Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1993 Water Curtain Doesn't Need to Be More Advanced (First)

"Li Lang, why don't we load things here first and mark out a good position so that we can get the chance at that time."

Princess Yongmu couldn't see what was strange here, but she knew how to get an idea.

Li Yi smiled slightly: "Let's not let go of anything. We choose it specially for them, so we have to let them play as much as they want.

Everyone wants to watch a wonderful performance. There are many ways of Buddhism and Taoism, but they have to be arranged.

My method is more advanced and more gorgeous than theirs.

They know that own Dharma manifestation and Taoism are fake, and I want them to think that I am real. "

"Don't put the water curtain? The water curtain is very real." The most fun thing Princess Yongmu has seen so far is the water curtain.

"The water curtain is too low-level. It's okay for the'Everyone' performance in Pingkangfang and Liyuan, but it's not suitable to compete with them."

Li Yi waved his hand, the people already knew about the water curtain, especially the people in Chang'an.

Using the same method again seems to be inferior.

The common people found that the water curtain resembled the shadow of a lantern, and they revolved around.

It's just that the water curtain uses some special methods to take pictures of people and things.

It is said that some places encounter cloudy and thunderstorm days, and there are also sounds and patterns on the rock walls.

"Does it consume a lot of life?" Princess Yongmu knew that she needed to change her life.

"Not much, but there is still money to be made. Collect half of their taxes, and then take half of the property, and use it on people's livelihood to make a lot of money!"

Li Yi shook his head, how could this be compensated?

At present, the most important thing in Datang's social development lies in the material, and the spiritual aspect is normal. When the material foundation is improved in the future, the spiritual...seems to be pretty good right now.

The scholars of Datang dared to draw their swords, and the people of Datang knew honor and disgrace.

There are many Fanbang people in Chang'an and Luoyang, and the people of Datang do not look down on them, let alone bow down.

Many of Confucian thoughts have not yet gone out of shape, and it is not that they are getting more and more finished in the late stage.

"Wait for a while, let's once again contend with a hundred schools of thought."

Li Yi didn't want to dominate Confucianism, now he reverted to other ideas and improved his status as a craftsman.

I teach myself some more knowledge, just like the Italian Renaissance, which affects the whole of Europe.

Datang is easy to operate, following the first industrial revolution.

The symbol of the first industrial revolution was the steam engine.

"Oh oh oh!" Princess Yongmu nodded happily when she heard that the life span was okay. She didn't care much about other things.

‘Dududu,dududu. The walkie-talkie on Li Yi's body rang. He was out and brought an walkie-talkie.

There is no other signal interference and influence, and the transmission effect is particularly good.

After answering, Xunxin said the content of the telegram sent back from Bohai.

"I see, let Zaifu and Your Majesty worry, I'm busy here." Li Yi hung up after listening.

Princess Yongmu blinked: "Da Zuorong wants to grab something?"

She found this situation from the information, looking forward to it.

"With a hundred courage from him, he has the ability to merge the Xi clan and Qidan into Own Zhenguo as early as possible."

Li Yi knows that any leader wants to have a wireless messaging tool that is super long-distance.

"Wen Tian, ​​you said that if I go to Chang'an, I will not throw out a bunch of profiteers' tools first, but will seize the time to build a telegraph machine. What will be the consequences after it is finished?"

Li Yi suddenly thought of a situation and asked Princess Yongmu with a smile.

"Yao Chong arrested you and locked you up, my dad, your majesty just thinks the things you made are easy to use. You are a person, it doesn't matter."

Princess Yongmu thought for a while to answer, the contact process is different, the result is different.

"Actually, I have to make farm tools first. I raise forty-two students, which is called a scholar, and then make small tools for use in farming, which is called farming.

In the matter of selling soy sauce, in fact, if anyone is robbed, I will give it to him. There are many ways to make money.

But I must stand in a sufficient position, otherwise I can't push hard, the height is too low, and no one listens to what I say. "

Li Yi thought about the situation at that time, pursing his lips and showing a slight smile.

"Therefore, Li Lang, you have got a lot, and you come over step by step, as if everything has been arranged. It's amazing!"

Princess Yongmu sincerely praised, who has an own man in the whole world?

The queen's man is not good, own Li Lang doesn't want to be the emperor, it's not that he can't be.

"Actually, my biggest gain is that I met you. With your beautiful face around me, the world has nothing to ask for."

The timbre of Li Yi's voice has changed, and it is deep and magnetic.

"Yeah!" Princess Yongmu lowered her head slightly, then raised her suddenly, looking at Li Yi's eyes.

The two people's faces got closer and closer, Li Yi's hand was resting on Princess Yongmu's waist, and Princess Yongmu's hand was resting on Li Yi's shoulder.


‘Dududu, dududu...’

The two let go at the same time. Li Yi picked up the walkie-talkie, and a voice came from inside: "Proprietor, Bi Zaifu asks you and Da Zuo Rong to send a message by telegram, do you want to charge Da Zuo Rong?"

"Cracking, squeaking," Li Yi grinds his teeth: "You ask him to ask your majesty, don't tell me this kind of thing in the future."

"Oh!" Li Yi sighed and put away the walkie-talkie.

"Call Bi Gou into Tuan'er!" Princess Yongmu's face was still red, and she actively asked Bi Gou to go into Tuan'er.

"No one can take over now. When he trains his manpower well, if you don't let him join the group, he will ask for it himself."

Li Yi suddenly felt better. Look, Lao Bi now even Princess Yongmu helps you.

"Yeah! It's better to be in the group. Like Yao Chong, they are responsible for patrolling Datang, and they don't have too much worry about them, and they have a lot of welfare benefits.

The key is that they can still follow Li Lang at any time, delicious and spicy.

The children of their family promised to work hard to study the books you wrote, and they will still be officials when the time comes. "

Princess Yongmu admitted that the group is better and comfortable.

Of course, she is the most comfortable, she can ignore everything, her status is still high.

Originally, she was in a good position. She was the largest in this generation. Not counting other clan members, she must have the same father.

The following are her Little Brother Little Sister, because they are girls, there are no boys popular.

Like Li Tan, this belongs to the eldest son of the emperor, followed by the second son born in the same year.

But after meeting Li Lang, all the princes and not the princes stood aside.

Own mothers have become concubines, mothers rely on daughters to be expensive.

"Go, take a stroll, and look again."

Li Yi took Princess Yongmu's hand and walked to the river in front, and the wheel of the aircraft pulled down and pulled.

"Is there a big fish in such a small river?" Princess Yongmu walked to the river and asked who she pointed at the river.

"There are big fish, big fish. They are very fast! Run over to see the terrain first."

Li Yi looked at a few dry reeds by the river and whispered.

"Huh?" Princess Yongmu rolled her eyes and stared at Reed, covering her mouth and laughing.

After laughing for a while, he dragged Li Yi to another place and walked out more than a hundred meters before he said: "There is no such reed here. They dived from the water?"

"Yeah! How else can people fool people? Work hard." Li Yi followed with a smile.

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