Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1966 People are like tides and abandon the sub-game (third more)

The water in the hot spring was still as hot, but the hearts of the ministers became even colder.

Hearing the news that the little robot helped spread, they looked at Li Yi again.

"Everyone, don't look at me, eat quickly. Soaking in warm soup on an empty stomach can easily turn into soup after fainting.

Try the steamed eggs made with horse manure and sea urchin sent back from Haizhou by train. This solar term is the most fat.

The scallions above are grown in greenhouses, otherwise you can't eat the scallions now, they will all become scallions. "

Li Yi asked everyone to eat, and there were steamed eggs with horse manure and sea urchin in the tray floating on the water.

The hot spring itself is dehydrated, so add some balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, soy sauce, and garnish with shallots to supplement salt when drinking juice.

Without train transportation, he would not be able to eat unless he went to the beach by himself.

"Sure enough, ordinary people, water too! Like a warm soup floating tray in front of me, overturning my fingers."

Li Dan paddled the water, and a moving tray floated towards him. He picked up the steamed eggs with horse dung and sea urchin and scooped them to eat with a spoon.

"Xiao Yi, what if the old man will not charge you tax in the future. The old man is afraid that they will remove the old man's teeth." Bi Go also paddled his hand.

"Unexpectedly, they released a rumor that the crowds are so terrifying!" Song Jing was frightened.

When did the people spontaneously rob the temple? Didn’t you steal some incense before?

"They should have money to buy grain? Li Yi, just tell the grain shop to sell their grain, don't starve them to death."

Su Ting was worried for the monks and Taoist priests, and he had nowhere to buy.

Li Yi didn't open his mouth. When a grain merchant dared to sell it, the people turned around and grabbed the grain shop.

"Lao Bi's shot is appropriate. They forced Lao Bi at the beginning, but Lao Bi now repays his grievances with virtue." Li Yi suggested.

"Why do you repay virtue? The old man should not go, and ask Princess Jinxian to go."

Bi Gou refused. He was afraid that he would be in the early stage.

It's different if you change to the Golden Fairy Princess. The people know the relationship between Li Yi and the royal family. The Jinxian Princess printed the scriptures is provided by Lijiazhuangzi.

"Okay, Princess Golden Fairy. It's not convenient for me to get ahead, the people will grab it for me, and I will go over and benefit them, and the hearts of the people will be cold."

Li Yi agrees with Bi Gou's candidate, but he doesn't say anything anyway.

He didn't expect the people to react so fiercely to help him clean up.

I owe a lot of favors! I have to work hard to find a way to lead the people in Henan Province to live a good life.

"Sea urchin steamed egg, doesn't it taste good with oyster sauce?"

Li Longji doesn't care about monks and Taoist priests. It belongs to catastrophe, it is recorded in history books, and deserves it!

He ate steamed eggs, thinking about dropping a few drops of oyster sauce, so he didn't need soy sauce.

"Oyster sauce is not easy to melt. It will affect the color of the egg when it is steamed, unless it is thinned."

Li Yi felt that the soy sauce was delicious, it was not a blended soy sauce, it had a slight taste of koji.

He said that was the case, and told the little robot to pass a message, steaming a batch of oyster sauce and sending it.

If it tastes good or not, compare it.

Li Longji took another bite. The first time he ate it, the sea urchin shells looked all thorns.

"Brother Yi doesn't want to invite the people of Henan province to eat sea urchin steamed egg?"

Li Longji believes that the people support Yidi so much, Yidi wants to express.

"Not this year. There are not so many sea urchins. The railway is repaired to Bohai Bay, and the seafood from Bohai Bay is shipped quickly.

Sea urchins are strenuously fished, and it is best to cultivate them. The Bohai Sea is better. Sea water is better.

If you have a lot of food, let the people of Henan Prefecture eat it again, and the Datang Chaotian Fund will be responsible for it.

