Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1976 The Value Is Not Waiting To Laugh After The Disaster (Third More)

The chief felt what Li Endong wanted to express, mainly because he had never seen the world.

He didn't feel embarrassed either. They belonged to the legendary Li family Zhuangzi.

He asked: "How much is a thousand ji?"

"One million dollars is enough for people in your clan to eat food for 20 years, eat hard, and eat to death."

Li Endong used food to compare, but he didn't use bicycles to compare with kerosene lamps or clocks.

He also didn't mention the housing prices in Luoyang. One thousand yuan bought a house for a tribe of the other party. He couldn't buy many rooms, and he was guaranteed not enough to live.

When the other party heard about twenty years of grain, he was already stupid, so much?

"I believe you." The leader felt a little drunk, he walked back dangling, and said to the own clan.

"Will you say that?" Li Enxi came over and asked, purely a lie, how can it be compared with the current food prices?

"I didn't lie, let's go there?" Li Endong raised his chin over there.

"Go, more than five hundred people." Li Enxi decided to go.

Southwestern people don't know the language here, and they can only communicate in simple sign language and individual words when they have more contact.

Before they came, they studied specifically, and there were several groups of people, and the group of five of them had the best results.

Two people rode over in a sleigh, with two horses.

When they got there, they saw a group of people crying.

One after another wooden houses were crushed by the heavy snow, and many people ran to the sledges to cover the Southwestern army coats to keep warm.

Others hugged each other with red and swollen hands.

"Did some people support themselves with their bodies when the wooden hut was crushed, and died by themselves, and the children survived under them?"

Li Endong's eyes were red, and he asked in a trembling voice.

Southwest, who was waving his clothes before, shook his head vigorously: "No, they ran out yesterday, with such a heavy snow, how dare they stay in the shack?

Their belongings were buried, and their sheep froze to death.

It turned out that there were 22 horses, and 13 were left. Those nine were upside down, too few to be huddled together to warm up against the wind and snow.

They can't dig anymore now, the things are buried and they have not eaten. "

"Ah~!" Li Endong and Li Enxi breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, thinking they were dead.

Things are easy to handle, easy to handle without food, there is food, we are crowded, and we have tools to help you dig.

The horse and the sheep are dead, so peel them and eat meat.

It’s not a problem to put the alive into the team and raise something delicious.

Lijiazhuang's disaster relief only looked at people, not property.

Then they laughed, very happy, no one is dead!

Someone is upset, come over with a knife.

Can you still laugh? This is the case in my clan.

The southwest is rushing around, what are you doing? I want to play?

"Misunderstanding, listen to me, people are not dead, everything else is easy to handle, we help you dig out, we are worried that some of you are dead, everyone is alive, shouldn't you be happy?"

Li Endong understood that he should not laugh.

The other party was stunned, then looked at a group of people who were helping to dig things, and nodded: "Happy!"

"Yeah! You can't dig anymore, your hands are swollen, come with us to eat, they dig first." Li Endong issued an invitation.

"We don't want something like this. We are from Datang Lijiazhuangzi." Li Enxi added.

The leader glanced again, not knowing whether he saw the opponent's force and number, or believed the words of the two, nodded and greeted the tribe to eat.

When they arrived here on the sled, the leader was completely relieved.

With so many horses, I really look down on something in my own clan.

There are people from other tribes who have seen them themselves, and ask them in the past.

His people began to soak their hands and feet with warm water, and they were numb and swollen, as if they were slightly pierced with a needle.

Then rub soap and pots of black water.

Simply get them into a separate tent, set a brazier, leave a vent, and they will wash and rub them slowly by themselves.

The chieftain and the other six chieftains went into a tent to wash, mainly chatting and familiarizing themselves with the situation.

The six tribes have clean clothes, which are temporarily worn by their tribesmen, and they will be changed after their tribes have washed their clothes.

In a full hour, more than five hundred people washed their hair and shaved their scalp with a grate.

My hair was wet, I wrapped it in a towel and rubbed it back and forth, and put skin cream on my hands and face.

The fingernails and toe nails were all cut, one by one, except for the redness and swelling of the exposed hands, everything else changed.

The others did not eat, and they used to help find things, and the dead animals were processed into leather and food.

"I'm not afraid of frostbite. When we return to Luoyang, the proprietor will give me some medicine, and then adjuvant treatment, there will be no recurrence in the coming year."

Li Endong shouted and took a trumpet. He already knew that the leader of this tribe was persuaded by the leaders of the other six tribes to go back to Datang.

If you don't go, after this heavy snowfall, a tribe with more than 500 people will be left with more than 300 people.

Everything was buried. They couldn't even eat. They were busy planing since last night, tired, cold and hungry.

After that, you might get sick. A tribe of a thousand people will say nothing.

Big disasters, let alone their tribes, the Tang drought, thousands of miles away, millions of people could die.

For example, in the history of Shandong locust plague, Shandong is east of Taihang Mountain, which is a large area.

After that, there was a severe drought in Guanzhong, and I had to go to Luoyang to eat.

Guanzhong is not Chang'an, nor is it just Jingzhao Mansion.

Switching to the northeast side, a heavy snow and white wind came down.

Except for those who died of freezing and starvation, those who died of disease later.

Many tribes are still in the autumn, and there will be no living people in the spring of the coming year.

History books will not record it, because it is too remote and remote.

The leader of the local tribe knew that there was only one way in front of him, and he would follow to Datang.

Going to Bohai is also okay, but how will life be better in Bohai?

Do you still have the status of your own tribe in Bohai? Attached to people, dignity does not exist.

Since you follow everyone, why not follow Datang?

In the same situation, the people in Bohai will help them dig out something and return it to themselves?

Or can you let your people take a bath, change their clothes, and be ready to eat?

Look at the other six tribes. There are fewer people than the own. How cute are children when they blink their big eyes?

"The proprietor must be happy, isn't it?" Li Ennan asked the other four people before eating after noon.

If there are too many people looking for it, will it be a burden for the proprietor to go back?

"There are only more than two thousand people in total. Our Li Family Zhuangzi can afford to raise them for nothing, not to mention they can still work."

Li Enxi said with an unreasonable worry about you, what kind of burden is 2,000 people?

How many people were there in Jingzhao Mansion? After the proprietor allows others to come, how much will the number increase? Is it arranged?

Now the proprietor goes to Luoyang, thinking that the population there will also grow, not in the thousands, but 100,000, hundreds of thousands.

"It consumes a lot, but trades less with Bohai." Li Enzhong considered the exchange of resources.

"Isn't people the most important thing? More than two thousand people who are familiar with the situation in the Northeast, if they go back and teach them well, it is more important than the things they change." Li Enxi said again.

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