.

Not one, and there are four equally large carriage, on the buggy what seems painted pattern.

Then followed ten same four wheels, but pull carts are variegated horse-drawn carriage, horse than the previous low, while the short length compartment.

But then a short carriage, horse and then worse, that is four pairs of horse-drawn carriage.

The key is also dressed in the back of the armored and cloak, hands, bow and horseman knife to open the car to the place around, for twenty-riding.

Their all-white cloak, red clothes, as people see that this is not unusual escort team.

"This is what the big family trip?"

"A carriage How much?"

"The horse is not ordinary people can afford to raise."

"The axis of the wheel and the city is now fashionable wagon axis is not the same."

"Brass? Iron?"

"There is the flag, the flag on the carriage there, who know the word."

"Lee, the royal family?"

"No wonder it."

"There Ba word of it, not the royal family, who I know is what's up, Bashui lijiazhuang sub fleet."

"Which lijiazhuang?"

"New here, Bashui River, in addition to Li Yi Chuang Tzu, who say that lijiazhuang."

"Heaven on earth the club."

People talking, with the team approaching, people step aside so that, even if the road is wide enough, they are also afraid of the collision of the team.

Team to the city gate, sitting in front of the first car SONG jumped out, facing the sergeant cupped fist: "Gentlemen, please, and today my home town Chuang children play, many have to take the trouble."

He finished, come back up and down the carriage, carry the four briquette stove down, live to ignite.

And end a four pottery pot rack, pottery pot lid open to see Sgt.

'And not in a hurry, did not prepare anything, happened to have left the village in the cafeteria of lamb stew, to all of you with Hekou soup, warm belly. Back to back, the stove and the pot and then take a walk. "

SONG said, leaving a pile of dishes, on the train, convoy into the city.

Sergeant who kept gratitude, they have just seen, the pot full of good lamb, not much soup, is not a leftover dish.

Said to be leftovers, it is not bribery.

But also fishing a beautiful pottery bowl, just lijiazhuang son of the steward said to take the stove and pot, not to mention bowl thing.

A convoy into the city, is south of the Imperial palace.

Li Longji and Empress Wang Gao Lishi brought directly here in the Imperial palace, firecrackers, to be kept confidential.

"Queen, Queen, lijiazhuang son team came first entered the gates." Xi'er ran to call.

"Upstairs, upstairs to see." Longji call soon, to the high-rise.

A few people to the top, she saw a fleet of luxury coming in, then stopped at the Imperial palace's south wall, the kids started out out.

A car installed with twenty-five children, a total of one hundred twenty-five.

Scholars wearing clothes one by one the little guy looks so cute.

"Saburo lend me." After Empress Wang stretch to grab telescope LiLongJi hand.

Li Longji her, facing her look.

"Queue it, according to the size of a small on the front, one of the biggest male doll standing in the first row next to the team, shouting slogans, right?"

Queen Wang said while watching.

Li Longji can only use his eyes to see normally: "Next time I remind Yi brother, use glass to make a telescope. I dare not want this telescope. It will be replaced by the lifespan."

"Yeah! When Uncle is ready, I will exchange the seven at the border." Queen Wang supported.

The dolls below lined up four columns, one with thirty-one people, plus the slogans nearby, exactly one hundred and twenty-five people.

People passing by stopped one after another and were shocked by this lineup. The pretty appearances of the little dolls, the people who watched them wanted to take them home.

The four horses ran to the front and slowed down.

"One, two, one, one, two, one, one, two, three, four!" the slogan yelled.

"One, two, three, four." The other dolls shouted.

"My Datang!" the captain shouted again.

"I Da Tang, follow the sky, your majesty told me to wear clothes. Kaiyuan, Shengshi Chuan, follow your majesty to eat. Tang soldiers, Dingbianguan, the emperor, abdicated virtuous, said that the king of Song, meritorious, the queen, the queen of stability Garden, your majesty loves the people like a child..."

The little guys shouted slogans as they stepped their calves, and their crisp voices spread everywhere.

"Hahahaha~~~" Li Longji laughed upstairs.

"Hey, you see, Saburo, Uncle has done it first. It needs to be promoted. This is for your majesty, outside the Xingqing Palace."

Queen Wang followed with a laugh and said Li Yi's purpose.

The children got off here and formed a formation to shout slogans, obviously to be heard by the people in Xingqing Palace and passed to His Majesty's ears.

"Okay, good skill, do you want to reward me?" Li Longji found it interesting.

The onlookers were stunned. What is this going to do? A group of dolls ran here to praise the current emperor? No, the Supreme Emperor, Song Wang and Wang Empress were praised together.

The children repeated it three times and walked out less than 500 meters.

"Stand~~Finish." The captain shouted.

"One, two," the children shouted, stopping with a sound of two feet.

The dealer at the back carefully moved the box and opened it. The little guys lined up to fetch things and put them in their pockets.

"Step together~Go, under the bridge in front of the door!" The captain shouted again.

"Swim past a group of ducks, come and count them, two, four, six, seven, eight." The children shouted.

Then I began to sing, and every time I sang, I smashed a cannon on the ground. Snapped! Snapped!

This situation has never occurred in Chang'an City for many years.

The adults who watched were confused, while the children showed a look of yearning.

"Go, ask how much it is, buy some for the kids next to you, my majesty can't be praised in vain."

Li Longji ordered.

Someone ran out to find Song De, knowing to buy at least fifty at a time, one for two, more than one hundred, one for one.

The people in Xingqing Palace bought two thousand pieces without saying anything, and gave them two large bunches of Yuantongbao, weighing more than ten kilograms.

Then shouted to the children who watched the excitement: "Your Majesty will buy it for you to play, line up and see how well the Bashui Lijiazhuang dolls are in line."

The children cheered immediately, shouting hello to your Majesty, and ran over to lead the cannon. They heard it just now, one by one.

"One person has five, don't take more." The people in the palace limit the number of receipts.

For a while, more children have thrown cannons, some children throw them directly, some are reluctant, and they are ready to sell. Five is five dollars.

The children also learn to sing along.

Song De felt that it was almost done, and ran to the team leader to say a few words.

So what the children shouted became the one before, and it was a good publicity for Datang.

All the way through the Xingqing Palace area, the front is Shengyefang, and the opposite of Shengyefang is the East Market. The most prominent is the Tianshang Renjian Restaurant.

The children are tired when they come here.

"Go to the first floor and rest." The team leader greeted, and the little dolls changed from four rows to double rows, and walked in one by one.

"How did you get in? Just enter the heaven and earth?" Someone just came over and was happy to hear the voices of the children, and saw the children enter the heaven and earth.

"Others own store, why can't you enter? This lineup, Li Yi Li proprietor." Someone sighed.

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