Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1984 Currency is easy to change and difficult to shop (first)

"The sweet potato slices should not be cooked for too long, they will be cooked in a few minutes."

In the evening, Zui Xianju had hot pot together, Li Yi told others.

"I got the news in the afternoon that the Buddha and Dao have reached a consensus. I want to choose a day without a month to formally invite Li Yi to give lectures on the scriptures. The date is set on the night of the full moon next month."

Su Ting picked up a slice of sweet potatoes and threw them in a pot to boil, saying the information provided by the intelligence personnel in the afternoon.

"Oh, there are still more than 20 days. I guess they are preparing props, training manpower, and want to play a large-scale Illusion Art show with me.

Speaking of this Illusion Art, the royal family has performances, and the veteran monks are proficient in fooling people.

If I specifically give them some tools, I want them to be even more powerful.

Okay, I recently wondered what kind of assistance I need that day, and where should I choose the location? "

Li Yicai came out and wanted to play big things, such as performing a moon landing and flying into the sky.

Just hang a rope, they don't have a wire rope, they can have a strong silk rope.

Then there must be places for hanging things, such as next to a cliff, where a tall building is, and a long, sturdy pole is stretched out to hang a string.

"If it snows heavily and I preach to them on flat ground, there will be fewer methods they can use, right?"

Li Yi suddenly thought of a shameful idea. You contrived, it snowed at the full moon, and the lights shone again, just like the day.

The snow is in the hands of God, he can set the place.

"Xiao Yi, let them choose, let's watch the excitement." Concubine Doulu wants to watch the big Illusion Art show a duel.

"They estimate that they can choose places with mountains, buildings and water to facilitate Tibetans and arrange props.

The people watching the excitement happened to go to the Martyrs Cemetery to pay homage to the immortal heroes who were fighting for the country.

I also asked the monks and Taoists to go there and tell them who gave the people of Datang a good life. "

Li Yi agreed, play!

Liyuan, Pingkangfang, and Si Gongfang are just performing shows and can perform for a few more days.

"Xiao Yi, the cost of exchanging the exchange voucher with Lijiazhuangzi for issuing banknotes by the court..."

Bi Gou finally found a chance to speak and asked quickly. He waited all afternoon.

"Oh, the paper currency of the court is printed, and when the exchange voucher is worn out, it will be directly replaced with the court's when it needs to be replaced."

As Li Yi said, he fished out the sweet potato slices that he put in the pot and it was cooked.

Bi Gou was stunned, after a few breaths: "So simple?"

"Otherwise? If you don't want to control the cost, you can actually return it directly, not bad for the money.

Now that the paper-making technology has improved again, new redemption vouchers will be applied.

Large sums of fifty bucks and above are used, and less than twenty bucks are not used. The cost of a paper currency is about one buck. "

Li Yi focused on the topic and said that now the technology of Lijiazhuangzi is updated, and the more it is made, the more expensive it is.

"Why is this?" Song Jing was puzzled, and the cost was too high.

"It's strong and not easy to damage. The people don't worry about it. The small denomination is seriously damaged, and it doesn't even feel bad if it is removed.

After the court issued paper money, the gold and silver shops added additional functions and started other financial businesses.

Especially for deposits, the bank after the rich people put their money in.

Even if the access level is lost, it can be taken according to the registered hometown and handprint, which is a little troublesome. "

Li Yi pushed forward step by step, not daring to suddenly open all financial products, especially stocks and futures.

When the imperial court issued banknotes, crops happened to be extended to Datang.

Food prices have fallen, and crops have been turned into fodder to feed poultry and livestock.

When banks appear and interest exists, the currency should depreciate.

Because there are so many things, the depreciation of the currency is offset by the increase in the number of food and livestock.

When the currency has not depreciated, you will fight for eight coins, and when the currency has depreciated, you will fight for five dollars.

Calculated on the basis of grain alone, it is no problem to depreciate by 60%.

In fact, it can't be calculated like this, it needs comprehensive consideration.

"Brother Yi takes care of it!" Li Longji said, greeted everyone to eat, don't think about the future.

It's not suitable to ask at the moment, so I go back to read, and if I don't understand, ask Own Yidi.

Everyone relaxes and enjoys the food.

The court ladies and eunuchs served, stealing food from time to time.

They ate rice noodles and crab-flavored crisps, which Bi Gou gave to the Ministry of Husbandry and ordered recipes from Li Yi.

Lijiazhuang makes a lot of preparations for service staff who cannot eat in time at work.

The court ladies and eunuchs put them in their pockets, with pine nuts and hazelnuts, to eat a few bites when they were hungry.

I am afraid that there will be a lot of movement when eating, and it can contain sugar, and a piece of sugar will not fall down due to low blood sugar.

The minister, Li Longji and others didn't say anything when they saw it, so don't delay doing things.

"Rigid and soft, the road in Lingnan, according to the current technology, can be repaired, from Lingnan to the Yangtze River."

Zhang Jiuling came to Li Yi's side with his own tableware and sat down.

"Some people in Zhuangzi have gone to Ezhou and other places. According to the actual situation, Zhuangzi bought a lot of land to give a sample to the local people."

Li Yi thinks that there is no problem. The road has been repaired and it is good.

"Train." Zhang Jiuling said two words.

"Train, build the train road in Lingnan? Send more cattle over, the train... Well, build the road first, try to make the road flat and spacious."

The train tracks from Guangzhou to the Yangtze River appeared in Li Yi's mind. How did they fix it? How long does it take to repair?

The railway in Guangzhou seemed to be repaired in a detour, going west to Changsha, and then turning to Wuhan in the northeast.

It’s not going directly to the Yangtze River, so it’s better to build a normal road, the national highway, and take large animals.

"Can't fix it?" Zhang Jiuling is rather regretful. He sees the convenience of the train, and the speed is so fast!

"In theory, there is no railway track that cannot be built. But looking at the moment, with the money and manpower, many other roads can be built, which is not worth it."

Li Yiquan, don't worry, there will be no railway coming from Guangzhou in the next five years.

If you want to fix it, fix it in stages, fix one segment first, solve the logistics of the two places, and then fix it as you develop.

A little bit, one city is connected to another city, and finally a railway network is formed.

Ordinary roads are simple, as long as you can walk horses, cows, mules and donkeys!

If Shangling is struggling, either open up the mountain like Dayuling, or walk around the mountain.

Isn't Shi Xiazi's road in their village the winding mountain? That location is key, and you can see a large area around you.

"Alright!" Seeing Li Yi's refusal to agree, Zhang Jiuling gave up: "It is possible that the merchants of Guangzhou Ships Trade Department can make donations for the expansion."

"No!" Li Yi shook his head: "People have already paid the tax, so it's up to them to pay the extra money. The people around can use it."

Li Yi opposed the vigorous exploitation of businessmen. The common people had an annual adjustment. When building the Great Yuling Mountains, they took advantage of that opportunity. The common people had nothing to do and went to build roads.

If it exceeds the time required by the common people, we will give extra money. When we are on duty, we will give more delicious food, so that we can grow a few kilograms of meat after finishing the work.

"Yeah!" Zhang Jiuling took the things and left again. He came over and didn't eat a bite. Why bother to move the tableware?

Li Yi was quite puzzled. Come over and sit by yourself and ask, what can it affect?

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