In winter, it will snow on the north side of Bohai Bay, and it will be cold, and the fishing products will be frozen, and they will be transported by ship to Haizhou by railway to Luoyang.

Your Majesty invites the people to eat seafood, fish from Haizhou to make grilled fish fillets for the children to taste. "

Li Yi said that he began to arrange winter activities, he couldn't afford to invite sea urchins, because there were too many people in Henan.

Li Longji is satisfied: "It's so good. After this incident, you have to be prepared to discuss the Fa with them at any time, and they can't retreat."

"Yes, I will accept half of the property. Take precautions in advance. For example, they plant beans under the Buddha statue, and the Buddha statue is unearthed. It is written in the newspaper first.

There is also the use of phosphorous fire to make patterns at night, not to mention this.

Tell them all the methods they can use during the day, and force them to talk to me at night.

It is convenient for me to use it at night. Where is the right choice? "

Li Yi understood what Li Longji said that monks and Taoists could not retreat. They had to fight, even if they knew that giving up half of the property was a great risk.

Regardless of the way, the people will always grab it.

Today, people grab incense, sesame oil, and rough edges of paper, and tomorrow, as soon as the things grown in the ground mature, the people will go back home one after another, carrying sickles or plundering them.

"They played a stinky move." Li Rizhi popped his head out of the water and spoke.

He sank and scalded his face just now, wiped the water off his face with his hand, and then opened his eyes.

Lu Huaishen picked up a sliced ​​orange: "Yes, after the competition, they won, and they have to pay 50% of the tax to show their generosity and show them to the people.

Half of the lost property must be handed over to Xiao Yi. If you don't give it, the people will demolish their place. "

Lu Huaishen has helped both Buddhism and Taoism to figure out the way to retreat, and how to operate it will eventually lose interest in exchange for a way to survive.

The behavior of the people tells them who is the victor. It is not because of the Dharma Dao, but the people's will.

"Xiao Yichu came to Luoyang to pay a bribe!" Bi Gou said, pinching a few pine nuts and biting them.

"I am still offering bribes, such as giving people pine nuts.

What do you bite the open pine nut? The shell was accidentally broken, and it tasted like teeth.

This is dry-frying and pressing open, with water in the mouth.

Eating deep-fried with a bright appearance is not good for your health, so I didn't make it. "

"The old man is so old, and he still cares about that many? It's not easy to eat some pine nuts when I didn't know you. They are all raw, or else they are roasted."

"Bite! Don't bite with your own teeth, you have to make up for the ballasts, and you will get nerves if you don't get it right."

"You know, use your front teeth." Bi Gou started, pinching the pine nuts, afraid of getting his nerves.

It will hurt for two days to get a nerve once. If you do not use anesthetics, you can take anesthetics and extract your teeth for at least five or six days.

Without anaesthetic to get the nerve, use acupuncture, acupuncture and moxibustion, the sense of a place becomes weak.

There are a lot of needles, every time I prick it, I ask if I feel it, and adjust it if I have it.

"The proprietor, Lord Jin Xian mainly used one of my brothers to send messages and then answer the phone to arrange manpower. She said she didn't want to go back to Luoyang Palace, so she gave orders here."

The little robot shouted on the shore, in fact, it can enter the water, and its waterproof performance is good.

"Also! Send hazelnuts, chestnuts, fried noodles, and water chestnut powder if you have it.

Oh, brown bread and pickles, see if the pot is robbed? The robbed ones fill the cauldron and let them boil water or make soup.

The sesame oil will not be given for the time being. Soybean oil will be sent. Tell them to sauté the pot and use chopped green onion and sauce.

A lot of oil was eaten by them, and the believers thought they had all lighted up. "

Li Yi asked, and despised those people by the way.

Many people always think that all the sesame oil in temples is used to light lamps, but in fact monks and Taoist priests cook and eat.

Some monks follow different sects and eat meat.

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