Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 199 Childhood Demeanor (Fifth)


Young children sing charmingly, to remember the childhood man. But it has been several years in his life, and the people sighed over the years.

A smile becomes Yanran, just like a plum blossom. Not afraid of westerly wind and cold weather, with its own fragrance.

"In the first year of the Kaiyuan, Qingming Tomorrow, Your Majesty's Endeavour in the Tang Dynasty, the people's hearts are warm. In the first year of the Kaiyuan year, along with happiness, Queen Rongde goes to the people, and the Tang Dynasty is a long time ago. There are strong men, shaking the edge of the Yi, I, Tang, is better than before... "

The little children of Lijiazhuangzi continued to go west from the East City until they arrived at Pingkangfang, and their shouts changed again.

Because Pingkangfang is Miyagi, Li Yi thought that the Queen's life might be difficult now, and he needed an assist.

He always felt that if the Queen and Queen Wang Yourong had not been killed by Li Longji, then Maweipo would not happen afterwards.

At that time, a group of people forced Li Longji to kill Concubine Yang and replace it with the Queen?

Don’t see that Queen Wang is very old at that time, she can still charge.

No one knew that Li Yi had this plan. If they hadn't had a guard riding on the horse to stare at, they would rush over and hug the child.

The ones in front are all four or five-year-old children with serious expressions on their little faces.

When walking, follow the rhythm, throwing your calves and shaking your little arms, as cute as you want.

People like to take out one alone, let alone a large group.

Chang'an people have never seen such a situation, the travel of the scholars is messy, and the travel of the army is less elegant.

The little guys worked hard to line up in a neat line. Some of the feet were wrong, and the back touched the front, and the front was quickly changed. After the correction, it was wrong and then changed.

I saw many people recalling the things they had when they were young, and the impression was vague. The innocence at that time was worn away by the years, and they could only turn into a sigh at this time.

A cold wind blew the floating ashes on the street, and the little guys bowed their heads together, waiting for the wind to pass and raise their heads.

The few in front narrowed their eyes, rubbed them, shed two tears, wiped them, and showed a smile to the caring adult next to them.

That kind of cuteness, that kind of strongness, like winter plum blossoms, proud Xue Lingshuang. It's heart-shaking.

The girls in Pingkangfang rushed out, regardless of the children's team, they squatted down and hugged each other.

"Everyone, you'everyone', can't kiss anymore, drooling, scornful, hurry, don't hug, go to the imperial city."

Song De and the dealers stopped him. Is this guy crazy?

Finally, I persuaded the girls from Pingkangfang and began to wipe and anoint the child who had been confused by the kiss.

Skin care products made with tea oil, white wax, beeswax, and glycerin are called ‘clam oil’.

Clean it up, that's it.

The team was reorganized, and the children continued to move forward while smashing the cannon.

Many people have heard of it, and even rushed over on horseback to take a look.

There are large families who run clan schools and Yamen run government schools, and they are embarrassed when they see it.

How can anyone make clothes for running a school? And look at which fabric is worth a lot, and the small shoes are also very beautiful.

The child walked in front, followed by the motorcade, and the girls' motorcade from Pingkangfang also came out and followed together. This is Li Langzhuang's doll.

They listened to what the children said, discussed it, and arranged the music temporarily.

Chang'an Ling Pei Yaoqing saw it too, and watched with the two county princes, very depressed.

Chang'an County naturally has government schools, not for the Imperial College and Imperial School, but for teaching children.

Pei Yaoqing felt a lot of pressure. Today Lijiazhuangzi’s children come out to show their faces, and tomorrow others will compare Changan Mengxue with them.

That uniform costume, that spirit, is something other educated children don't have.

Someone must have accused him of this county magistrate. Look, look at the local villagers that are run by others. Your Chang'an order is not even comparable to the proprietor of a villager?

"It's not comparable." Pei Yaoqing murmured, "Is there any reason? Li Yi, I'll drop a brother Yi, are you going to die as a brother?"

"This is troublesome." County Cheng Fan Ai grimaced.

"Oh!" Another county Cheng Du Yin only sighed.

"Huanzhi, if we also give the money, the county's Mengxue will follow suit." Fan Ai was afraid that his parents would come and beat him, trying to find a way.

"Youlan, is that a matter of money? Li Yi's course was changed by him to a mess. The children have to learn discipline, then tell stories, and keep cultivating this collectivist spirit. Yes, Li Yi said so. of."

Pei Yaoqing knew how much Li Yi had done and took care of him.

What I see before my eyes is the result of all things being piled up together. What can only be done with money?

Pei Yaoqing was worried, and the sound of relatively neat horseshoes appeared.

From the Miyagi side, a group of cavalry came on, one by one with tall horses, and the horsemen were dressed in black and gave red cloaks.

Wear light armor, crown helmet, back crossbow, and hang a hard bow.

A banner was waving in the wind, with the word ‘fly’ written on it.

Seeing these people, many onlookers knew their identity. It is said that they are the strongest Yulin Feiqi in Datang today.

Two hundred Yulin Fei rode over, went to the side, smiled at the little guys, and waved.

The little dolls replied with big smiles and realized that they were always in Zhuangzi before, and the proprietor said to take them to play, and they laughed.

However, when the proprietor said that he was playing with it, these Uncles stopped laughing and became scared, and they didn't know what they were afraid of.

Among the people watching was a young woman. Seeing Yulin Feiqi's people laughed, they suddenly became noisy.

"Wow! So they laugh. They have seen it twice before, and they always have a straight face."

"It's so good to smile, and it's good to be stern, what's your name?"

"Fortitude, it is said that they trained to die for a lifetime and crawled out of the dead."

"Looking at it, he is not strong enough, not as good as the helper son of the old nine family, who is a big flesh and strong."

"Tell them to take off their clothes and look again. The scars on their faces are all beautiful, good men."

"The neck and shoulders are bulging, so I promise to be stronger than that of someone's helper son."

"The cute baby is with them, beautiful."

The women talked, laughed, and made noises.

Not only did they see the strong contrast and harmony between the child and Yulin Feiqi when they were together, but also the others.

The difference between the two is obviously so big, when Yu Lin Fei rides off his horse and walks by the side, the child and the feeling are as a whole.

"This is discipline, a person taught by the same model." Li Longji spoke to Zhang in the carriage.

Zhang said he wanted to come and have a look, but when he saw it, he was taken into the car.

"The craftsmen of Lijiazhuangzi are also disciplined, and there is no way to build a circle without rules. The little guys are blessed." Zhang said with emotion.

Now the children are still young and they receive basic education.

After that, literacy is similar to arithmetic, and Li Yi will certainly continue to teach other subjects.

As for what Li Yi will meet, does that need to be said?

"San Lang, Uncle Zhuangzi still has few guards. It is better to resettle some of the people from the Zhechong Mansion who fought in the war. It is best if there are no elders in the family."

Queen Wang saw the wounded twenty veterans, some of them were riding on horses. The calf under one leg was empty and did not step on the stirrups.

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